On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Julius Werner <jwer...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> > My question is basically what happens when bytesout and bytesin are both
>> > non-zero. My previous understanding was always that the SPI controller
>> It's up to the spi controller itself. They should support full duplex,
>> if possible.
> And if not? The problem is that right now xfer() means two different things
> depending on which controller implementation you talk to. Isn't that a
> pretty bad situation? The point of having an API is that you can program
> something without having to care (too much) what implements it on the other
> side. The behavior of the same call shouldn't change based on the
> implementation, other than aborting for requests that the implementation
> cannot support.

How does it mean two different things? The pairing of a controller and
device where a full duplex operation is needed but the controller
doesn't support things should indeed fail. I do not undertand how
xfer() means two different things. Whenever pairing hardware together
one needs to validate that things work when married.

> I think if we want to allow full-duplex, then any controllers that don't
> support full-duplex should error out if their xfer() is called with two
> buffers. They shouldn't just do something different than what the
> controllers which support full-duplex would do if they were called the same
> way. If the caller wants to transfer things one after the other, it needs
> to use xfer_vector() with two vectors or do two separate xfer() calls.


>> cmd *then* response behavior. As you noted you'd have to eat the cmd
>> bytes in the receive buffer. The issue is that we are dealing with 2
>> different types of spi *flash* controllers:
>> 1. generic spi controller that can do any normal spi thing
>> 2. spi flash controllers on x86 systems. The ones on x86 systems are
>> not a normal spi controller, and they can't really be treated like
>> one.
>> The spi flash drivers previously made assumptions around #2 in that
>> they would/could send din/dout in a full duplex manner assuming #2
>> semantics -- basically very not normal spi.
> Right. So I think the way spi_flash.c is written right now looks good, if
> we want to consider transfers full-duplex. do_spi_flash_cmd() correctly
> builds a vector with two separate transactions, one out and one in. My
> problem is just that the Intel controllers then implement xfer_vector()
> with spi_xfer_two_vectors() which just merges it back together into a
> single xfer() call, with different semantics than what the other
> (full-duplex-supporting) controllers use for xfer(). That just seems
> wrong... xfer() is an external part of the SPI controller API so it should
> have the same semantics for all controllers. If the Intel flash controllers
> want to do something special with what do_spi_flash_cmd() gives them, they
> should have their own custom implementation of xfer_vector() that doesn't
> call xfer() and instead calls something internal to them which implements
> this behavior, while xfer() should conform to the standard API (as best as
> it can).
>> mediatek does that for reasons I'm not aware of.
> I think they just copied off the wrong implementation when writing that
> driver and I didn't notice during review. Like I'm saying, I think the
> current situation is very confusing, especially to those vendors who see it
> for the first time. The MediaTek controller is definitely capable of
> full-duplex AFAIK, the driver is written in a way that explicitly avoids
> being full-duplex right now.
>> That's just to combine the two ops spi flash cmds follow. Those
>> helpers are there only for that purpose. If you look at the spi flash
>> API buffers are passed in for getting data back, etc. There's no where
>> to eat the setup cmd pieces w/o sending two ops down to the controller
>> aside from realloc'ing a buffer with the larger size then memcpy()'ing
>> back into the original buffer. Otherwise you are putting the burden on
>> the higher layer callers to somehow know they need to pad their
>> buffers. Also, the x86 spi flash controllers need all the info at once
>> as a fused op.
> Right, I get that those x86 flash controllers need to treat this specially.
> I just think their xfer_vector() implementation shouldn't go back and call
> xfer() like that (in a way that xfer() is normally not meant to work).
> Their xfer_vector() should do the operation directly, and their xfer()
> should be a different implementation that follows the normal API for xfer()
> as best as it can (or if they can't do that at all they just shouldn't
> provide an xfer() callback).

OK. It's just moving code around.

