-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector. Yes, indeed, caveat lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:488396">^ The Truth About The
Conspiracy ^</A>
The CIA and the USA military have shown a great deal of interest in what is
being called ìremote viewingî. What this is, is the ability to call up
images and sounds in ones own mind of far away places even though they are
not physically there to gain information about others that can be used to
the personís advantage.

One person spending huge sums of money in this area is John B. Alexander of
Los Alamos National Laboratory. The 32-year army veteran belongs to the
"special technologies" group of the lab's International Technology Division,
which assesses the national security implications of emerging technologies.
Alexander coordinates the lab's multidisciplinary effort on non-lethal
weapons. For his ìoutstanding leadershipî in this capacity, Aviation Week &
Space Technology honored him as one of its annual aerospace "laureates" in
January 1994.

Alexander also has a pronounced interest in paranormal phenomena. In a
notorious 1980 article, "The New Mental Battlefield," which appeared in
Military Review (a U.S. Army journal), Alexander Discussing "out-of-body
experiences," he asserted that "it has been demonstrated that certain
persons appear to have the ability to mentally retrieve data from afar while
physically remaining in a secure location.... The strategic and tactical
applications are unlimited." (And in fact there is evidence that "remote
viewers" have provided consulting services to U.S. intelligence agencies.)

Remote viewing is totally occultic and requires the power of demons. Wiccans
(Witches) have always endeared themselves to this evil spirit realm for
these powers, which they euphemistically call the ìforces and spirits of

The Wiccan would keep a raven or crow as a pet not only because the raven or
crow has a mesmeric fascination with shiny objects and would return to its
Wiccan Pagan master with stolen jewels or other crystals and gem stones it
may find, because to the occultic pagan Wiccan (Witch) such stones have
magical powers that the Wiccan (Witch) can tape into for various self
serving reasons such as attracting wealth, attracting love, or use in
exercising some kind of occultic influence or control over another, etc.

The raven or crow being black the symbolic color of evil makes it the ideal
animal for the Wiccan (Witch) because this symbolic color of evil allows for
the demons to work through the animal under a spell or demonic incantation
to establish a mental demonic ìpsychicî link between the animalís
consciousness and that of the Witch so that the Wiccan or Witch sees and
hears and experiences far away events through the eyes of a distant raven or
crow or some other black animal such as a cricket which often invades people
ís homes. This is the same reason that Wiccans or Witches will keep a black

The CIA, NSA and the military of the USA are heavily involved in the occult
and have made a pact with Satan and his demons. Technology is being handed
to these occultic scientist influenced by their occultic ties to several
fraternal orders which make up the Illuminati which consist mainly of high
ranking anti-Christian Freemasons. There ultimate goal is ìuniversal
(international) fraterniteî of the entire earth so that everybody worships
Lucifer AKA Satan as they themselves do. (See Moffett, Cleveland, The Reign
of Terror, New York: Ballantine Books, 1962, p. 69)

They are attempting their international ìfraterniteî conspiracy through a
religious unification conspiracy called ìMission of Maitreyaî and Share
International run by Benjamin CrËme and backed by the United Nations. The
Freemasons believe that the Aryan/Anglo-Saxon blonde haired blue eyed Nordic
race is the true Israelites or Nation of Israel. This is the idea that was
secretly promoted by Hitler during World War II when he went on a campaign
to eradicate the Jews. The flag of Freemasonry is a White and Light Blue
flag and so is the flag of the United Nations (UN) as well as the nation of
Israel. On www.maitreya.org you will find a document called ìMaster Plan for
Planet Earthî (or the ìMaster Raceî) that explains the pyramid on the back
of the one dollar bill as being ìMt. Zionî and its Luciferian political
system. Their Satanic unification scripture is called ìThoth or THOTHî which
was an Egyptian god. Notice how they cleveraly conceal this fact by claiming
it means ìThe Holiest of the Holiesî.

