To One and All, and especially to Daniel:

My brother (the one who was in the Civil Air Patrol in Baton Rouge with his
best pal, and our old neighbor, Adler Berriman Seal), was in town this week.
Over dinner last night he told me more strange things about the New Orleans
Civil Air Patrol unit. First, the Baton Rouge boys weren't nearly as
sophisticated, so Barry Seal was much enamored of David Ferry (CIA-Op and
commercial airline pilot who recruited Seal for black ops missions). Ferry's
New Orleans CAP unit was a quasi-military outfit. They met at least 3 times a
week (2 evenings and each Saturday). Lee Harvey Oswald was a member of Ferry's
elite little boys' club (not even the Warren Report could deny that). My
brother and Seal both met Oswald. My brother called him a "CAP super geek." He
said all N.O. CAP guys were "geeks", but Oswald epitomized the unit. "He was
extremely bright," according to my Harvard-educated brother. "Spoke Spanish
and some Russian." Now at that time, it must be recalled that Oswald was 15 or
16 yrs old, so one must wonder when in his dysfunctional past he picked up --
of all things -- Russian?

Anyhow, my brother again related the incident in which he and Barry flew to
the little airport in Lacombe, where the geeks had assembled, festooned in
neo-classic military regalia, for inspection by their fearless, if not
feckless leader, David Ferry. "The guy was sitting in this Hollywood
director's chair, dressed in black military fatigues, boots, and a black
beret.  He wore a rug, and fake eyebrows. In fact, one eyebrow was turned up
at a 45-degree angle, and the other was horizontal.  I laughed when I saw him,
but Barry told me to stay by the plane or he wouldn't let me fly back to Baton
Rouge." My brother watched them talk, and saw Ferry point to the 50-or-so
wooden crates staged next to the tarmac.

On the way back to Baton Rouge, Seal told my brother he was making $400 a week
flying "runs" for Ferry, and that Ferry was "CIA".  The crates were weapons
and ordinance, according to Seal. "How'd you like to make that kind of money?"
Seal asked my brother. Our dad made about $400 a month back then, and we
weren't poor. My stunned brother didn't know what to say. "I'll think about
it."  They never discussed it again.

One last thing:  As you said, Daniel, Stan Bardwell told us he (i.e., the
feds) knew Seal was CIA.  Why doesn't anyone else care to probe the Seal-
Ferry-Oswald connection.  Isn't it obvious?  Who brought JFK down? Oswald?

Beware the Silver Bullet of the Masked Man,
Tempus Fugit

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