-Caveat Lector-

from alt.freemasonry
As always, Caveat Lector.  Some of the 106 post of this thread
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.freemasonry:92610">Sinister Masonic secrets of the
Oklahoma City bombing</A>
Subject: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 1999 8:25 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Those who know that JFK's murder was a Luciferian Masonic human
realize that Dallas was picked as the site of sacrifice because it is located
close to the 33rd degree of north geographical latitude.

      Other cities close to this 33rd degree are:

      ***  Tyre, Lebanon:  Home of King Hiram and Hiram Abiff, the Dynamic Duo
of Masonic mythology.

      ***  Charleston, SC:  The original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the

      ***  Phoenix, AZ:  The mythical phoenix commits suicide to procreate.
This mythical bird is the real
           national bird of New Atlantis, a.k.a. the U.S.A.;  it presently
masquerades as the queer bald

      ***  Warm Springs, GA:  site of Brother Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
estate.  He met his "sudden
            death" there in April 1945.  He was the previous President to be
sacrificed in office, the
            one just before JFK, according to the 19-year Metonic cycle of the

      During my investigations of the Oklahoma City bombing I was struck by
following "coincidences":

      !!!  Waco, TX:  Site of the Holocaust that supposedly triggered Timothy
McVeigh.  It lies along U.S.            Highway 77.

      !!!  Junction City, KS:  Town where McVeigh rented the bomb truck.  It
lies along U.S. Highway 77.

      !!!  Herington, KS:  Domicile of co-conspirator Terry Nichols.  It lies
along U.S. Highway 77.

      !!!  Geary State Fishing Lake (Geary County, KS):  Site where the bomb
was put together,
          according to the Government's case. It lies along U.S. 77.

      !!!  Oklahoma City, OK:  Site of the attack.  It lies along U.S. 77.

      !!!  Perry, OK:  Site of the county jail where McVeigh was taken to
his arrest.  It lies along U.S.

      These "coincidences" started me thinking about the number 77.  Finally,
found this passage in the Bible:

      "And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah.  'Hear my voice:  ye
wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech:  for I have slain a man to my
wounding, and a young man to my hurt.  If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold."  (Genesis, 4:23 and 4:24)

      This Lamech was a descendant of the first murderer, Cain, and father of
the twins Tubal-Cain, a boy, and Naamah, a girl.  Tubal-Cain, "an instructer
every artificer in brass and iron", is a favorite of Luciferian Free Masons,
who consider him to be the forefather of Hiram Abiff.  Hiram Abiff, of course,
is the supposed architect of Solomon's Temple and the central hero of Masonic

      My further investigations added these "coincidences" to the above list:

      !!!  Waco, TX:  Site of the afforementioned Holocaust, it is also the
site of the Masonic Grand Lodge
          of Texas.  Waco is along U.S. 77.

      !!!  Dallas, TX:  Site of the JFK oblation.  It also lies along U.S. 77.

      !!!  Guthrie, OK:  Site of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Oklahoma.  It also
lies along U.S. 77.

      !!!  Lincoln, NE:  Named for the sacrificed Abraham Lincoln, an earlier
victim of the 19-year Metonic
          cycle of the moon.  It also lies along U.S. 77.

      The above are just some of the sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma
City bombing.

Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 1999 7:47 PM
Message-id: <79qvh0$huo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <79q71a$kbo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Deirdre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <79q1e4$mv8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >
> >
> >I just wish we had 1/10th the power you anti's think we have.....
> >
> But if there's nothing to it why the secrecy?
> I'm not an 'anti; just v.v.curious
> Dx

This issue has been answered many time, but I will attempt to do so again.
The ONLY things Freemasonry does not tell everyone is the work we do in the
three degrees, the grips and passwords from those degrees, and the Grand
Hailing Sign of Distress and words that accompany it.  These we call esoteric
work.  Everything else, the values of the Fraternity, the lessons of the
working tools which we use to remind us of those values, the apron
presentation, symbolism of the officer's stations, their jewels, etc. is open
to the public in my jurisdiction.  Members in the US do not hide their
membership, but wear jewelry which displays the Masonic Emblem.

