HARICA votes "yes" to ballot CSC-20.

On 12/10/2023 5:43 μ.μ., Corey Bonnell via Cscwg-public wrote:

Purpose of the Ballot

This ballot updates the "Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Code Signing Certificates" version 3.4 in order to restore a version reference to the Extended Validation Guidelines which was inadvertently removed in a previous version of the Requirements. In addition, a minor typographical issue is also resolved.

The following motion has been proposed by Corey Bonnell of DigiCert and endorsed by Bruce Morton of Entrust and Dimitris Zacharopoulos of HARICA.


This ballot updates the “Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Code Signing Certificates” (“Code Signing Baseline Requirements”) based on version 3.4.

MODIFY the Code Signing Baseline Requirements as specified in the following redline: https://github.com/cabforum/code-signing/compare/93ee9976cdc4e1104952146e3556800459694874...50b40d41319ffae5fec9c9dd22ae6ebb55c34ba1 <https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/github.com/cabforum/code-signing/compare/93ee9976cdc4e1104952146e3556800459694874...50b40d41319ffae5fec9c9dd22ae6ebb55c34ba1___.YXAzOmRpZ2ljZXJ0OmE6bzowMzQ0NjRlZGEyZjc4ODQ4MjNiMmQ3N2M3ZTEyZWM3ZDo2Ojk2OTA6ZDA1OGQ4YzIwYTY1M2M5ODQ1NGVmOWFlNTA3ODQ5MTZhNzczMGYwZmZjYjhkNGI5MmZjMDY2YmRlZGE4ZTRkMDpoOkY>


The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:

Discussion (7 days)

*             Start Time: 2023-10-05 12:00 UTC

*             End Time: 2023-10-12 14:45 UTC

Vote for approval (7 days)

*             Start Time: 2023-10-12 14:45 UTC

*             End Time: 2023-10-19 14:45 UTC

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