-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:487657">'PEACE ENFORCEMENT' EXERCISE IN
LOUISIANA - 5000 Army, Navy, Marines AND </A>
From: Koleshak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 6:05 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


WorldNetDaily article:

                  Another military operation in Louisiana
                  5,000 troops conduct realistic maneuvers
                  around Fort Polk

                  By David M. Bresnahan
                  © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

                  The long internal struggle in the island country
                  of Cortina has resulted in two new republics,
                  Cortina and Acadia. A multi-national force has
                  been called in to establish peace.

                  That's the made up scenario for a massive
                  military training exercise now taking place
                  over a 200 mile radius of Fort Polk, Louisiana.
                  It will conclude Feb. 17, according to a public
                  affairs spokesman.

                  Over 5,000 strong, forces from the Army, Navy,
                  Marines, and foreign military united to take
                  part in the training exercise which began on
                  Feb. 6.

                  The peace enforcement training is being
                  conducted by the Joint Readiness Training
                  Center. The scenario involves troops acting as
                  hostile forces who will not give up the fight
                  that has been waged in the fictitious nation.

                  The troops will be involved in separating the
                  remaining factions, ending the fighting, and
                  creating a "zone of separation" between the
                  warring parties. They will also be involved in
                  negotiations with non-governmental and
                  international organizations to bring peace to
                  the region.

                  Challenges will be thrown at the trainees by
                  hundreds of role players who will depict
                  refugees, prisoners of war, local citizens, and a
                  variety of civilians who need to be handled
                  properly. The role players include actual
                  representatives from many international and
                  non-governmental organizations who will

                  Participants in the exercise will be located at
                  various positions within a 200-mile radius of
                  Fort Polk, according to an official release.
                  Warnings to hunters in the area have been
                  issued, and a special complaint phone line has
                  been set up to deal with civilian concerns.

                  The "warring factions" will be made up of the
                  1st Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry
                  Regiment, opposing troops from the 2nd
                  Armored Cavalry Regiment.

                  The primary forces being trained come from
                  the 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division from
                  Hawaii. They will receive support from
                  Company C, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry from Ft.
                  Carson, Colorado; 3rd Battalion, 1st Special
                  Forces Group, Ft. Lewis, Washington; the 159th
                  Corps Support Group, a reserve unit from
                  Helena, Montana; along with Air Force units
                  from North Carolina, Texas, Washington,
                  Massachusetts, and California.

                  The exercises are said to be a general purpose
                  training exercise with no particular purpose or
                  future mission in mind. Much of Fort Polk has
                  been closed to the public during the exercise,
                  primarily for safety concerns because live
                  ammunition will be in use.

                  The Joint Readiness Training Center has not
                  conducted an exercise of this scale since
                  August 1994, when a similar peace training
                  exercise was held.

                  Military spokesmen claim this exercise is not
                  connected to the Operation Last Dance exercise
                  currently taking place in parts of nearby Texas.

                  "I live about 15 miles away from Fort Polk,"
                  Cynthia Lyles told WorldNetDaily. "This
                  sounds like martial law training to me, in the
                  name of peace, involving reserve units and
                  special forces."

                  Military spokesmen insisted the training is not
                  intended to prepare troops for domestic

                  David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for
                  WorldNetDaily.com, is the author of "Cover Up: The
                  Art and Science of Political Deception," and offers a
                  monthly newsletter "Talk USA Investigative
                  Reports." He may be reached through email and also
                  maintains a website.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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