The reason that the Ritual today is kept from the public is mainly one of
security.  It is a common occurance for a Lodge to receive a warning from
their Grand Lodge about a con man or gang of con men who attempt to get
money from Lodges or Masons posing as Brother Masons.  A few months ago,
my Lodge received a warning that some criminals were attempting to get
blank dues cards.  There is only one reason someone would want dues
cards, to pose as a Mason.

The Ritual is one way to ascertain if someone claiming to be a Mason actually
is if no one knows him.  We call it strict examination.  A con man could
learn the ritual, but unless he was very very good, he would cause suspicion
when he attempted to answer questions about the esoteric work when examined
by a competent ritualist.

Another reason the Degree Work is not published is that it is a reward for
the candidate.  As a man goes through the Degrees, he learns about the
Fraternity through the work.  Each Degree has its own focus.  Following the
degree, the Mason has to learn a series of questions and answers about what
he saw in that degree.  He must pass an examination to the satisfaction of
the Lodge before he is allowed to progress to the next Degree. Receiving each
Degree is a new pleasure.  Passing the work for each degree gives one a
feeling of accomplishment and pride.  Besides, do you tell all about your
personal business to everyone?  I'll bet you don't.  No one does.

Richard Jackson, PM
Corrigan Masonic Lodge #1103 AF&AM
Corrigan, Texas
newsgroup article copyright 1999, all rights reserved by Richard Jackson

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Subject: Why so secretive? (reply to Kansan1225)
From: "Michael Ottoson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 9:24 AM
Message-id: <JmEw2.848$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>But if there's nothing to it why the secrecy?
>I'm not an 'anti; just v.v.curious

I respect an honest enquiry such as this.  I hope the over-sensitivity of a
few, few masons to the attacks of the "anti's" doesn't spill over to those
truly curious and honestly seeking.

Disclaimer:  I have only recently been raised to the 3rd (two weeks ago) and
my opinions may reveal my ignorance.

A well-known example of ritualistic secrecy has been practised, I am sure,
by just about everyone reading this post:  "Make a wish, blow out the
candles, don't tell anyone your wish or it won't come true."  There may be a
"reason" for this birthday ritual secrecy, but I don't know what it is.
(now that I mention it, I _am_ kind of curious.  Does anyone know???)

There are many reasons, though, given for the few items of secrecy in the
public institution of Masonry.  One of the first proffered is to ensure that
intruders do not improperly obtain the benefits that should only be accorded
to true brethern only.  But let's be honest, the Outer Guard is not beset by
hoardes of cowans scrambling to get into the lodge.

Because of the seriousness of a Master Mason's obligation, I certainly do
not want to be compelled to fulfil my obligations to the benefit of a
dishonesty intruder.  I do agree with the surface reasons for secrecy.  But,
in my humble opinion, there are deeper and more important reasons for
guarding our secrets than this.

The rituals of the degrees are designed to make a lasting and memorable
impression.  In the same way a 'whodunit' is a more fulfulling movie if you
don't know the ending, not knowing the content of the rituals heightens the
experience.  I have seen the face of elder brethren light up as they watch a
candidate complete the Entered Apprentice degree, recalling their own
experience when they walked the floor.

There are deeper reasons still.  Keep in mind that freemasonry is "a
beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by
symbols."  Every aspect is symbolic of a human being's spiritual travels in
life.  The face value of every statement, symbol, ritual, and word in
masonry is not its intended meaning.  They are merely the veil, and that
veil is pulled aside only by one's own personal reflection and degree of
spiritual awareness.

So here, in my opinion, is the deep (dare I say "true") reason masons guard
the secrets of the degrees:  Whether a mason or not, one's private
spiritual/mystical experiences are impossible to talk about.  It is beyond
words.  Often we cannot talk about what we have learned in masonry not
because of prohibition, but because we _cannot_ talk about them -- inate
inability.  The secrets of masonry can be said to be symbolic of this fact.
By guarding our secrets, we are symbolically demonstrating the nature of
spiritual progress.

