On Fri, 10 May 2024 14:54:10 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/io/JdkConsoleImpl.java line 61:
>>> 59:     @Override
>>> 60:     public JdkConsole println(Object obj) {
>>> 61:         pw.println(obj);
>> Are these `println(...)` and `print(...)` methods intentionally not using a 
>> `writeLock` unlike the `readln(...)` and `readLine(...)` methods which do 
>> use (read and write) locks?
> When implementing, I asked myself if I must use any of those monitors and 
> decided that I don't have to. My reasoning is below.
> `readLock`:
> - is used inside the object that `Reader reader` is initialised with, and
> - it also guards fields such as `char[] rcb`, `boolean restoreEcho` and 
> `boolean shutdownHookInstalled`.
> Since `println` and `print` don't call methods on `reader` or access the 
> above fields, they don't require `readLock`.
> `writeLock`:
> - is used inside objects that `Writer out` and `PrintWriter pw` are 
> initialised with, and
> - also in compound operations that first write and then immediately read. (I 
> assume, it's so that no concurrent write could sneak in between writing and 
> reading parts of such a compound.)
> `println` or `print` don't call methods on `out` and certainly don't do any 
> write-read compounds. That said, they call methods on `pw`. But `pw` uses 
> `writeLock` internally. So in that sense we're covered. 
> One potential concern is a write-write compound in `print`:
>     @Override
>     public JdkConsole print(Object obj) {
>         pw.print(obj);
>         pw.flush(); // automatic flushing does not cover print
>         return this;
>     }
> I'm saying write-_write_, not write-_flush_, because as far as 
> synchronisation is concerned,  `pw.flush()` should behave the same as 
> `pw.print("")`.
> While not using `writeLock` is not strictly correct, I believe the potential 
> execution interleavings with other writes are benign. What's the worst that 
> could happen? You flush more than you expected? Big deal!
> Since we exhausted all the reasons to use `writeLock`, I don't think we need 
> one.
> Naoto has already reviewed this PR with only minor comments. While that 
> increases my confidence in that the implementation is correct, it doesn't 
> hurt to request re-review of this specific part: @naotoj, do you think I 
> should use any of those monitors?

I think your investigation is correct. As to the write-write case, there 
already is the same pattern in (`formatter` basically utilizes `pw` underneath) 

    public JdkConsole format(String fmt, Object ... args) {
        formatter.format(fmt, args).flush();
        return this;

So I think it is acceptable.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19112#discussion_r1596976499

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