found this book for 50 cents today:
EVERY SECRET THING Patricia Campbell Hearst with Alvin Moscow
Doubleday & Company Inc. NY 1982

p. 375 "When the first of the psychiatrists came to see me on
September 30, 1975, just eleven days after my arrest, I simply crumpled
under his scrutiny. I cried, murmuring and mumbling out replies that were
not answers to his questions. He thought I was refusing to cooperate with
him. This was Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Chairman of the Department of
Psychiatry at UCLA, Director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute,
Psychiatrist-in-Chief of UCLA Hospitals, a licensed MD, Chairman of the
Council on Research and Development of the American Psychiatric
Association, psychiatric consultant to the Air Force, author of books and
studies on prisoners of wars, an internationally recognized expert in his
field. I thought he had a creepy hypnotic voice. A tall, heavyset man who
appeared to be kindly, I suspected "Jolly" of being too smooth, too
soothing to be trusted."

p. 376  "Dr. West, I thought, was inordinately interested in the sex that
went on within the SLA, particularly in the lesbian relationships. He
seemed to think free sex was an integral part of the cell and I could sense
that he simply did not believe me when I told him the comrades were more
devoted to combat drills and training for the revolution than to sex. But
then, even eminent psychiatrists  have been conditioned to certain
stereotaypes which they take for granted."

p. 376-77  "Dr. West also ordered a complete physical checkup for me at
Stanford University Hospital ... The gynecological examination was
positively brutal and by the end of it I was in hysterics, sobbing, as I
writhed in pain. When they led me to another room and attempted to sedate
me in order to shove some electrodes up my nose for an
electroencephalogram, fear overwhelmed me. I did not know what they were
trying to do. I feared electric-shock treatment. I feared everything and
everyone; I was helpless. ... Dr. West also called for a complete battery
of psychological testing for me and brought in Dr. Margaret Singer, a
renowned and respected clinical psychologist from UC-Berkeley [tests:
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for my IQ, the Rhode Sentence Completion
Test, the Draw-A-Person Test, the Gough Adjective Checklist, the Murray
Thematic Apperception Test administered twice, the Sargent Insight Test,
the Rorschach Procedure, and the lengthy Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory administered twice.] ... I was quizzed and questioned by two
other court-appointed psychiatrists, Dr. Donald T. lunde and Dr. Seymour
Pollack. ...

p. 378   "Dr. West, as senior member of the team, diagnosed my condition as
a "traumatic neurosis with dissociative features" ...
and recommended private, individual psychotherapy preferably in a hospital
setting and out of prison, to restore my mental health.
... One day Dr. Singer said she wanted me to see another doctor. ... I was
visited by a rather heavyset man who spoke in a thick Viennese accent
straught out of Freud. This was Dr. Martin Orne, who was a psychiatrist and
a psychologist, from the University of Pennsylvania. For hours over two
separate visits, I went over my whole story again for him, except that Dr.
Orne frequently seemed to misunderstand me. He would leap to conclusions or
suggest events that had not  happened, and I would have to correct him. I
thought him very strange. Some of his questions were most extraordinary. He
acted or commented as thought he was not believing a word I was saying, and
at the same time he seemed unable to comprehend what I was trying to tell
him in response to his questions. Only at the end of the last session with
him did the doctor reveal his thoughts. The doctor smiled at me in
avuncular fashion, patted my hand, and said, "Miss Hearst, you really
shouldn't feel embarrassed. Stronger men than you have cracked and
cooperated with the enemy under less tortuous conditions. The only thing
surprising about all this is that you are here with us today. You suffered
severe sensory deprivation being tied up and blindfolded in that closet for
so long. Other people subjected to such sensory deprivation would have
given up the will to live. They just curl up and died, deprived of their
senses for so long. You survived and that is remarkable in itself. You are
a survivor." ... His particular field of expertise was lie detection and
deception ... Dr. Singer and Dr. West were happy to tell me that I had
passed Dr. Orne's scrutiny with flying colors."

p. 380 [West and Singer recommended] "Dr. Elizabeth Richards, a
psychiatrist in private practice in Palo Alto ... I came to understand my
feelings of guilt and inadequacy over having been brainwashed and
manipulated by the SLA"

[this is where the "real" brainwashing kicks in?]

p. 381-6  "During the Korean War ... when the war ended, several of our men
refused to return home ... scandal of major proportions at the time, an
embarrassment to American patriotism, and only after that had our Defense
Department engaged psychologists to study the phenomenon of brainwashing.
During the Vietnam War, the same thing happened again: more televised false
confessions by servicemen taken prisoner of war. This time, the Army hired
Dr. West, Dr. Orne and others to set up a program to train our pilots and
soldiers in resisting the coercive persuasion of the Communist North
Vietnamese. Dr. Orne organized an experiment in the Arizona desert in which
one team of Air Force pilots acted as prisoners of war, with instructions
on how to resist revealing the game's military secrets; the other team was
instructed on how to coerce those simulated secrets out of their prisoners.
The experiment was to last two weeks and it was expected that perhaps 6 to
8% of the simulated prisoners would break down, confess and reveal secrets.
These were officers, trained combat pilots, and all the instructions and
training given to them beforehand did not help. Held prisoner in caged
traps, yelled at in a phony gibberish language, and interrogated
unceasingly, more than 25% of the prisoners broke down in three days. They
not only confessed their simulated secrets, they spilled out every bit of
confidential information they possessed. The other prisoners were in such
bad shape the whole experiment was called off after three days. The results
and the percentage of breakdowns were classified Top Secret.

