
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to coreboot found 
with Coverity Scan.

2 new defect(s) introduced to coreboot found with Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

** CID 1458232:  Null pointer dereferences  (REVERSE_INULL)
/src/drivers/usb/acpi/usb_acpi.c: 130 in usb_acpi_get_pld()

*** CID 1458232:  Null pointer dereferences  (REVERSE_INULL)
/src/drivers/usb/acpi/usb_acpi.c: 130 in usb_acpi_get_pld()
124     };
126     bool usb_acpi_get_pld(const struct device *usb_device, struct acpi_pld 
127     {
128             struct drivers_usb_acpi_config *config = usb_device->chip_info;
>>>     CID 1458232:  Null pointer dereferences  (REVERSE_INULL)
>>>     Null-checking "usb_device" suggests that it may be null, but it has 
>>> already been dereferenced on all paths leading to the check.
130             if (!usb_device || !usb_device->chip_info ||
131                     usb_device->chip_ops != &drivers_usb_acpi_ops)
132                     return false;
134             if (config->use_custom_pld)
135                     memcpy(pld, &config->custom_pld, sizeof(pld));

** CID 1458231:  Incorrect expression  (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
/src/drivers/usb/acpi/usb_acpi.c: 135 in usb_acpi_get_pld()

*** CID 1458231:  Incorrect expression  (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
/src/drivers/usb/acpi/usb_acpi.c: 135 in usb_acpi_get_pld()
130             if (!usb_device || !usb_device->chip_info ||
131                     usb_device->chip_ops != &drivers_usb_acpi_ops)
132                     return false;
134             if (config->use_custom_pld)
>>>     CID 1458231:  Incorrect expression  (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
>>>     Passing argument "pld" of type "struct acpi_pld *" and argument "4UL /* 
>>> sizeof (pld) */" to function "memcpy" is suspicious.
135                     memcpy(pld, &config->custom_pld, sizeof(pld));
136             else
137                     acpi_pld_fill_usb(pld, config->type, &config->group);
139             return true;

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, 

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