
With Stephen/Roger's comments, as well as Kevin's observation that until(end) has a good argument ordering that is easy to understand, I'd still propose `until()`. Please post if you have further comments.


On 5/3/24 6:39 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:

I would also reinforce Stephen's early observation that the pattern for "until" methods in java.time includes those of the XXXDate classes, with a single Temporal parameter.  Period and Duration are similar values holding relative TemporalAmounts.

     public Period until(ChronoLocalDate endDateExclusive)

In addition to Instant, the LocalTime class might also benefit from adding:

     public Duration until(LocalTime endExclusive)`

The API design of java.time included an emphasis on consistent naming across the packages.

Regards, Roger

On 5/2/24 4:01 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
`Temporal` interface is clear that its `minus` methods return objects of the same `Temporal` type, and `until` calculates the amount of time until another `Temporal` type. Introducing `Instant.minus` that returns `Duration` would be confusing to me.


On 5/2/24 10:41 AM, Éamonn McManus wrote:
I'd say too that this makes intuitive sense based on algebra. If we have:
/instant1/ + /duration/ = /instant2/
then we can subtract /duration/ from both sides:
/instant1 = instant2 - duration/
or we can subtract /instant1/ from both sides:
/duration = instant2 - instant1/

There's no manipulation we can do that would cause us to try to add instants together, and it's a bit surprising for the API to allow the first subtraction but not the second. I also think that if I see instant2.minus(instant1) it's immediately obvious to me what that means, while instant1.until(instant2) seems both less discoverable and less obvious.

On Thu, 2 May 2024 at 10:29, Louis Wasserman <lowas...@google.com <mailto:lowas...@google.com>> wrote:

    That doesn't follow for me at all.

    The structure formed by Instants and Durations is an affine space
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affine_space#Definition>, with
    instants the points and durations the vectors.  (An affine space is
    a vector space without a distinguished origin, which of course
    Instants don't have.)  It is 100% standard to use the minus sign for
    the operation "point - point = vector," even when "point + point" is
    not defined, and to use all the other standard idioms for
    subtraction; the Wikipedia article uses "subtraction" and
    "difference" ubiquitously.

    Personally, I'd be willing to live with a different name for the
    operation, but consider "users keep getting it wrong" a strong
    enough argument all by itself for a version with the swapped
    argument order; it's not obvious to me that another API with the
    same argument order adds enough value over Duration.between to
    bother with.

    On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 10:04 AM Stephen Colebourne
    <scolebou...@joda.org <mailto:scolebou...@joda.org>> wrote:

        On Thu, 2 May 2024 at 15:58, Kurt Alfred Kluever <k...@google.com
<mailto:k...@google.com>> wrote:
         > instant − instant = duration // what we're discussing
         > instant + duration = instant // satisfied by
         > instant - duration = instant // satisfied by
         > duration + duration = duration // satisfied by
         > duration - duration = duration // satisfied by
         > duration × real number = duration // satisfied by
         > duration ÷ real number = duration // satisfied by
         > All but the first operation have very clear translations from
        conceptual model to code. I'm hoping we can achieve the same
        clarity for instant - instant by using the obvious name:

        But you can't have
          instant + instant = ???
        It doesn't make sense.

        This is at the heart of why minus isn't right in this case.

    --     Louis Wasserman (he/they)

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