On Wed, 10 Apr 2024 17:18:55 GMT, Anthony Scarpino <ascarp...@openjdk.org> 

> In `ECOperations.java`, if I understand this correctly, it is to replace the 
> existing `PointMultiplier` with montgomery-based PointMuliplier. But when I 
> look at the code, I see both are still options. If I read this correctly, it 
> checks for the old `IntegerFieldModuloP`, then looks for the new 
> `IntegerMontgomeryFieldModuloP`. It appears to use the new one always. Why 
> doesn't it just replace the old implementation entry in the `fields` Map? Is 
> there a reason to keep it around?

Hmm, thats a good point I haven't fully considered; i.e. (if I read correctly) 
"for `CurveDB.P_256` remove the fallback path to non-montgomery entirely".. 
that might also help in cleaning a few things up in the construction. Maybe 
even get rid of this nested ECOperations inside ECOperations.. Perhaps nesting 
isnt a big deal, but all attempts to make the ECC stack clearer is positive!

One functional reason that might justify keeping it as-is, is fuzz-testing; 
with the fallback available, I am able to write the included Fuzz tests and 
have them check the values against the existing implementation. While I also 
included a few KAT tests using openssl-generated values, the fuzz tests check 
millions of values and it does add a lot more certainty about correctness of 
this code.

Can it be removed? For the operations that do not involve multiplication (i.e. 
`setSum(*)`), montgomery is expensive. I think I did go through the uses of 
this code some time back (i.e. ECDHE, ECDSA and KeyGeneration) and existing 
IntegerPolynomialP256 is no longer used (I should verify that again) and only 
P256OrderField remains non-montgomery. So removing references to 
IntegerPolynomialP256 in ECOperations should be possible and cleaner. Removing 
IntegerPolynomialP256 from MontgomeryIntegerPolynomialP256 is harder 
(fromMontgomery() uses IntegerPolynomialP256) but perhaps also worth some 

I tend to like `ECOperationsFuzzTest.java` and would prefer to keep it, but it 
could also be chucked up as part of 'scaffolding' and removed in name of code 

Thanks @ascarpino 

PS: Perhaps there is some middle ground, remove the `ECOperations 
montgomeryOps` nesting, and construct (somehow?? singleton makes most things 
inaccessible..) the reference ECOperations in the fuzz test instead.. not sure 
how yet, but perhaps worth a further thought..


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18583#issuecomment-2048159645

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