Isaiah 14:4,12,13 reveals the King of Babylonís (Luciferís who reflected
Satanís attitude) desire to lift up his thrown higher then the stars of
Jehovah God and set down upon the ìmountain of meetingî. See the ìMountain
of Meetingî post at
.. The millennial celebrations are scheduled to be held in Egypt at the
pyramids were a vault is said will be opened under the Sphinx that is said
will contain the ìmysteries of the agesî. The Sphinx is a structure that was
built before the flood and predates the pyramids some or all of which may
also predate the Biblical global flood. Before the flood Satan and a third
of the angles which he tempted and deceived (his demons) came down to the
Earth and married the daughters of men and produced hybrid offspring. These
hybrid offspring are called ìNeph'i limî or ìthe mighty ones who were of
old, the men of fameî. These ìNeph'i limî and these rebellious angles
(demons) are what the Greek godís and other pagan godís are based on. These
demons cast off their material bodies during the flood and returned to
heaven but their offspring perished during the flood.

Genesis 6:1 Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on
the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 then the sons
of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were
good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom
they chose. 3 After that Jehovah said: "My spirit shall not act toward man
indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to
a hundred and twenty years." 4 The Neph'i lim proved to be in the earth in
those days, and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued
to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they
were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame. 5 Consequently
Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every
inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. 6 And
Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at
his heart. 7 So Jehovah said: "I am going to wipe men whom I have created
off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal
and to flying creature of the heavens, because I do regret that I have made
them." 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.

The Nazi Freemasons however who believe that the Nordic Aryan/Anglo-Saxon
blonde haired blue eyed race is the true Israel erroneously believe that
they are descendents of these rebellious angles and that they are the
ìNeph'i limî and that Lucifer AKA Satan is their god and the demons are
their forefathers. To promote this idea they have scheduled the millennial
celebrations to be held in Egypt and the Nordic race is the race they have
planned to be the ones who host the celebrations. Since the New Agers speak
a lot about ìancientsî returning these conspirators have been planning to
pass off selectively bred Aryans/Anglo-Saxons (possibly even genetically
engineered or enhanced as well) as some god men ìmastersî who have returned.
The ìNeph'i limî did not survive the flood. Notice in this link
http://www.midnight-emissary.com/belief.htm that the Freemasons have chose
the Nordic race to be the ones who usher in this New World Order and
religious unification conspiracy. The God of this New Age movement is Satan
himself. See
for much more information on this conspiracy and proof that the god of this
New World Order is Satan himself. When it says ìIn God We Trustî on the back
of the one dollar bill you can be sure that the Freemasons who put it there
were not referring to the Christian God Jehovah of the Bible.

Prescott Bush, George Bushís father being a President of a bank in New York
City loaned huge amounts of money to the Naziís during World War II. Nazi
Freemasons within the United States illegally smuggled and falsified
immigration papers for thousands of Nazi war criminals and scientist to be
brought into the United States and the CIA was born with many former Nazi
war criminals employed. Nazis are extremely occultic and Satanic and are of
the Bavarian Illuminati which Freemasons are a part of. George Bush has been
quoted as saying ìIsnít it about time we forgive the Nazi war criminals?î
while he was President. George Bush was the X-director of the CIA and a 33rd
degree Freemason Illuminati member who also belonged to the Freemason
Fraternal Order called Skull and Bones of Yale University. George Bushís
famous words during the Golf War was that there would be a ìNew World Orderî
mimicking the words around the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill
ìAnnuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorumî which means Announcing the Creation,
New Secular (or World) Order. You can be assured that when George Bush said
this he was not just whistling Dixie. Nazism was Nationalistic Socialism
that sought to extend it world wide.

For proof and explanation of the Freemason symbolism on the back of the one
dollar bill see this link
and see Sub-footnote A of the research paper on psychiatric drugs developed
by the Nazis to take care of those who do not conform to their agenda and
are working against their conspiratorial ìmaster planî. The ìmaster planî of
the ìmaster raceî the white Anglo/Aryan race.

All blacks on their side are called by them ìThe Talented Tenthî. Black
people call these people ìUncle Tomsî. But these blacks (ìTalented Tenthî)
do not realize that they are pawns and that their ìmastersî plan to stab
them in the back when ever the time is convenient.

