-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  01/24/99)  --  In   these   dying  days  of  the  Clinton
smiley-face tyranny, with benevolent  fascism  gasping  its  last
breaths,  Bill  Clinton's final words, a la Charles Foster Kane's
"Rosebud," will be "Waco."

On   April   19,  1993,  nineteen  men,  thirty-four  women,  and
twenty-three children,  members  of  an  off-shoot  branch of the
Seventh Day Adventist Church -- the Branch Davidian -- died  when
federal agents stormed their religious retreat.

Those 76 deceased are waiting to  greet Bill Clinton when he goes
to his final reward.

On April 23, 1995, Bill Clinton was interviewed by  Leslie  Stahl
on  the CBS program, "60 Minutes."  Ms. Stahl had spent some time
with members of the Michigan Militia, and she probed Bill Clinton
(in part) as follows:

  LESLIE STAHL:   What  I  kept  hearing  from the militiamen
  there, and I gather this  is true among all these so-called
  "patriots",  is  the  Waco  incident.  It seems to be their
  battle cry, it's their cause.

Bill Clinton became  irate  at  the  direction  the interview was
taking. He responded (in part) as follows:

  BILL CLINTON:  I think that to  make  those  people  heroes
  after  what  they  did  --  *killing*  our innocent federal
  officials and  then  *killing*  their  own  children  -- is
  evidence of what is *wrong*... [CN 4.67]

The  Branch  Davidians  did  not  kill  their  children.  The FBI
Hostage Rescue Team  killed  the  children  and  53 adults at the
Branch Davidian mission.  The facts about what happened  on  that
dreadful  day  in  April of 1993 are well documented.  [See, e.g.
largely censored documentary, "Waco:   Rules of Engagement."  See
also books:  (1) "The Ashes of Waco" by Dick  J.  Reavis.   ISBN:
0-684-81132-4; (2) "The Davidian Massacre" by Carol Moore.  ISBN:

There are many departed souls waiting for  Bill  Clinton  on  the
"other  side."   Perhaps that waiting reunion has something to do
with the fact that  Bill  Clinton  is having trouble sleeping and
walks the halls of the White House, late at night.  Maybe  he  is
having some bad dreams.

When  Bill Clinton walks the halls, or dreams he walks the halls,
does he hear or seem to hear the wails of weeping children?  Does
he see writing, in blood, on the walls: W-a-c-o?

The  blood  of those murdered men, women, and children is calling
to Bill Clinton.  And those 76 souls will embrace him someday.

The Waco Massacre is not,  and will never be, forgotten.  Besides
the somulent  senators  and  the  sojourning  spectators  at  the
Clinton impeachment trial, the shades of those departed ones also

Implacable resistance to Bill Clinton was born on April 19, 1993.
Good-hearted Americans, from both the  "left"  and  the  "right,"
have  never forgotten the mass murder by federal agents, nor that
Bill Clinton "took full responsibility."

"Responsibility"  is  a  heavy  word.   It  is  from  the  Latin:
respondere -- "to answer, reply, make answer."

What answer will be given? It is borne on a tombstone:

            Bill Clinton: 1993-1999

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  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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