Let me eloborate on this point.  The progress one makes by working through
the degrees is a symbolic progress.  What I mean is just because one
completes the 3rd degree does not, in actual fact, entitle one to a belief
that one is in any way "superior".  As one reflects on the content of the
rituals, one can gauge one's own _real_ progress in life -- pulling aside
the veil to discover higher _real_ degrees.  A nominal Master Mason may
actually be an Entered Apprentice spiritually -- but has a symbolic road map
to the higher degrees of spiritual awareness.

Said another way:  How many times are children told by adults, "If only I
knew at your age what I know now"?  I remember an adult saying this to me as
a child, and my reply was, "Tell me!  Tell me!"  The adult in question (a
friend of my dad's) did indeed try to tell me, but his words were lost on
me.  He was, in a true sense (not a mere symbolic sense), in a superior
degree than I was at that time, and his wisdom would remain a "secret" to me
until I obtained that degree myself.

I find much this much more meaningful in considering the "secrets" than
merely keeping intruders out.

Bro. Michael Ottoson, M.M.
Aurum Lodge #704
Timmins, Ontario
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 1999 4:21 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Easttom wrote:

>I just wish we had 1/10th the power you anti's think we have.....

      I agree with you that most of the members of the public Masonic bodies
the U.S. are completely unaware of what I am describing.

      In other countries, especially in Europe and Asia, the main religions,
such as Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, traditional Islam (both Sunni
Shia), etc., proscribe Free Masonry.  However, many of the Kings, Queens,
Archbishops, Cardinals, Grand Muftis, etc., belong to Lodges.  By necessity,
because of the prevailing religious climate, these high-ranking Lodges are
clandestine.  A notorious example was the Propaganda Due (P2)Lodge in Italy.
This situation is a fertile ground for Luciferian Free Masonry to proliferate.

      Many prominent U.S. politicians, such as Brother Billy Blythe Clinton
Brother George "Poppy" Bush, belong to these clandestine Lodges.  Another good
example is the Rev. Billy Graham who continuously denies his clandestine
membership, the evidence notwithstanding.

      A public display of this Global Luciferian Oligarchy took place
at the funeral of Brother Hussein Bin Talal.  Hussein and his family claim
direct descent from Muhammad, the founder of Islam.  Public acknowledgement of
Hussein's Lodge membership would have been anathema to the traditionalists and
a speedy death sentence for him.

      However, his world-wide Brethren showed up on quick notice, some even
getting up from their own likely death beds, e.g., Brother Boris "Boozer"
Yeltsin.  The reason for this speedy action is that Hussein's death was a
ritual suicide, a personal sacrifice to kick off the events planned for May,
June, and July of this year.

      Expect the public career of the Antichrist to commence after his 33rd
birthday, after June 6, 1999.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 1999 12:12 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   TYC45 wrote:

>Which clandestine Luciferian Freemasonic lodge does Bill Clinton belong to?

      His type of clandestine Luciferian Masonic Brotherhood goes by many
names.  Some times it is called the Order of Illuminati, some times it is
called the Brotherhood of the Snake, ....

      The names are unimportant, one can only detect the Conspirators'
=====Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: "cactus6 ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 11:15 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kansan1225 wrote:
>     J. E. Carroll wrote:
> >Kansan1225 wrote in message
> >>   TYC45 wrote:
> >>>Which clandestine Luciferian Freemasonic lodge does Bill Clinton belong
> >to?
> >>      His type of clandestine Luciferian Masonic Brotherhood goes by many
> >>names.  Some times it is called the Order of Illuminati, some times it is
> >>called the Brotherhood of the Snake, ....
> >>
> >>      The names are unimportant, one can only detect the Conspirators'
> >>hoofprints.
> >
> >So if the names are unimportant, why keep using the word "Masonic"? And why
> >keep posting here? I am sure you would be welcomed with open minds in
> >alt.conspiracy. Let us know how things turn out over there!! ;-)
>       The Conspirators use many names, but the backbone of their perfidious
> pursuit is clandestine Masonic Luciferianism.

