On 8/01/13 15:16 PM, Adam Back wrote:
IMO it is very bad practice that a number of banks use a domain that does
not match the main domain and brand for the login.  I have seen multiple
examples of what James mentioned.  For example www.natwest.com it does not
redirect to HTTPS, further when you click on login, it goes to
https://www.nwolb.com, and further chrome's green certifcate info field
shown to the left of the URL says "The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc

I love this - everyone has a story about how their bank is just totally hopeless.

My bank is called CBA. It sold me a "safe" worldwide credit card replacement thing which required a registration. I went onto the CBA webpage to find the page to do the registration, and found a link on a random unprotected non-SSL page, to somewhere else.

That took me to some random thing like internationalmoney.com. I phoned up the bank to complain and check ... they guy looked at the page and said, "sure, that's it!" Reading from the same webpage. I said "you are training your users to be phished" and he didn't even get flustered.

Whatever this domain was, I did the traceroute and whois and found that the whole thing was a totally independent outsourced organisation outside CBA's country. As it turns out, it was outsourced to HP's cloud operation in California.

On the same day, I read an article in the major newspaper from the IT director of the bank saying they would never ever outsource customers' data outside the bank.

So.  Totally hopeless.  A recipe for disaster.

Obviously we cannot fix this. But what we can do is decide who is responsible, and decide how to make them carry that responsibility.

Hence the question.  Who is responsible for phishing?

Vendor?  CA?  User?  Bank?  SSL techies?

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