On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:10:28AM -0400, Joe Korty wrote:
> >> Ward and others have tried this board in the past. 

Yeah - I still have a test setup and need to get back to this soon. I'm just
tied up with too much other stuff. Bleh.

> There seems to be
> >> something wrong with multi-core setup for K10.
> > I think that why Ward had problems with this CPU family is for the same
> > reason why I had problems with it on different boards, the resource map!
> > I started using the one from the h8dme fam 10 board. So maybe you should
> > try another resource map from another fam 10 board.
> >> If you search the mailing list for "h8dme fam10", it might give you
> >> some help.  I would disable all the other processors until you get the
> >> board working.
> >> Qemu and SimNOW are both helpful, too.  SimNOW exhibits the same
> >> problems for fam10 as hardware (super slow initialization and problems
> >> with logical CPUs), so fixing it there would probably help.
> Myles and Knut,
> Thanks!  I'll probe these ideas and see what happens.
> Another data point: It _does_ continue after the hang, but it takes about
> an hour. 

Oh! That's interesting. I never tried to leave the board alone for that long.

> I image each memory write is timing out so a bunch of writes via
> memset drags the total timeout to an hour.  At that point we try to load
> the payload so it seems that I am really really close to the end here....

It does sound like it. 


Ward Vandewege <w...@fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation - Senior Systems Administrator

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