-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.jya.com/rsa-c2-dt.htm">High Security, High Drama: RSA v.
C2 Down Under</A>

10 February 1999. Thanks to Anon and Dan Tebbutt.


The Australian, 9 February 1999
High security, high drama

RSA's local development office picked its way through an obstacle course
to challenge the US's grip on cryptography. Dan Tebbutt reports

Charles Stuckey, chief executive of Nasdaq-listed Security Dynamics,
will visit Brisbane to open the Australian arm of his subsidiary, RSA
Data Security.

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie will be there smiling for the cameras,
largely oblivious to the controversy behind the new RSA facility.

The plan for the office came to fruition following a series of
negotiations that offer an eye-opening insight into Silicon Valley

The most contentious aspect of RSA's arrival down under was the
groundbreaking grant of export licences by the Department of Defence,
which maintains tight control over encryption policy in Australia.

Defence's concessions to a US developer raise questions of credibility
and consistency: if one company has received export approval, why not

The RSA Australia story began about a year ago. At that point, Tim
Hudson and Eric Young were obscure engineers working for a small Silicon
Valley outfit called C2Net.

Within the secretive encryption community the two were recognised as
gurus because of SSLeay, Young's independent implementation of the
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol used to safeguard Internet commerce.

But most of the IT world remained unaware of their work in Brisbane.

Wider impact was unlikely while they remained with C2Net.

While C2Net president Sameer Parekh became a media darling for his
outspoken opposition to US encryption laws, the secure Web software
supplier struggled for sales and finance.

And size matters when it comes to security software. Few companies are
willing to entrust critical corporate data to a small developer that may
disappear like so many IT start-ups.

So C2Net and its Australian development arm were an obvious takeover
target when RSA – one of world's largest encryption suppliers – started
looking to expand into the SSL tools market last February.

C2Net's appeal was boosted by unique development arrangements under
which strong cryptography was cleared for export from Australia via the

This made the company immune from export restrictions and permitted it
to sell its data scrambling software into any market in the world –
including areas where RSA was blocked by US laws.

"For 13 years we have wanted to participate in markets outside the US,"
RSA president Jim Bidzos says.

Dialogue between the two companies began, and US stock-market filings
reveal that in June RSA's parent company loaned C2Net $US200,000
($308,000) to help its development efforts.

A formal acquisition offer was made the following month, according to
informed sources.

But in August the deal started to unravel over the critical issue of
intellectual property rights.

Because their SSLeay tools were distributed as freeware on the Internet,
Hudson and Young had reserved exclusive control of their intellectual
output – meaning C2Net had nothing to sell.

Parekh says middle management at RSA had misinterpreted C2Net's position
before making the acquisition offer.

"If the people in charge at RSA were fully aware of the situation from
the start, I don't think they would have spent as much time
negotiating," he says.

John Linton, former director of business development at RSA, said: "In
other words, there were no intellectual property rights owned by C2Net
that RSA could acquire."

As a result, C2Net was cut out of the picture and RSA negotiated
directly with Hudson and Young.

The two resigned from C2Net in August and the company's Australian
operations closed soon after.

But Parekh suggested C2Net's pioneering efforts showed RSA how to crack
the world markets that it desperately coveted.

"Without having spent a few months talking to us about how we deal with
international development, I don't think RSA would have realised that
such a strategy was feasible," he wrote via e-mail.

But Linton rejected as "absolutely false" the suggestion that RSA did
not know how to penetrate world markets.

Going worldwide with SSL was the key, he says.

ASIC records suggest a deal with Hudson and Young was struck by
September 17, when the new RSA subsidiary was registered – although no
formal announcement was made until last month.

Then came the hard part.

Because RSA did not want to rely on a tenuous legal loophole that
overlooked Internet exports, the company began negotiating an export
license for the Australian encryption engine.

Over several months Hudson worked hard to cultivate a smooth
relationship with the Defence agencies that administer encryption

He and Young worked with other local cryptographers to prove that their
product was developed entirely without US technology.

"We did a lot of [due] diligence to make sure that the software was not
touched by any US hands," Bidzos says.

This diplomacy seems to have paid dividends with a generous export
permit that is remarkable in several respects.

Firstly, RSA appears to have been granted a general export licence (GEL)
that allows its toolkit to be exported to any user worldwide.

Normally, developers must seek prior authorisation from Defence for each
end user that wants full-strength encryption products.

This is a time-consuming process. Mike Wynd, managing director of
Melbourne firewall specialist Norman Data Defence, says these individual
export permits (IEP) can often delay product shipment by several weeks.

Hudson would not disclose RSA's licence arrangements, but he admitted
they were "unique".

"We do appear to be the first encryption technology supplier to go
through this process with the Defence agencies and get a licence that
lets us operate and compete on a world market," he said.

This statement comes with a caveat: Defence does not disclose licence
agreements publicly.

"Information about who has export licences is something Defence treats
as extremely sensitive information," Hudson says.

But there is considerable evidence RSA obtained a broader licence than
its competitors.

Bidzos says the subsidiary has already signed deals worth several
million dollars, strongly suggesting the company has a general licence.

This inference was amplified last month when RSA announced an open-ended
licencing deal with Swedish e-commerce vendor Celo Communications – a
redistribution arrangement that would be virtually impossible with an

Equally importantly, the RSA product incorporates SSL 3.0 with the
ultra-secure Triple DES cipher.

Although companies such as Sydney-based Baltimore Technologies have
gained case-by-case approval for Triple DES, Professor Bill Caelli says
he believes this is the first time Triple DES has been approved for
general export.

"That is a massive change under the general rules in Australia," says
Caelli, head of the data communications school at Queensland University
of Technology. "In the past there has been hypersensitivity in relation
to the way cryptography is used."

Moreover, Caelli says, RSA's arrangements would pose a serious challenge
to the Wassenaar Arrangement – the multinational protocol that governs
trade in encryption technology.

"The political implications of what has happened are far more
interesting than the technology," he said.

The larger question, recently raised in The Australian by Opposition IT
spokeswoman Senator Kate Lundy, is whether RSA's groundbreaking deal
will be extended to other companies.

If Defence does not grant GEL approval to other developers of strong
cryptography, it could be accused of favouritism – to a US company, no

Parekh suggests RSA's Australian coup will raise the encryption debate
to new levels.

"While RSA's discussions with C2Net didn't make our shareholders rich,
they did accomplish another goal: driving the final stake through the
heart of the United States cryptography export restrictions," he says.



Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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