See http://livelinks.com/sumeria/politics/eugenics.html and see the nature
of these Nazi Zionist Freemason Illuminati Socialist Conspirators. If you
still donít think that todayís so called ìJewsî or Israelis or Israelites
are not Naziís then see these two links and you will see,
http://www.nutri.com/cloning/ and http://www.nutri.com/wn/gp.html . Notice
that in the first link how this Nazi ìJewî admires Hitler and his
ìWunderkinder, the progeny of the elite SS Corps and the most desirable of
the Third Reich's blond, blue-eyed young womenî and the second link will
reveal that he is indeed a so called ìJewî and see his Nazi eugenics
writings. Surely after seeing the two links above you will see that Israel
was set up by the Nazi Illuminati New Age Zionist Freemasons who believe
that the Anglo/Aryan Nordic race is the true Israel. The real ìJewsî are a
despised race of people in Israel and are the underclass and an out cast
there in their own homeland.

Freemasons control both the Democratic party as well as the Republican
party. Bill Clinton is a 33rd degree Freemason and Al Gore has written a New
Age book praising the Earth goddess Gaia that shows were he stands. Gore is
probably also a Freemason although I have no confirmation of this.

Democrat + Republican = New Age Nazi Zionist Illuminati Socialist Freemason
Hegelian Party. The Roman leadership practiced the same thing. Two opposing
sides as a front that deceived the people as they worked toward their
ultimate agenda. This can be compared to the charade of ìprofessional
wrestlingî on television. Two opposing sides but in reality one money making
entertainment business.

There is Illuminati mind control programming in ìprofessional wrestlingî
since the ìbad guysî belong to the league of the NWO (New World Order) and
with the psychological warfare mind control programming is popularized as
the favorite of the two leagues. The motto is ìBad Has Arrived and itís Here
To Stayî. This is the Satanic Humanist Luciferian Philosophy of ìdo what
thou wiltî. See www.cchr.org which attacks humanism and their psychiatric
system for what it is; a New World Order Nazi Illuminati Zionist Socialist
Freemason tool to undermine the family and their parents influence over
their children and also to undermine peopleís faith in Jehovah God of the
Bible and also how psychiatry has invaded the public school systems. Again
see http://www.midnight-emissary.com/belief.htm and reference the part about
Masonry and see how they detest the Christian influence parents have over
their children and desire to undermine it however they can.

Milton William Cooper has answers at
http://www.harvest-trust.org/majestyt.htm but he is actually a New Age Nazi
Freemason Illuminati Zionist who is a Wolf in Sheepís Clothing who is
goading the fundamentalist into taking up arms so they will be led to a
slaughter and give the conspirators ìjust causeî in exterminating them. See
for more on this.

See also http://www.webzonecom.com/ccn/cults/newageov.txt for an overview of
the New Age Movement that the Freemasons have started and also
www.teleport.com/~odd/tsw/wwwboard/messages/18.htm  and see that the United
Nations wants to destroy religion either completely or by controlling it

To see the Freemasonís Israeli connections it will be necessary to visit
this site. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/3164/Introduction.htm .
Notice that JahBelOn or JahBulOn is their secret demonic religious
unification trinity god consisting of Jehovah the true Christian God, Baal a
god that the Israelites were punished for worshipping by allowing the
Babylonians to overthrow them. A Satanic god that required Human Sacrifice
through the practice of eugenics by burning their little ìdefectiveî
children alive in fire to this Satan god and also Osiris the Egyptian god.
Now see this link to see that this Satanic religious unification god is a
Satanic god. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/9782/index.html .
Notice the references to worshipping under the Moon.

Mohammed wasnít actually a profit of YHWH (Jehovah) of the Bible but
actually choose the Moon god from a long list of Pagan gods to be the
Islamic god. Allah is the pagan Moon god. 32nd degree Freemasons (Shriners)
pledge allegiance to Allah the Moon god during their initiation ceremony and
to the Koran. The red ìFez hatî they wear had its origins from when
marauding Islamic militia men stormed the mostly Christian Moroccan city of
Fez during the crusades murdering men, women, and children while screaming
ìThere is no god but Allah!î They dipped their Turkish hats into the blood
of the dead Christians staining them red and kept them as trophies calling
them ìFez Hatsî.