   Since "cML" does not exist - you have been unable to establish
one shred of real evidence that it does - perhaps your "Conspirators"
do not exist either?  However, you have claimed that Knights of
the Sun, or Princes Adept (28th degree - AASR) have full knowledge
of the conspiracy ("all the details") and in so doing have cast
us as conspirators.  I am not a conspirator, nor are any of the
other 32nd degree Masons I know.  Your claims are little more than
idiotic blather.

>       I am posting here because this forum is being used as a recruiting
> to lure in and hoodwink unsuspecting individuals.  The Blue Lodge (the first
> three degrees) is but the first facade of the deadly deception.

  Jim Shaw & Co. have been proven to be liars.  I think it is really
curious how those who claim to vigorously oppose the Prince of Lies,
flock to liars for spiritual guidance, and not merely liars, but
brazen, outrageous liars at that.  It seems that the bigger and
more outrageous the lie the more the weak minded believe in it.
(It is no wonder they are so worried about "mind-control".)

  However, you are not just swallowing those lies, you are going
out of your way to perpetuate them.  In my book that makes you the
minion of the greatest liar of them all.

  Rick Reade, Hiram Lodge #13 AF&AM, Albuquerque, N.Mex., USA
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 4:57 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      n757zn wrote:

> I am
>capable of making up my own mind on whatever is presented here by both sides.
>am not a "religious" man and I am not a Mason.

      McDonald's is not a religion and, when you go there to get a Value Meal,
nobody asks your religion before they serve you.

      Sears-Roebuck is not a religious institution, either.  When you go there
to buy power tools, nobody asks you whether you are an atheist, before they
scan your credit card.

      Free Masonry claims it is not a religion.  However, if somebody tries to
join, the first question he is asked is whether he believes in God.  Strange,
isn't it?

      If he gives the approved response that he does believe in God, it does
not matter to Free Masonry whether his God is Jesus, or Vishnu, or Shiva, or
Brahma, or ....  Logic tells us that Jesus and Vishna are incompatible.  That
does not matter a whit to Free Masonry.

      If an enemy of God wanted to create a vehicle to confuse people as to
nature of God, Free Masonry would be the perfect vehicle.  When all religions
are put on an equal footing, then the one, true religion, whatever that may
is being demoted.  Quite a victory for the Adversary.

      One can not understand the purpose and function of religion in human
life, until one understands the workings of God.  One can not understand the
ultimate purpose of Free Masonry, until one detects the Unseen Hand of Satan
its background.

      Before you make any commitments, try to get the texts of the
blood-curdling, irrevocable oaths of the Brotherhood.  They are available in
public documents.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SClarke505)
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 5:45 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John Doe (aka Kansan), do you really believe this trash that you are droping
our door step?

>McDonald's is not a religion and, when you go there to get a Value Meal,
>nobody asks your religion before they serve you.

And neither does Masonry.

>Sears-Roebuck is not a religious institution, either.  When you go there
>to buy power tools, nobody asks you whether you are an atheist, before they
>scan your credit card.

No, but if you applied for a job they would perform a background check.

> Free Masonry claims it is not a religion.

Because it is not, it is a mens fraternal organization. Of course as a
non-member you wouldn't know that.

>However, if somebody tries to
>join, the first question he is asked is whether he believes in God.  Strange,
>isn't it?

On the contrary, we do discriminate. As a membership organization we do not
wish to associate with (in our organization) athiests,irreligious libertines,
eunuchs, persons of unsound mind and women. Outside the lodge there is no such

 >If he gives the approved response that he does believe in God, it does
>not matter to Free Masonry whether his God is Jesus, or Vishnu, or Shiva, or
>Brahma, or ....  Logic tells us that Jesus and Vishna are incompatible.  That
>does not matter a whit to Free Masonry.

Your own words! Proof positive that we are a frarenity and not a religion. By
your illogical standard, when riding a subway in New York, all Catholics would
have to ride in one car, Baptists in another, Jews in another etc. we have two
very large common denominators, 1) We are all men 2) We all have a belief in a
supreme being.

