On Jul 14, 2010, at 1:52 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:

> What's the current state of affairs regarding combined encryption and
> authentication modes?
> I've implemented draft-mcgrew-aead-aes-cbc-hmac-sha1-01 (I think, I
> couldn't find test vectors), but I later came across CCM and EAX.  CCM
> has the advantage of being NIST-reviewed.  EAX can do streaming (but
> that's less useful when doing authentication).  Neither seems to be
> widely implemented.  But both offer a considerable reduction in
> per-message overhead when compared to the HMAC-SHA1/AES combination.
> Are there any other alternatives to consider?  

If there is no room for or an integrity field, you can look at XTS-AES.

> Are there any traps  should be aware of when implementing CCM?

CCM is a "counter mode cipher", so don't reuse the count (with any reasonable 


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