-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:488484">DAMNING CONCLUSION ON CLINTON'S
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 3:52 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


A Boston Herald editorial
The Boston Herald
Sunday, February 14, 1999

After cruise missiles slammed into a Sudanese chemical plant in
August in retaliation for the terrorist attacks on American
embassies in East Africa, the Clinton administration was accused in
some quarters of trying to distract attention from the president's
disastrous grand-jury appearance in the Lewinsky case.

We thought at the time the president acted properly. There seemed
good grounds to believe that the factory, said to have been linked
to Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, was involved in making or
handling chemicals used to make nerve gas.

We're not so sure anymore.

In August, the usual unidentified sources were saying soil samples
from the plant grounds contained a chemical that could be used only
to make nerve gas -- nothing else. The administration could have
made the evidence public to try to win over doubters, but did not.

The lab's owner has now commissioned analysis of 12 soil samples
from the plant grounds. None shows any evidence of the chemical in
question, according to Boston University chemistry professor Thomas
Tullius, reported by The New York Times to be in charge of the
sampling project.

Well, the rain could have washed away the evidence, those oh-so-
savvy sources said. But some of the samples were said to have been
protected from rain by factory debris, and one was taken from the
septic system, which would provide evidence of what went through
the plant drains.

Most oddly, the owner hired the law firm where Clinton's friend
Vernon Jordan is a partner to try to get compensation for the
destruction, but nobody - neither the White House nor any agency -
will listen.

And without believable evidence beyond anonymous assertions, the
world is drawing the conclusion that the United States is led by a
president so unprincipled that he will make a Hollywood comedy look
like prophesy to save his own political skin

Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
educational purposes of research and open discussion.

 - - - - -

"Well, the rain could have washed away the evidence, those
oh-so-savvy sources said."

Didn't work for the blue dress, but sounds plausible in this case.

Posted by: Billorites  2/14/99 06:04:10 PST

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> To: Billorites

Now they get it. Too little too late.

> From: VA Voter  2/14/99 06:10:52 PST

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> To: Billorites

Monica Missiles Away

Clinton and his leftist national security team are busy again.
Remember it was Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, and Bill Cohen
who gave us Monica missiles after Clinton's August 17, 1998
testimony to the Grand Jury. Unfortunately this time the impact may
be Marine KIA's in Kosovo.

The deception then was the close timing between his estimony and
the the killing of the aspirin factory and civilians, in the Sudan,
and tents in Afghanistan. This was a clear plan to turn public
opinion away from Monica. The timing of these events was not just a

These people are all liars. Is Kosovo the next diversion for
Clinton to shield himself from critical inquiry about his domestic
and foreign policy failures? This is a well established pattern on
his part. Wake-up America.
> From: LPH2  2/14/99 06:13:03 PST

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> To: LPH2

Clinton and his leftist national security team are busy again and
Gen George Joulwan is on C-SPAN right now trying to justify the
Kosovo military actions. Interesting that NATO is doing it and not
the UN. Two callers just made some good points. What if he and some
others decided to succeed for our Union? and The UN Security
Council has a veto that would stop them from interferring.

> From: nsmart  2/14/99 06:21:32 PST

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> To: VA Voter

We often hear of the outrage at the cost of the Starr investigation
into Whitewater but where is the public outrage concerning the 100+
million spent on currently irreplaceable Tomahawk cruise missiles
used by Mr. Clinton in his "Wag the Dog" efforts in the Sudan and

> From: Wu  2/14/99 06:33:42 PST

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> To: Billorites

People died in that raid. If there wasn't just cause, isn't that
murder? Isn't their blood on Clinton's hands? Since he's our
president and acted in our name, isn't their blood on our hands

> From: mrgolden  2/14/99 06:57:15 PST

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> To: nsmart

That's a pretty good point. There are, in fact, ethnic minority
majorities (See, they've got me doing it now.) along the southern
border of the US right now. What happens if they decide to
affiliate themselves, politically, with their heritage? Quebec?
Kosovo? Sudatenland?

> From: Myopic in Maracaibo  2/14/99 06:59:01 PST

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> To: Wu

"but where is the public outrage... ?"

The outrage is right here, Wu. You just elicited justifiable
outrage, and many of the daily, what is it? 50k-100k hits per day?,
may be reading it and reinforcing their true convictions (which
much of our Senate has not).

BTW-1, i bump for justifiable outrage. BTW-2, i was outraged not
only by the Senate's acquittal vote, but the lighthearted laughter
that giggled thru the chambers right after the 2nd vote was taken
when Rehnquist broke what should have continued to be an icy,
somber, deadly serious atmosphere, with his "cute" remark.

> From: Sara Dorian  2/14/99 07:00:39 PST

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> To: Wu

"Where is the public outrage concerning the 100+ million spent on
currently irreplaceable Tomahawk cruise missiles used by Mr.
Clinton in his "Wag the Dog" efforts in the Sudan and Pakistan?"

The best spin machine ever is obscuring the facts by diversion and
obfuscation. These people are all liars.

The Clinton administration is populated by individuals like top
White House spin master Sidney Blumenthal who learned the art of
the big lie from from the masters of propaganda. Blumenthal, was a
long time member of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). In
1968, SDS leaders traveled to communist Czechoslovakia, where they
met with leaders of the Viet Cong and "held a seminar with the
Communists on how to conduct their psychological warfare campaign
against the United States.

Given the leftist past of Clinton's inner circle, one could believe
that the White House staff is the local chapter of the SDS alumni
association. They probably get together once and awhile to chant
down with America, cheer on Ho Chi Minh, and smoke dope.

> From: LPH2  2/14/99 07:04:04 PST

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> To: Billorites

"And without believable evidence beyond anonymous assertions, the
world is drawing the conclusion that the United States is led by a
president so unprincipled that he will make a Hollywood comedy look
like prophesy to save his own political skin."

Yes, yes, leftists, this is your president. I hear some of you
grumbling out there. Some of you are getting it. A few of you
ALREADY get it. Killing people of color to save one white POLITICAL
hide is NOT NICE.

You see, leftists, a lawless president is a VERY BAD THING. I hate
to use the word such a horrid, judgemental word like BAD, but you
know what I mean.

> From: Semi Civil Servant  2/14/99 07:07:43 PST

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> To: Myopic in Maracaibo

ethnic minority majorities and someone else called in to ask why
NATO supports KLA (Kosovo) and not the IRA (Irish) liberation
armies. He sputtered a little.

> From: nsmart  2/14/99 07:17:19 PST

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> To: Semi Civil Servant

Toni Morrison said that he had the first black political hide...
not that it matters, as innocent dead are innocent dead, regardless
of the ethnic origins of the sociopath who dealt the hand:
sphincters come in all colors.

I doubt that the left would be as upset if The Bent One had, say,
vaporized a Bible warehouse in Iowa.

> From: edskid  2/14/99 07:23:53 PST

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> To: Semi Civil Servant

"Killing people of color to save one white POLITICAL hide is NOT

Well stated! I guess it depends on who's doing the killing, huh?
Hey, where are all the loud-mouth students . . .their silence is

> From: mumblz  2/14/99 07:32:42 PST

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Source of the above and more news and discussion:

Click on the  "Latest on Clinton" link at

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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