>  If an enemy of God wanted to create a vehicle to confuse people as to the
>nature of God, Free Masonry would be the perfect vehicle.  When all religions
>are put on an equal footing, then the one, true religion, whatever that may
>is being demoted.  Quite a victory for the Adversary.

Again, your own words, "what ever that might be"! Nice try satan worshiper,
divide the good people against each other, then conquer. Masonry is just plain
and simple, not a religion, it is only an assemblege of good people. Every one
of these false prophets have attacked Masonry as a religion but not one,
not one has demonstrated in any shape manner or form that it is!

>      One can not understand the purpose and function of religion in human
>life, until one understands the workings of God.  One can not understand the
>ultimate purpose of Free Masonry, until one detects the Unseen Hand of Satan
>its background.

There is no "unseen hand of satan" in the background of Masonry. You use
capital letters when you speak of satan, no not in the "background" you are
right up front a satinist.

> Before you make any commitments, try to get the texts of the
>blood-curdling, irrevocable oaths of the Brotherhood.  They are available in
>public documents.

Anything the curious wish to know, just ask. In New York State we open our
lodge rooms to all. We often have open meetings with the general public
present, usually for installations or on brother bring a friend night. John
(aka kansan) hides his name, Masons are right out in the open. The realm of
secrecy is that of the kansan's, not mine. My name is;

     Capt. Sam Schwarzman
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 1999 1:40 PM
Message-id: <7a274l$tjo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225) wrote:
>       To n757zn:
>       I applaud your efforts in investigating this subject.  When I started
> looking into these matters about ten years ago I was of a rather liberal
> outlook, in the conventional meaning of the word, and more or less
> indifferent.
>       There is a lot of information available in public libraries and on the
> Internet, both pro and con.  It may be that your particular outlook agrees
> Free Masonry's philosophy.
>       I would just caution you about doing anything in haste.  Regarding the
> oaths, look into the case of Captain William Morgan who disappeared in
> N.Y. in the 1820s.  Also, investigate the Masonic significance of Jack the
> Ripper.

Please do lookk into both these supposed links.  Captian Morgan was a
desperate man who is also supposed to have fled from his srewish wife.
Anti-Masonic conspiracy theorists supposed that he was done away with by
local Freemasons because he "exposed" some of the secrets of Freemasonry.
There was never any evidence of such an occurance happening, he simply
wasn't at home one day.  There WAS a report of him being alive and well
on in a distant location some several years after Masons supposedly
murdered him.

The Jack the Ripper link is reported to be related to Masonry due to two
things.  First, the victims were murdered in fashions which were supposed
to be similar to the penalties of the three Masonic Blue Lodge Degrees.
Secondly, someone wrote Jewes on a wall near a body.  Granted, the wounds
of some of the murders were done in an almost professional manner.  A
doctor or a butcher could have murdered somone with similar precision.
Perhaps the murderer was a practitioner of the Jewish or Muslim faith
which requires animals to be slain with a single quick stroke across the
corrotids which severs the neck from ear to ear.  Who knows?

I know this.  Like most anti statements, these two instances are, and have
been, rife with innuendo and supposition rather than real factual
evidence that Masons actually did any of the deeds.

Richard Jackson, PM
Corrigan Masonic Lodge #1103 AF&AM
Corrigan, Texas
newsgroup article copyright 1999, all rights reserved by Richard Jackson

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Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 1999 3:03 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      n757zn wrote:

> I have made a comparison
>between the practice of Congress and Masonic meetings (which I have never
>attended). I am told that prayer is a part of Masonic meetings. I know that
>prayer is part of the conduct of Congressional bussiness. Why is it that when
>Christians and Jews pray together in Congress, nobody is telling them that
>are "denying Jesus" or somehow denigrating one religion over another by
>"putting them on an even plain"  with other religions?

