Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On Tuesday 21 June 2005 13:45, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>>Best Current Practice, a special-case type of RFC.  Based on recent experience
>>with this style of collaborative document editing, I've set up a wiki at
>>http://blockcipher.pbwiki.com/, blank username, password 'sbox', for anyone
>>who wants to add their $0.02 about what to do/what not to do to protect block
>>ciphers from side-channel attacks.  If it works out, this could turn into a
>That's what I like, action, not words!  To celebrate this, I've stuck some
>words in there which others can act on ;-)

Uhh, that wasn't really what I was after, that's pretty much textbook stuff,
what I wanted was specifically advice on how to use block ciphers in a way
that avoids possibilities for side-channel (and similar) attacks.  I have some
initial notes that can be summarised as "Don't let yourself be used as an
oracle" that I was planning to add after I've fleshed them out a bit.


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