Friday, February 12, 1999 the Senate acquitted Council on Foreign Relations
member President Clinton of all impeachment charges, ensuring he will
remain in office.

At least thirteen of the 100 Senators belong to the Council on Foreign
Relations. Only five republican Senators (Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe
of Maine, Jim Jeffords of Vermont, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and John
Chafee of Rhode Island) joined Democrats in opposing both articles. Two of
the five,  Olympia Snowe and John Chaffee, are Council on Foreign Relations

Eleven Council on Foreign Relations senators opposed both articles of
impeachment. The Roll of Council on Foreign Relations Senator Votes on
Impeachment were:

Graham, Bob (D-Florida) no no
Robb, Charles (D-Virginia) no no
Moynihan, Daniel (D-New York) no no
Dodd, Christopher (D-Connecticut) no no
Feinstein, Dianne (D-California) no no
Kerry, John (D-Massachusetts) no no
Lieberman, Joseph (D-Connecticut) no no
Rockefeller John (D-West Virginia) no no
Torricelli, Robert (D-New Jersey) no no
Chafee, John (R-Rhode Island) no no
Snowe, Olympia (R-Maine) no no
Lugar, Richard (R-Indiana) yes yes
Roth, William (R-Delaware) yes yes

Roll Of All U.S. Senators' Votes On Impeachment Source: Yahoo! News
Politics Headlines

Friday February 12 12:54 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Following is a full list of how the 100 U.S.
Senators voted on the two articles of impeachment against President Clinton
Friday. There are 45 Democrats (D) and 55 Republicans (R):

                                                             - PERJURY

Abraham, Spencer (R-Michigan) yes yes
Akaka, Daniel (D-Hawaii) no no
Allard, Wayne (R-Colorado) yes yes
Ashcroft, John (R-Missouri) yes yes
Baucus, Max (D-Montana) no no
Bayh, Evan (D-Indiana) no no
Bennett, Robert (R-Utah) yes yes
Biden, Joseph (D-Delaware) no no
Bingaman, Jeff (D-New Mexico) no no
Bond, Christopher (R-Missouri) yes yes
Boxer, Barbara (D-California) no no
Breaux, John (D-Louisiana) no no
Brownback, Sam (R-Kansas) yes yes
Bryan, Richard (D-Nevada) no no
Bunning, Jim (R-Kentucky) yes yes
Burns, Conrad (R-Montana) yes yes
Byrd, Robert (D-West Virginia) no no
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R-Colorado) yes yes
Chafee, John (R-Rhode Island) no no
Cleland, Max (D-Georgia) no no
Cochran, Thad (R-Mississippi) yes yes
Collins, Susan (R-Maine) no no
Conrad, Kent (D-North Dakota) no no
Coverdell, Paul (R-Georgia) yes yes
Craig, Larry (R-Idaho) yes yes
Crapo, Mike (R-Idaho) yes yes
Daschle, Thomas (D-South Dakota) no no
Dewine, Mike (R-Ohio) yes yes
Dodd, Christopher (D-Connecticut) no no
Domenici, Pete (R-New Mexico) yes yes
Dorgan, Byron (D-North Dakota) no no
Durbin, Richard (D-Illinois) no no
Edwards, John (D-North Carolina) no no
Enzi, Mike (R-Wyoming) yes yes
Feingold, Russell (D-Wisconsin) no no
Feinstein, Dianne (D-California) no no
Fitzgerald, Peter (R-Illinois) yes yes
Frist, William (R-Tennessee) yes yes
Gorton, Slade (R-Washington) no yes
Graham, Bob (D-Florida) no no
Gramm, Phil (R-Texas) yes yes
Grams, Rod (R-Minnesota) yes yes
Grassley, Chuck (R-Iowa) yes yes
Gregg, Judd (R-New Hampshire) yes yes
Hagel, Charles (R-Nebraska) yes yes
Harkin, Tom (D-Iowa) no no
Hatch, Orrin (R-Utah) yes yes
Helms, Jesse (R-North Carolina) yes yes
Hollings, Ernest (D-South Carolina) no no
Hutchinson, Tim (R-Arkansas) yes yes
Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R-Texas) yes yes
Inhofe, James (R-Oklahoma) yes yes
Inouye, Daniel (D-Hawaii) no no
Jeffords, James (R-Vermont) no no
Johnson, Tim (D-South Dakota) no no
Kennedy, Edward (D-Massachusetts) no no
Kerrey, Robert (D-Nebraska) no no
Kerry, John (D-Massachusetts) no no
Kohl, Herb (D-Wisconsin) no no
Kyl, Jon (R-Arizona) yes yes
Landrieu, Mary (D-Louisiana) no no
Lautenberg, Frank (D-New Jersey) no no
Leahy, Patrick (D-Vermont) no no
Levin, Carl (D-Michigan) no no
Lieberman, Joseph (D-Connecticut) no no
Lincoln, Blanche (D-Arkansas) no no
Lott, Trent (R-Mississippi) yes yes
Lugar, Richard (R-Indiana) yes yes
Mack, Connie (R-Florida) yes yes
McCain, John (R-Arizona) yes yes
McConnell, Mitch (R-Kentucky) yes yes
Mikulski, Barbara (D-Maryland) no no
Moynihan, Daniel (D-New York) no no
Murkowski, Frank (R-Alaska) yes yes
Murray, Patty (D-Washington) no no
Nickles, Don (R-Oklahoma) yes yes
Reed, Jack (D-Rhode Island) no no
Reid, Harry (D-Nevada) no no
Robb, Charles (D-Virginia) no no
Roberts, Pat (R-Kansas) yes yes
Rockefeller John (D-West Virginia) no no
Roth, William (R-Delaware) yes yes
Santorum, Rick (R-Pennsylvania) yes yes
Sarbanes, Paul (D-Maryland) no no
Schumer, Charles (D-New York) no no
Sessions, Jeff (R-Alabama) yes yes
Shelby, Richard (R-Alabama) no yes
Smith, Bob (R-New Hampshire) yes yes
Smith, Gordon (R-Oregon) yes yes
Snowe, Olympia (R-Maine) no no
Specter, Arlen (R-Pennsylvania) no no
Stevens, Ted (R-Alaska) no yes
Thomas, Craig (R-Wyoming) yes yes
Thompson, Fred (R-Tennessee) no yes
Thurmond, Strom (R-South Carolina) yes yes
Torricelli, Robert (D-New Jersey) no no
Voinovich, George (R-Ohio) yes yes
Warner, John (R-Virginia) no yes
Wellstone, Paul (D-Minnesota) no no
Wyden, Ron (D-Oregon) no no

PERJURY: No-55, Yes-45


Title-50 War and National Defense § 783 states - "It shall be unlawful for
any person knowingly to combine, conspire, or agree with any other  person
to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the
establishment within the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, the
direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exercised by or under
the domination of control of, any foreign government."

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and
National Defense § 783. The Council on Foreign Relations has unlawfully
and knowingly combined, conspired, and agreed to substantially contribute
to the establishment of one world order under the totalitarian
dictatorship,  the direction and the control of members of Council on
Foreign Relations,  the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and
members of their branch  organizations in various nations throughout the
world. That is  totalitarianism on a global scale.

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