      When Congress meets, what you see is a Grand Concourse of CLuMs meeting
to carry out business under the  GLOB.  The United States itself has been
established from the very beginning as a conspiratorial project known as New
Atlantis.  We will examine this conspiracy in the near future.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: "cactus6 ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 10:41 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kansan1225 wrote:
>       Mike Beltzer wrote:
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JunDec735)
> >Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999 11:34 EST
> >Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >>     I never claimed that Brother George "Poppy" Bush is a member of a
> >public
> >>Blue Lodge.  My claim is that he is a clandestine Illuminated Luciferian
> >Free
> >>Mason.
> >
> >Then stop bothering us "public" Blue Lodge Masons. Why not go to a
> >Illuminated
> >Luciferian Free Mason NG! And complain to them.
> >
> >Mike Beltzer
>       This forum is being used as a recruiting ground to lure unsuspecting
> individuals into the Blue Lodge.
>       According to the notorious Luciferian Albert Pike, the Blue Lodge is
> nothing but the portico, the facade of the Hidden Mysteries.

   And according to you, the notorious "Luciferian" Albert Pike
claimed that only the Knights of the Sun, or Princes Adept (28th
degree AASR) know "all the details" of "true Luciferian Free Masonry".
Well that covers every 32nd degree Mason in the U.S., Southern and
Northern Jurisdictions.  That is a lot of U.S. Masons and we can now
authoritatively say that your claims about 'unsuspecting "low level"
Masons' are total BUNK.

   Answer this:  How is it that you know of the alleged secret "true
Luciferian Free Masonry" and none of the people you claim to have
full knowledge about it have no knowledge of it at all?

   Rick Reade, Hiram Lodge #13 AF&AM, Albuquerque, N.Mex., USA
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: "Bryan Steiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 1999 12:46 PM
Message-id: <7a4oh2$hnu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    Bush is also a member of Skull and Bones, a fraternity based at Yale
>University.  Skull and Bones was established as the pre-eminent student
>of the Order of Illuminati in the U.S.


Why is it that every single men's club that doesn't show their bankbooks and
handshakes to everyone who asks is labeled a part of the Illuminati by
conspiracy theorists?  I mean, just a *little* bit of applied logic should
tell you that if the Illuminati exists and its primary purpose is unseen
manipulation of world politics, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to
go and forge links with 'known' secret societies, does it?

Shea and Wilson must be cackling at the number of people who've gotten their
entire outlook on life from the Illuminatus trilogy....
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 1999 2:19 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Point of information, Skull & Bones has been open to women for the past 6 to 8
years, don't remember exactly what year. There was a "complete" expose' on
Skull & Bones along with Freemasonry in a show on Secret Sociaties in the A &
Series "Hidden Mysteries".  It has been on cable several times this past year.
And, obviously the producers of this show were only guessing on most of what
they said.
George F. Kivowitz
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 1999 3:43 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Bryan Steiger wrote:

> if the Illuminati exists and its primary purpose is unseen
>manipulation of world politics, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to
>go and forge links with 'known' secret societies, does it?

      If the Illuminati exist, their members are living and breathing human
beings, not to mention the fire-spewing, crawling reptilian members.  These
human members go about and set up front organizations, such as the CFR, TLC,
Bilderbergers, etc.  They also set up, or infiltrate, semi-clandestine groups,
such as P-2, Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, the Bohemian Grove, etc.

      The idea is to dupe others into carrying out the work of the Conspiracy.
The high-ranking members of the Illuminati, or whatever their official name is
these days, are very few.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 1999 8:04 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


And if your theory is correct it has nothing to do with Freemasonry then does

I expect there are evil persons in any organisation doing dastardly deeds
however we dont condemm Christianity because a member of a Christian church
does evil things.

Most members of the Christian church like most members of Freemasonry are
decent people trying to live their life to a high standard and the aims and
principles of the Church and Freemasonry while distinct are quite clear. In
both cases their teachings and precepts are ways of obtaining higher moral
standards in life regardless of a mans religion in the case of Freemasonry.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 8:57 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      TYC45 wrote:

>And if your theory is correct it has nothing to do with Freemasonry then does
>I expect there are evil persons in any organisation doing dastardly deeds
>however we dont condemm Christianity because a member of a Christian church
>does evil things.
>Most members of the Christian church like most members of Freemasonry are
>decent people trying to live their life to a high standard and the aims and
>principles of the Church and Freemasonry while distinct are quite clear. In
>both cases their teachings and precepts are ways of obtaining higher moral
>standards in life regardless of a mans religion in the case of Freemasonry.