>> One could never connect a generic spi device to an x86 spi *flash*
>> controller.  That's similarly why is the special function
>> flash_probe() in spi_ctrlr. It's to bypass the spi driver probing
>> because it's not possible to probe the way the drivers are written.
> Okay. It's fair that some controllers can only support very special use
> cases. But the spi_ctrlr API overall is still a generic SPI API that may be
> used for flash and for other things, so I think xfer() and xfer_vector()
> always need to have the same semantics for everything that implements the
> API. If a controller cannot implement anything that's not an xfer_vector
> with exactly two transfers (one out and one in), it needs to return an
> error if it's invoked in any other way. It shouldn't just do something
> that's not conforming to the way other controllers would treat that call
> instead.

Again, moving code around.

>> Speaking with my flashrom hat on, it's a bit more complicated.
>> Duplex perspective:
>> There are two main types (and a few subtypes) of SPI controllers used
>> for flash:
>> 1.) Full-duplex controllers: Capable of sending and receiving at the
>> same time
>> 1.a) For each clock cycle, a bit is sent and a bit is received at the
>> same time (e.g. Raspberry Pi SPI)
>> 1.b) For the first 8 clock cycles, a bit is sent. After that, for each
>> clock cycle, a bit is sent and a bit is received at the same time (e.g.
>> AMD SB600 and successors)
>> 1.c) After a defined number of clock cycles, a constant number of bits
>> is ignored in both directions (e.g. 8 bits ignored for FAST READ
>> command, supported by some controllers)
>> 2.) Half-duplex controllers: Capable of either sending or receiving at
>> any given time
>> 2.a) Send-then-receive: A number of bits (>0) is sent, and after that a
>> number of bits (>=0) is received (e.g. Intel SPI)
>> 2.b) After a defined number of clock cycles, a constant number of bits
>> is ignored in both directions (e.g. 8 bits ignored for FAST READ
>> command, supported by some controllers)
> I think from this perspective, the coreboot API should always assume 1.a.
> All other controllers need to interpret the API requests that way and try
> to fulfill them with what they have. For example, that AMD controller that
> can do full duplex for all but the first 8 cycles (1.b) would have to have
> a custom xfer_vector() implementation that checks if it was given two
> vectors, where the first one has 8 bytes out with no bytes in, and the
> second one has N bytes out and N bytes in. It could fulfill that, and for
> other requests that it can't fulfill it would have to return an error.
>> Programming perspective:
>> 1. Single-transaction programming: Send+receive count as well as send
>> buffer and optionally receive buffer supplied in a single call, CS (chip
>> select) happens automatically at the beginning and end of the transaction
> This model can't use the normal SPI API at all and instead has to implement
> a custom flash_probe() function where it can install its own spi_flash_ops
> object. We have some controllers like that already.
>> 2. Separate CS programming, single-transaction buffer handling: Activate
>> CS, send+receive count as well as send buffer and optionally receive
>> buffer supplied in a single call, deactivate CS
> This one can use the SPI API and only has to implement xfer().
> spi-generic.c will automatically turn spi_xfer_vector() calls into multiple
> invocations of xfer() for it.
>> 3. Separate CS programming, two-transaction buffer handling: Activate
>> CS, send count+buffer in one call, optional receive count+buffer in one
>> call, deactivate CS
>> 4. Separate CS programming, multi-transaction buffer handling: Activate
>> CS, send count+buffer in multiple calls, optional receive count+buffer
>> in multiple calls, deactivate CS
> Both of these can use the SPI API but need to implement their own
> xfer_vector(). In there they could check whether the vectors they were
> given match the transaction model they support, and if not they would have
> to return an error. They should not implement the normal xfer() callback at
> all, unless they can support a transaction with a single buffer.
>> >> An SPI ROM read transaction packed into a single xfer() call (command
> in
>> >> dout, data read into din) would work fine with the second
> interpretation
>> >> but return garbage (first 4 bytes dropped and everything else shifted)
> with
>> >> the first interpretation.
>> The other way round: It would return 4 bytes of garbage, then everything
>> but the last 4 bytes shifted, and the last 4 bytes woud be dropped.
> Right, thanks, it's that way around.

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