CNN being a big promoter of the Illuminati Satanic agenda exposes its
watchers subliminally on CNN Head Line News to an image of the Moon for no
obvious productive reason then to subliminally indoctrinate its watchers
into the occult Satanic mind frame. Look at the colorful animated graphics
during the sequence before or after their commercial breaks and you will see
the Moon hidden subliminally in the graphics. (They may remove this
subliminal image soon since I am revealing this.) Now you know why so many
Islamic countries are cooperating with the USA but Saddam Hussein is the one
who correctly identifies the USA as ìThe Great Satanî and a country of
Satanist. See http://www.cuttingedge.org/n1040.html and
http://www.cuttingedge.org/n1081.html and be sure to click on the links in
that first link to see the map of Washington DC as well as that picture from
a book on the occult. Now compare these four links.
http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1164.cfm and
http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1165.cfm and
http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/templars.htm and
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/3164/Baphomet.htm and remember that
last site is straight from the Freemason site that revealed that JahBelOn is
their demonic Satanic trinity composite god and now you know that their
ìmessiahî Baphomet has the spirit of anti-christ which is Maitreya. Now see
http://www.satannet.com/main.html and http://www.coscentral.net/cos/ and
http://www.churchofsatan.com/ and http://www.coscentral.net/ and notice that
the last site shows the inverted Pentagram and reveals that itís outline is
that of a goat which the Bible describes as stubborn and rebellious not
wanting to do the will of Jehovah and his Son Jesus Christ. True Christians
are likened to sheep on the other hand which follow their Great Shepherd
Jesus Christ. The upside right Pentagram is the outline of a human form;
arms, legs and head which is still of the Satanic Humanist New Age
philosophy which teaches that man is his own god and doesnít need to answer
to Jehovah. This is exactly what Satan himself told Eve through the serpent
in the Garden of Eden in defiance to Jehovah our creator. Dr. Anton Szandor
LaVey was a Freemason and he founded the Church of Satan. Now see this
web-ring and see what Freemasonry is doing to the minds of Western children
and most likely other countryís children who imitate the West.
http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=glisten&list . There are
currently well over 300 sites in this web-ring so explore it and visit as
many sites as you can to see what Freemasonry is promoting and how they are
perverting the minds of our children. There are Wiccans, Satanist, ìGothsî,
New Agers etc. in this web-ring so you can see they are of the same nature.
In fact the distinction between them in most cases is so blurred that one
canít really truly say that they are not of the same thought.

But of course the Bible reveals in Revelation that ìBabylon the Greatî the
ìHarlotî (false religion) that is riding the United Nations Beast (Because
She Promotes It As Godís Political Expression of His Kingdom on Earth) is
going to be strip naked and devoured by the very beast she is riding,
meaning that Babylon the Greatís last ditch efforts to preserve herself is
going to fail.

Jehovah's Witnesses spoke out against the Nazi's during World War II.
Jehovah's Witnesses printed two anti Nazi flyers exposing Nazism and
distributed it throughout all of Germany. There was not enough flyers to
distribute to every household so they were distributed randomly to every
third house or so. The Nazi government was very upset at the flyers. They
went around demanding that people turn over their copy of the flyer. Since
not everyone in reality got one but there was an even distribution
throughout all of Germany when many people claimed they did not receive one
so they had nothing to turn over it made the Nazi government paranoid and it
caused a lot of internal problems because the government didn't know who to
trust. You will also find references to "Godless communism" in the
literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses where the very first
to identify the UN as the scarlet colored wild beast in Revelation that the
Harlot Babylon the Great is riding. We correctly identified the beast spoken
of in Rev. 17:8 ("The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is
about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction.") as
the League of Nations. Even before the founding of the UN Jehovah's
Witnesses were proclaiming that this beast would come out of the abyss and
it did as the UN. The Harlot Babylon the Great (False Religion) is riding
this beast (Rev. 17:3) because she promotes it as God's political expression
of his Kingdom on Earth and man's last hope for peace when in reality peace
comes through the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. The Bible calls this beast
the UN "The disgusting thing that sits in the holy place" because it claims
to accomplish only what Jesus Christ will accomplish. (Matthew 24:15) This
originally referred to the Roman armies (disgusting thing) and the Jewish
temple (Holy place) but today it symbolizes the UN and the holy place
symbolizes God's true Kingdom. The beast that has two horns like a lamb but
speaks as a dragon is the Anglo-American duel world power consisting of
Britain and the USA. (Rev.13:11-13) and this beast is said to breath life
into the image of the wild beast (The UN). (Rev.13:14,15) The governments of
the Earth will give their power to the UN beast which is happening slowly
now. (Rev.17:12-14) Then this beast when it gets it's power will turn on
Babylon the Great the Harlot and destroy and expose her. (Rev.17:15,16) For
more information on truthful explanations of Revelation obtain a copy of the
Jehovahís Witness publican ìRevelation Its Grand Climax At Hand!î Please
visit http://www.watchtower.org .