      I agree with most of what you say.  However, my investigations have
convinced me that all these "coincidences" I am pointing out show that a huge
Conspiracy is afoot.

      Furthermore, the Conspirators, whoever they are, use Masonic symbology
their productions.  For, example in the recent Impeachment Trial "drama":

      ***  The Senate Trial started on January 7, the Feast Day of St. John
Baptist, one of the two "patron saints" of Free Masonry, along with St. John
the Evangelist.

      ***  The House Managers, the prosecutors, were thirteen in number, a
significant Masonic number.  In this case it was a reference to the slain Sun
god Osiris and his dismembered body.  Osiris's sister and wife Isis recovered
thirteen pieces of the body.

      ***  The allowed witnesses at the Trial were three, just like the Three
Ruffians, or Juwes, the "unworthy craftsmen" who slew Hiram Abiff.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 1999 2:52 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      TYC45 wrote:

>When you look at the policies that JFK was publicly hinting at and covertly
>pursuing then you may get some idea of why he was not allowed to implement

      I used to think exactly along these same lines.  However, through my
investigations I have come to the conclusion that the Conspirators did not
Kennedy because they did not like him.

      They killed him as an offering of the "first fruit" of New Atlantis to
Lucifer.  In a similar vein, Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed as the "first fruit"
of Israel.  Finally, King Hussein submitted to the sacrifice of the "first
fruit" of Jordan.

      That leaves Brother Yassir "Yes, sir!" Arafat to ponder his own fate as
the "first fruit" of Palestine.
Subject: Re: Sinister Masonic secrets of the Oklahoma City bombing
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 1999 3:26 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Jack Hickey wrote:

>If you "stretch" your idea of a 19-year cycle to include anything
>between 18 to 20, you may have hit on something here.   Of course,
>then you would have to explain why the man who was president in
>1982/3 is still alive, eleven years after leaving office.
>What caused the "Metonic" cycle to stop working?

      The 19-year Metonic cycle of the moon is related to U.S. Presidential
deaths in office in the following way:

      The first President to die in office was W. Harrison in 1841 during the
Metonic cycle of 1824 to 1842.  Later deaths follow this pattern:

      Cycle of 1843 to 1861:  Z. Taylor in 1850.

      Cycle of 1862 to 1880:  A. Lincoln in 1865.

      Cycle of 1881 to 1899:  J. Garfield in 1881.

      Cycle of 1900 to 1918:  W. McKinley in 1901.

      Cycle of 1919 to 1937:  W. Harding in 1923.

      Cycle of 1938 to 1956:  F. Roosevelt in 1945.

      Cycle of 1957 to 1975:  J. Kennedy in 1963.

      Cycle of 1976 to 1994:  R. Reagan, who experienced Luciferian Masonic
death and resurrection on 3/30/1981.

      Reagan was the ninth sitting President or "first fruit" of New Atlantis
to be offered to Lucifer.  The number nine symbolizes the length of a
(9 "months") and its completion brings about a New Beginning, the Luciferian
Masonic resurrection of Brother Ronald as another Hiram Abiff, or another

      Presently we are in the Metonic cycle of 1995 to 2013.  Brother Bill, a
symbolic King of the Sun, was sacrificed (impeached) as "first fruit" on
December 19, 1998, on the New Moon of Hanukkah, just before the Winter
Solstice.  His Luciferian Masonic resurrection is expected for Friday,
12, the birthday of past "first fruit" Abraham Lincoln.
      The sacrifice of the "first fruit" is not a one-time thing.  It has to
repeated according to various occult patterns.  For example, in  the 19-year
Metonic cycle sacrifices, each sacrificed U.S. President was the "first fruit"
of New Atlantis of his time.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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