Let's assume hardware is zero ... it's a really variable cost, so I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is a trivial cost compared to legal and audit costs, etc.

So what does it cost to start a root CA, get properly audited (as I see the root CAs are) and get yourself included into, say, firefox or chrome ?

A followup question would be:

Is inclusion of a root CA in the major browsers a "shall issue" process ? hat is, you meet the criteria and you get in ? Or is it a subjective, political process ?

Finally, it seems to me that since there re so few root CAs (~30 ?) and the service provided is such an arbitrary, misunderstood one, that existing CAs would be actively trying to prevent new entrants ... and establish themsevles as toll collectors with a pseudo monopoly ... what evidence (if any) do we have that they are pursuing such an ecosystem ?

Thank you.
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