Am Di., 9. Feb. 2021 um 11:34 Uhr schrieb Arthur Heymans <>:

> So TL;DR:
> - Is (temporarily) adding a tool to the blobs repo ok?
If it matches the requirements of the blobs repo wrt. license terms and
documentation, I don't see why not from a formal perspective.
It's telling though (in the sense of a Freudian slip) that you put the
"temporarily" in parentheses already: interim solutions like these tend to
survive their best due date ;-)

> - Is integrating an (optional) not yet open tool into the build system ok?
This one is IMHO the bigger issue: that tool will only run on
Linux/x86(-64?), and probably only with a select set of libc
implementations. While we have portability issues every now and then,
they're always accidentally introduced because our testing isn't good
enough while adding this to the build flow deliberately makes all other
platforms second tier build hosts.

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