On Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:30:14 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Thinking about this some more, would it not be possible to just use the 
>> mainMethod directly down in C?
> The changes JEP 463 went through many iterations, it was a fine balance of 
> avoiding too many transitions and upcalls, and at the same time, have 
> something that can be maintained. There are several JBS issues on this issue 
> now, probably because there just wasn't enough tests introduced with the JEP.

FWIW, just ran into this as well. I was trying to do `System::loadLibrary` and 
had no clue why I could load non-existent libraries. Turns out I couldn't :-) 
but the error was never reported back to me. Confusing.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18786#discussion_r1570997544

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