CSCWG Meeting 2023-10-19

Thursday, October 19, 2023



*       Aaron Poulsen - Amazon Trust Services
*       Andrea Holland - VikingCloud
*       Atsushi INABA - GlobalSign
*       Bruce Morton - Entrust
*       Corey Bonnell
*       Dean Coclin-DigiCert
*       Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
*       Ian McMillan - Microsoft
*       Janet Hines - VikingCloud
*       Richard Kisley - IBM
*       Mohit Kumar - GlobalSign
*       Rollin Yu - TrustAsia
*       Scott Rea - eMudhra
*       Tim Crawford - BDO/WebTrust



*       Assign Minute taker (start recording)

*       Ian McMillan

*       Roll call

*       Completed by Dean

*       Antitrust Compliance Statement

*       Completed by Dean

*       Review Agenda

*       No comments on the agenda

*       Approval of prior meeting minutes - F2F 5 Oct, Need minutes!

*       Minutes received from Mohit
*       Need to get other half of the minutes from Tim Callan (Dean to
follow up)

*       Ballot CSC-20 Restore Version Reference to EV Guidelines

*       Voting completed and it has passed with quorum 

*       Ballot CSC-21 Signing Service

*       In discussion period
*       Comments on the definition of Signing Service

*       This definition must not apply to a subscriber and that includes
when the CA is a subscriber itself.
*       Current definition seems to not be clear for CAs that leverage a
Signing Service they provide and how the Subscriber Agreement would apply or
not in this case.

*       Microsoft has a case where the Signing Service does a Subscriber
Agreement with the CA service team with a separation of duties between the
teams, so there is precedence for this behavior.

*       Signing Service does not include a subscriber's managed signing
*       New proposed definition: An organization that generates the key pair
and securely manages the private key associated with the code signing
certificate on behalf of the subscriber.

*       Audit Requirements and Audit Dates

*       We should consider an effective date to allow for Signing Services
to comply with the requirements

*       There should a ramp up period or include it in the next audit period
so not to include it current audit periods.
*       We need to give CAs runway to get this into their audit plans
*       We should provide an effective date of 6 months from the projected
ballot completion timeframe (e.g. June 1, 2024) for the audits starting
after that effective date.

*       Section 8.4 currently requires a Signing Service to comply with the
audit requirements for a CA or a Delegated 3rd Party

*       Is it possible that CSBRs say Signing Services must comply with the
requirements including audits for the NetSec BRs, but they are not?
*       How does a CA know there is a Signing Service or not?

*       Resellers come into the picture here
*       Previously we questioned if Signing Services should have these audit
requirements and we talked ourselves into it.
*       We can lean on the Subscriber Agreement and Subscriber Warranties to
push the audit requirements onto 3rd party Signing Services and Resellers

*       How are these enforced?

*       3 scenarios here.

*       CA that provides a Signing Service to Subscribers

*       Assumption is these are already being audited

*       CA that partners with a 3rd Party Signing Service to the CA
*       Subscriber uses a unaffiliated 3rd Party Signing Service to use a CA
issued code signing certificate (CA may or may not be aware there is a
signing service in the loop unless the Subscriber notifies the CA)

*       More or less a private key protection service
*       This is not easy here to tell when 3rd party Signing Service is

*       First focus on Signing Services that CAs know about, but this will
not be equivalent

*       CAs with a Signing Service has the hardest compliance challenge, but
a unaffiliated 3rd party Signing Service (Reseller) would not have the same
*       We should consider dropping these audit requirements on the Signing
Services and focus on the subscriber private key protection requirements

*       The one point we are considering is the Signing Service risk with a
multi-tenant service, this is the same as Resellers.
*       Can we look at prohibiting Resellers from having an unaudited
Signing Service?

*       We made a lot of progress here so we should consider moving forward

*       Consider using the S/MIME BR language for effective date,
Bruce/Corey to review that language 

*       Proposed Ballot High Risk

*       No updates until CSC-21 is completed

*       Proposed ballot Remove EV Guideline References

*       Will pick this up once we have all the notes from the F2F discussion

*       Proposed ballot CSCWG Charter Update

*       Need Martijn to update here

*       Other business

*       None

*       Next meeting - 2 November



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