The Israelite King Manasseh was a very wicked king who served the Satan god
Baal and promoted temple prostitution, human sacrifice by practicing
eugenics by offering up their little ìdefectiveî children by sacrificing
them alive in fire. There was no wickeder man alive in his day and he
practiced all types of Paganism and perversion. But when he repented and
turned to Jehovah weeping bitterly in prayer Jehovah forgave him. So nobody
can think that their sins are too great that they can not be forgiven
because this is exactly what Satan wants you to believe.

Below is everything about Manasseh.


(Ma nas'seh) [One Making Forgetful; One Who Makes Forget].

1. Josephís firstborn son and a grandson of Jacob. After Joseph became Egypt
ís food administrator, Pharaoh gave him Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera
the priest of On, as a wife, and she bore Joseph two sons, Manasseh and
Ephraim. Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh, because, he said: ìGod has
made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.îóGe 41:45,

When Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim, he persisted in putting his right
hand on Ephraim and his left on Manasseh, thereby placing the younger
Ephraim before Manasseh. (Ge 48:13-20) As indicated thereby, Ephraim was to
become greater than Manasseh.

Manasseh had sons by a Syrian concubine (1Ch 7:14), and Joseph lived long
enough to see the sons of Manassehís son Machir.óGe 50:22, 23.

2. The tribe of Israel that descended from Josephís son Manasseh and
consisted of seven tribal families. About a year after the Israelites left
Egypt, Manassehís able-bodied men from 20 years old upward numbered 32,200.
(Nu 1:34, 35) This doubtless included Gaddi, one of the ten men bringing
back a bad report after spying out the Promised Land. (Nu 13:1, 2, 11,
25-33) By the time a second census was taken nearly four decades later, the
tribeís registered males had increased to 52,700, outnumbering Ephraim by
20,200. (Nu 26:28-34, 37) Evidently, therefore, it was with reference to the
lesser future role of Manasseh that Moses spoke of the ìtens of thousands of
Ephraimî but the ìthousands of Manasseh.îóDe 33:17.

In the wilderness, the tribe of Manasseh, under the leadership of its
chieftain Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, encamped W of the tabernacle, along
with Ephraim and Benjamin. This three-tribe division was third in the order
of march.óNu 1:10, 16; 2:18-24; 7:54; 10:23.

Conquests on Both Sides of Jordan River. When the Israelites defeated
Amorite Kings Sihon and Og, Moses granted their conquered land to the
Reubenites, the Gadites, and half of the tribe of Manasseh on condition that
these tribes participate in the conquest of the territory W of the Jordan.
(Nu 32:20-33; 34:14, 15; De 29:7, 8) The northern section of the area E of
the Jordan appears to have been taken primarily through Manassite efforts,
portions thereof being conquered by Jair, Nobah, and ìthe sons of Machir.î
For this reason Moses assigned this region to them.óNu 32:39-42; De 3:13-15;
1Ch 2:21, 22.

Later, men from ìthe half tribe of Manassehî that had received their
inheritance did cross the Jordan and shared in the conquest of the land to
the west. (Jos 1:12-18; 4:12) They were also among those assembled in front
of Mount Gerizim when Joshua ìread aloud all the words of the law, the
blessing and the malediction.î (De 27:12; Jos 8:33, 34) Under the leadership
of Joshua, the Israelites broke the power of the Canaanites, defeating 31
kings in the course of about six years. (Jos 12:7-24) Thereafter, although
unconquered territory yet remained, Joshua, assisted by High Priest Eleazar
and divinely appointed representatives from ten tribes (including the
Manassite Hanniel the son of Ephod), divided the land into inheritance
portions.óNu 34:17, 23; Jos 13:1-7.

Land Inheritance. Half of the tribe of Manasseh, of course, already had its
inheritance E of the Jordan. It included Bashan and a part of Gilead. (Jos
13:29-31) To the S lay Gad, the border city being Mahanaim. (Jos 13:24-26,
30) This region was chiefly a high plateau, with an average elevation of
some 610 m (2,000 ft). Here were located Golan, one of the six cities of
refuge, and Beeshterah (Ashtaroth), another Levite city.óJos 20:8, 9; 21:27;
1Ch 6:71.

