This is the implementation changes for JEP 471.

The methods in sun.misc.Unsafe for on-heap and off-heap access are deprecated 
for removal. This means a removal warning at compile time. No methods have been 
removed. A deprecated message is added to each of the methods but unlikely to 
be seen as the JDK does not generate or publish the API docs for this class.

A new command line option --sun-misc-unsafe-memory-access=$value is introduced 
to allow or deny access to these methods. The default proposed for JDK 23 is 
"allow" so no change in behavior compared to JDK 22 or previous releases.

A new test is added to test the command line option settings. The existing 
micros for FFM that use Unsafe are updated to suppress the removal warning at 
compile time. A new micro is introduced with a small sample of methods to 
ensure the changes doesn't cause any perf regressions.

For now, the changes include the update to the man page for the "java" command. 
It might be that this has to be separated out so that it goes with other 
updates in the release.


Commit messages:
 - Update man page
 - Fix comment
 - Merge
 - Merge
 - Whitespace
 - Initial commit

  Stats: 1251 lines in 26 files changed: 1152 ins; 5 del; 94 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/19174/head:pull/19174


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