Presently, I'm implementing operations for a WASM emulator/runtime, so it's
more a case of transitively acquiring use cases from WASM, though I'm also
doing this specifically to practice accomplishing useful things with the
vector API.

Regarding saturating arithmetic: WASM has operations for that as well (both
signed and unsigned), so on that basis alone it would be a welcome addition
as far as I'm concerned. FWIW, another simple use case for saturating
arithmetic is audio processing/mixing (when processing many channels at
once) because saturation closely matches analog clipping, and also perhaps
image compositing for similar reasons.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 1:40 PM Paul Sandoz <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> It’s not at all outlandish, but would caution it's more work than one
> might initially think.
> Could you describe a little more about your use case? that can be helpful
> to understand the larger picture and demand. Using unsigned comparison
> would be my recommended approach with the current API. CC'ing Sandhya for
> her opinion.
> Generally when we add new Vector operations we also consider the impact on
> the scalar types and try to fill any gaps there, so the vector operation
> behavior is composed from the scalar operation behavior (so like you
> indicated regarding symmetry).
> We are seeing demand for saturated arithmetic primarily for vector (not
> “vector” as in hardware vector) search, so we may do something there for
> specific integral types.
> Paul.
> > On Apr 17, 2024, at 7:13 AM, David Lloyd <> wrote:
> >
> > I've been trying the the incubating Vector API and one thing I've missed
> on integer-typed vectors is having unsigned min/max operations. There is a
> signed min/max operation, and unsigned comparison, but no unsigned min/max.
> >
> > I guess this is for symmetry with `Math`, which only has signed
> `min`/`max`. However, I would point out that while it's not very hard to
> implement one's own unsigned min/max for integer types using
> `compareUnsigned`, it is a bit harder to do so with vectors. The best I've
> come up with is to take one of two approaches:
> >
> > 1. Zero-extend the vector to the next-larger size, perform the min/max,
> and reduce it back down again, or
> > 2. Add <IntType>.MIN_VALUE, min/max with a value or vector also offset
> by <IntType>.MIN_VALUE, and then subtract the offset again
> >
> > I guess a third approach could be to do a comparison using unsigned
> compares, and then use the resultant vector mask to select items from the
> original two vectors, but I didn't bother to work out this solution given I
> already had the other two options.
> >
> > Would it be feasible to add unsigned min/max operations for vectors? It
> looks like at least AArch64 has support for this as a single instruction,
> so it doesn't seem too outlandish.
> >
> > And as a separate (but related) question, what about
> `Math.minUnsigned`/`Math.maxUnsigned` of `int` and `long` for symmetry?
> >
> > --
> > - DML • he/him

- DML • he/him

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