The remaining half of the Manassites received as their inheritance territory
W of the Jordan. (Jos 17:2, 5) It was bounded by Ephraim on the S, Asher on
the NW, Issachar on the NE, and the Mediterranean Sea on the W. From
Michmethah the border between Ephraim and Manasseh extended to Tappuah,
continued along the torrent valley of Kanah, and terminated at the
Mediterranean. (Compare Jos 16:5-8; 17:7-10.) Whereas the Ephraimites had
certain enclave cities in Manasseh, the Manassites were assigned enclave
cities (Beth-shean, Ibleam, Dor, En-dor, Taanach, and Megiddo, as well as
their dependent towns) both in Issachar and Asher. (Jos 16:9; 17:11) The
Manassites failed to drive out the Canaanites from these enclave cities but,
in time, subjected them to forced labor. (Jos 17:11-13; Jg 1:27, 28; compare
1Ch 7:29.) Two of these enclave cities, Taanach (Aner?) and Ibleam (Bileam
or Gath-rimmon?), were assigned to Kohathite Levites.óJos 21:25, 26; 1Ch

History. After the distribution of the land had been completed, Joshua
blessed the men of Reuben, Gad, and the eastern ìhalf tribe of Manassehî and
encouraged them to continue serving Jehovah. (Jos 22:1-8) They left Shiloh,
crossed the Jordan, and then near that river built an altar. This almost
precipitated civil war, as the other tribes regarded this as an act of
unfaithfulness and rebellion. However, the issue was settled peaceably when
it was explained that the altar had been erected, not for sacrifice, but to
serve as a memorial of faithfulness to Jehovah.óJos 22:9-31.

In a later period Manassite Judge Gideon was the one used by Jehovah to
deliver the Israelites from Midianite oppression. (Jg 6:11-16, 33-35; 7:23;
8:22) Jephthah was evidently yet another judge from the tribe of Manasseh.
It was during his judgeship that Israel was liberated from Ammonite
harassment.óJg 11:1, 32, 33.

Sometime during the reign of Israelís first king, Saul, the Reubenites, the
Gadites, and the eastern ìhalf tribe of Manassehî gained a decisive victory
over the Hagrites and their allies. (1Ch 5:10, 18-22) Also in this general
period, Manassites, including men of outstanding valor, were among those who
deserted Saul to join David. (1Ch 12:19-21) After the death of Saul and his
successor Ish-bosheth, 18,000 Manassites from the region W of the Jordan and
other thousands from the area E of the Jordan came to Hebron to make David
king over all Israel (1070 B.C.E.).ó1Ch 12:31, 37, 38.

Years later, the extensive religious reforms undertaken by Judean King Asa
prompted many Manassites to desert the northern kingdom ìwhen they saw that
Jehovah his God was with him.î (2Ch 15:8, 9) On the occasion of a grand
assembly in the 15th year of Asaís reign (963 B.C.E.), they joined with
others in making a covenant to search for Jehovah. (2Ch 15:10, 12)
Similarly, in the reign of Judean King Hezekiah (745-717 B.C.E.), while many
mocked the messengers sent by him to extend the invitation to come to
Jerusalem for the Passover celebration, other Manassites were willing to
humble themselves and responded favorably. Thereafter these responsive ones
shared in destroying appendages of idolatry.ó2Ch 30:1, 10, 11, 18; 31:1.

Earlier (c. 760 B.C.E.), Tiglath-pileser (Tilgath-pilneser) III had taken
the Manassites living E of the Jordan into exile. (1Ch 5:23-26) About the
same time it appears that intertribal conflicts existed between Ephraim and
Manasseh. But both tribes were united in their opposition to Judah.óIsa
9:20, 21.

Nearly a century after the ten-tribe kingdom came to its end, Judean King
Josiah extended his destruction of altars, incense stands, sacred poles, and
images, all used for false worship, to the devastated places of Manasseh and
other areas outside Judah (from and after 648 B.C.E.). This Judean king also
had repair work done on the temple, the work itself being financed by
contributions received from Israelites of various tribes, including
Manasseh.ó2Ch 34:1-11.

