At 10:29 AM 10/28/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
Is there a phone that is programmable enough to store secrets
on and sign and decrypt stuff?

The ideal crypto device would be programmed by burning new
proms, thus enabling easy reprogramming, while making it
resistant to trojans and viruses.

there are a couple different trust relationships ... the issue of the user trusting the keyboard/terminal ... and the issue of the relying party trusting the keyboard/terminal.

The FINREAD terminal ... misc. (EU) finread references:

supposedly is certified as an stand-alone external keypad and display that can't (very difficult) in being hacked. the financial scenario is that the display can be trusted to display the amount being approved .... the user puts in his card and enters their pin/password. The pin-pad is certified as not being subject to virus keyloggers (that you might find if a PC keyboard was being used).

For the relying party (say an online financial institution) ... the user putting their card into the reader ... and the card generating some unique value ... would indicate to the relying party "something you have" authentication. The user entering a PIN can both indicate "something you know" authentication as well as implying that the user aggrees/approves with the value in the display.

Note that the implied agreement/approval ... in not just dependent on the user entering the PIN ... but also on the certification of the terminal ... that the terminal doesn't accept the PIN until after the certified terminal displays the correct value (i.e. there is a certified business process sequence).

The entering of the PIN can also involving transmitting some form of the PIN to the relying party ... and/or the PIN is passed to the smartcard/chip ... and the chip is known to only operate in the appropriate manner when the correct PIN is entered. In this later case, the relying party doesn't actually have knowledge of the "something you know" authentication .... but the relying party can infer it based on knowing the certified business process operation of all of the components.

Lets say the unique value provided by the smartcard is some form of digital signature ... and the relying party infers from the correct digitial signature "something you have" authentication. There is still the trust issue between the relying party and the terminal used by the user .... which may also require that the (certified eu finread) terminal also performs a digital signature .... in order for the relying party to be able to trust that it really was a terminal of specific characteristics ... as opposed to some counterfeit or lower-trusted terminal.

There is still the issue of the user trusting such a terminal. If the terminal belongs to the user .... in the user physical home space .... then there isn't as much of a trust issue regarding the user trusting the terminal.

The problem arises for the user if they are faced with using a terminal in some random, unsecured location some place in the world. Even in the situation where a relying party receives a valid transaction with a valid digital signature from a certified, known finread terminal ... there are still a number of MITM attacks on finread terminals that might be located in unsecured locations (various kinds of overlays and/or intermediate boxes capable of performing keylogging and/or modified display presentation).

The personal cellphone and/or PDA ... with user "owned" display and key entry .... is a countermeasure to various kinds of MITM attacks on terminals in public &/or unsecured locations
(user has no way of easily proofing that they aren't faced with some form of compromised terminal environment).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler

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