In explaining all this, Dr. West repeatedly tried to reassure me that I had
no reason to feel guilty or humiliated. No one, including himself, Dr. West
said, could know beforehand whether they could withstand coercive
persuasion. It depended on how effective and adept the captors were and how
resistant the prisoner might be. Cinque and the others had used a rather
coarse, haphazard method, but then I had been an easy subject for them.
Because I was so young and apolitical, I had no background experience or
training with which to resist their persuasion. Nevertheless, whether or
not they knew really what they were doing, they did employ the classic
Maoist formula for thought reform on me, which Dr. West called the three
D's - Debility, Dependency and Dread. ... All of this, Dr. West
said, was based on the psychological theories underlying Chinese thought
reform. Drawn from Pavlov's early experiments in behavior modification, but
much more sophisticated, Chinese thought reform holds that if a person is
forced to recite certain ideas, even without believing them at first, he or
she will come to in time.
... We are raised to believe we enjoy freedom of thought ...
... As the date of my tgrial approached, word came from F. Lee Bailey that
I was to see one more psychiatrist, who was the expert's expert on Chinese
thought reform and coercive persuasion used on prisoners of war in Korea,
Communist China and North Vietnam. So, over a four day period in the second
week of January [1976] I spent fifteen hours going over my SLA experiences
with Dr. Robert Jay Lifton of Yale University. Dr. Lifton, author of
several books on coercive persuasion and thought reform, and a consultant
on the subjects to the Air Force, after taking what he called "a peek"
at me, pronounced me a "classic case" which met all the psychological
criteria of a coerced prisoner of war. He bemoaned the fact that he had not
been able to see me during the first two weeks of my arrest, for then he
could have observed the all-important transition from my coerced state of
mind to my present state, when I had already shucked off a good deal of the
"gunk" that had filled my mind. ... Dr. Lifton explained that many of the
released POW's in Korea "spouted Communist gunk" for a full two weeks after
being freed, until it finally dawned on them that the coercive pressure was
capitals mine, Lynne.}

... "... the government was entitled to put its own experts on the stand in
rebuttal. That meant that I would have to see two more doctors - for the
government's side. The first was Dr. Harry Kozol, an elderly, stout man
with a high squeaky voice and a strange accent. He was the Director of the
Bridgewater, Massachusetts Center for Criminally Dangerous Sex Offenders. I
had five sessions with this man. At first his questions were merely strange
and sexually oriented. [Was Cinque black? Black black or light black? What
was the color of his eyes? The texture of his hair? How did he caress you?
Tell me about the seduction. Did you kiss him? Was he circumcised? What did
your friends do? Tell me about your lover, William Wolfe.]  ... I was
frankly surprised when I met the government's second expert. He turned out
to be an M.D. and not a licensed psychiatrist at all. He was a bohemian
type with a shaven head, wearing a turtleneck shirt with strands of beads
around his neck. It seemed his specialty was treating runaway teenagers
with drug and behavior problems and he had testified at more than two
hundred trials in twenty-two states. This was Dr. Joel Fort, an 'expert
witness', who according to [Hearst's lawyer] Al Johnson, had volunteered to
testify for the defense and then had gone over to the government's side
when he was told that we could not use him. ... He thought I adored being
'Queen of the SLA' his phrase and I could not persuade him that he had it
all wrong.

... When F. Lee Bailey returned to the jail, shortly before the trial was
to begin, I pleaded with him to keep me off the witness stand. I did not
think I could bear to go over all of this one more time ... That was why
the psychiatric testimony would be so important - to link what had happened
to me to what had happened to our POW's in the Korean and Vietnam wars. 'If
you were being tried in a military court, Patty,' he told me, 'I could get
you acquitted in one day.'

p. 400-1  "Dr. West, Dr. Orne and Dr. Lifton testified for the defense ...
first one juror, then another, and then still another would seem to be
dozing off, eyes closed, head nodding. Judge Carter now appeared to be
asleep almost all the time, his eyes closed, head cupped in his hand, his
elbow on the desk in front of him. The judge, a thin, sickly looking old
man, was obviously in frail health, having been hospitalized before the
trial ... one of the newspaper artists Joe Papin captured the courtroom
atmosphere with a wry cartoon, showing everyone in the courtroom fast
asleep, including the eagle in the Great Seal of the United States, which
hung on the wall high above Judge Carter's head.

... [M.D.] Dr. Fort was on the witness stand for a full week
... Dr. Kozol ... concluded I had joined the SLA voluntarily
because I could have left when Cinque had offered me the choice.
'I would take the word of that black man,' he declared.

... It would be up to the jury to decide whether to believe Drs. West, Orne
and Lifton, with all their <<<academic honors, books and impeccable
credentials,>>>> who concluded that I was a victim, not a criminal, or to
believe Drs. Fort and Kozol ..."

           <= we're not machines you know =>
      +++ we're not going to fall over in rows +++

              Dr. King - On The Beach - 1959

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