After the return from Babylonian exile (537 B.C.E.), some Manassites resided
at Jerusalem.ó1Ch 9:1-3.

In Ezekielís vision, Manassehís land assignment lay between Naphtali and
Ephraim. (Eze 48:4, 5) Manasseh is also represented as one of the tribes of
spiritual Israel.óRe 7:6.

3. A name appearing in the Masoretic text at Judges 18:30, because of
scribal modification. The account concerns Danite apostasy, and the New
World Translation says that ìJonathan the son of Gershom, Mosesí son, he and
his sons became priests to the tribe of the Danites.î (See also AT; Mo; Ro;
RS.) Jewish scribes inserted a suspended letter (nun = n) between the first
two letters in the original Hebrew name so as to give the reading ìManassehí
sî instead of ìMosesí,î doing so out of regard for Moses. The scribes thus
sought to hide the reproach or disgrace that might be brought upon the name
of Moses because of Jonathanís action. In addition to the altered Masoretic
text, ìManassehísî appears in the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209 of the Greek
Septuagint and in the Syriac Peshitta. However, ìMosesíî is found in the
Alexandrine Manuscript of the Greek Septuagint and in the Latin Vulgate at
Judges 18:30.

4. King of Judah who was the son and successor of King Hezekiah. (2Ki 20:21;
2Ch 32:33) Manassehís mother was Hephzibah. He was 12 years old when he
ascended the throne as the 14th king of Judah after David and ruled for 55
years (716-662 B.C.E.) in Jerusalem. (2Ki 21:1) He did what was bad in
Jehovahís eyes, rebuilding the high places his father had destroyed, setting
up altars to Baal, worshiping ìall the army of the heavens,î and building
false religious altars in two temple courtyards. He made his sons pass
through the fire, practiced magic, employed divination, and promoted
spiritistic practices. Manasseh also put the graven image of the sacred pole
he had made into the house of Jehovah. He seduced Judah and Jerusalem ìto do
worse than the nations that Jehovah had annihilated from before the sons of
Israel.î (2Ki 21:2-9; 2Ch 33:2-9) Though Jehovah sent prophets, these were
not heeded. Manasseh was also guilty of shedding innocent blood in great
quantity (2Ki 21:10-16), which, according to the literature of the Jewish
rabbis, included that of Isaiah, who they say was sawed apart at Manassehís
command.óCompare Heb 11:37.

Manasseh was punished for paying no attention to Jehovahís message, the king
of Assyria taking him captive to Babylon, one of the Assyrian monarchís
royal cities. (2Ch 33:10, 11) ëManasseh of Judahí is mentioned in Assyrian
King Esar-haddonís list of 22 tribute-paying ìkings of Hatti, the seashore
and the islands.î Manassehís name also appears in a list of kings tributary
to Ashurbanipal.óAncient Near Eastern Texts, edited by J. Pritchard, 1974,
pp. 291, 294.

While in captivity, Manasseh repented, humbled himself, and prayed to
Jehovah. God heard his request for favor and restored him to the kingship in
Jerusalem. (2Ch 33:12, 13) Manasseh thereafter ìbuilt an outer wall for the
City of David,î put military chiefs in Judahís fortified cities, and removed
the foreign gods and the idol image from Jehovahís house, as well as the
altars he had built ìin the mountain of the house of Jehovah and in
Jerusalem.î Manasseh prepared the altar of Jehovah and began to sacrifice
upon it, encouraging others also to serve Jehovah. However, the people were
still sacrificing on the high places, though to Jehovah. (2Ch 33:14-17) At
Manassehís death, he was succeeded in the kingship by his son Amon.ó2Ch

5. An Israelite ìof the sons of Pahath-moabî who was among those accepting
foreign wives and sending them away ìalong with sonsî in Ezraís day.óEzr
10:30, 44.

6. Another Israelite, ìof the sons of Hashum,î among those dismissing their
foreign wives because of Ezraís zealous stand for pure worship.óEzr 10:33,

Taken form Insight to the Scriptures published by the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society.

Subject: Re: ^ The Truth About The Conspiracy ^
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 7:54 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Pretty good analysis, Jerry.  For some more recently published
investigative results on these topics, please go to alt.freemasonry and follow
the threads:

      ***  "Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.", started on 2/6/99,

      ***  "masonic human sacrifice",

      ***  "Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing", started on

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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