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THE SCOOP for February 15, 1999

Parents Alert: Is Jerry Falwell Gay?
also: A Theory Even Arlen Specter Can't Believe
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

In the "Parents Alert" section of a recent Jerry Falwell publication,
Tinky-Winky, one of the Teletubbies, has been outed as gay.

The shocking evidence:

Tinky-Winky has a big inverted triangle on his head.
The U.S. gay community often uses a triangle as a group symbol.

Tinky-Winky carries a magic bag.
Gays are often stereotyped as carrying purses.

Tinky-Winky is purple.
Which is sort of like pink.  Not much, but sort of.

[Coincidence?]  Jerry Falwell thinks not.

Then again, the gay community also uses the rainbow flag and the Greek
letter Lambda as symbols, neither of which appear on the show.  I live in
West Hollywood and have never once seen a gay man with a purse, outside of
the occasional drag queen in full Streisand mode.  And as to purple, on
Earth it's more clearly associated with the British royal family, Welch's
grape juice, and the Minnesota Vikings, none of which is particularly gay,
although if you put all three in a hot tub you're halfway there.

Thanks to an immediate national outpouring of derision and common sense,
Falwell is now trying to distance himself from the article.  Still,
earlier this week, his spokesperson insisted that Falwell, who admittedly
has never even seen the Teletubbies, was in full agreement with what his
organization published.

Of course, you can take three or four isolated facts out of almost
anything and use them to convince yourself of any point you'd like to
make.  As we'll soon see.


But first, let's back up.  There are indeed good reasons to fear the
Teletubbies.  Homosexuality is not one of them.

In the Pre-fab Four's weird little biome, no clear line exists between the
natural and synthetic worlds.  Both real and man-made light are present;
both real and man-made plants abound.  Even technology and living flesh
are merged, with technology clearly the dominant force.  When the pinwheel
spins and a TV signal is broadcast, the Teletubbies are helpless to
resist.  All they can do is stop everything, lamely protest with a futile
"uh-oh," and watch passively as their own bodies respond to remote control.

Think about it.  If George Orwell's [1984] had included children's TV,
this is what it would have looked like.

Looking ahead, it's hard to imagine the Teletubbies generation holding any
intuitive qualms about things like human cloning and other genetic
tinkering.  And intentionally or not, an entire generation of children is
being taught by example -- before they've learned to speak, before they
can even hold a single critical thought of their own -- that domination
from a monolithic media, controlled elsewhere by an insuperable power, is
the natural order of things.

That's hardly a democratic lesson.

Not that Jerry Falwell thinks critically about such things.

No, Jerry Falwell says he's a man of God.  Which means, of course, that he
thinks mostly about sex.

Not all the time, granted.  When not obsessing about Monica Lewinsky and
Paula Jones and Tinky Winky, Jerry Falwell occasionally finds time to
point out that the anti-Christ is a Jew, rock music is full of backward
Satanic messages, and, according to the "Clinton Chronicles" videotape
this holy man has enthusiastically hawked, President Clinton may very well
command a sinister death squad.

But mostly Jerry Falwell thinks about sex.


Tinky-Winky has a triangle on his head.  That's the secret symbol, see.

Right.  The producers of the Teletubbies put a secret symbol [on top of
the character's head.]  That's how they're keeping it secret.

Don't anybody look at the character's head, shhh, it's a secret.  That's
our secret hiding place: the top of the character's head.

See, that's how gays communicate secretly.  Giant triangles.

Delta Airlines?  Gay.

The Kansas City Chiefs?  Gay.

The Play button on your CD?  Gay.

Fast Forward?  Double gay.

But it's a secret.  Don't anybody tell.

That way, only the really hip infants are gonna notice an eight-inch
triangle on top of one character's head.


Excuse me, but if Jerry Falwell and his evil minions are looking for sex
in the Teletubbies, let me help out here:

Dipsy's the one with a [12-inch shaft] sprouting out the top of his skull.

What in the hell are Falwell's people looking at?  See for yourself.
Dipsy is the John Holmes of children's television.

It's enough to give a guy a serious case of Antenna Envy.

And that's not all.  Check out little Po.  Po's head is adorned with...
yes, a perfect circle.

Hmm.  What could this mean?  Twelve-inch shaft... perfect circle... OK,
you tell me what's happening on the other side of Teletubbie Hill.

[Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-ohhhhhhhh...]

In case you think I exaggerate: next time you're in a video store, pick up
a Teletubbies tape and look at the cover.  On the very first one I picked
up, Po has her legs spread open as wide as possible, like a Hustler
centerfold, but smarter-looking.


Still, the character I really feel sorry for is the other one, La-La,
who's stuck with that weird yellow spiral coming out of his head.  What
the hell kind of painful apparatus is that to go carrying around?  No
wonder Po never goes near him.

La-La has either suffered a frightening impact to his spongy tissue, or
that's a giant spirochete on the top of his head.  Either way, no Po-jobs
for La-La.

So, taking Rev. Falwell at his word, the Teletubbies secret code seems to

Tinky-Winky     gay
Dipsy                   guy
Po                              girl
La-La                   diseased, possibly injured, asexual mutant

At least now when you catch your two-year-old reading a copy of [Blueboy],
you won't have to wonder how it happened.


Finally, just to demonstrate you can pull things out of context to make
any case you want to:

It's a fact that people who are unsure of their own sexuality often obsess
about the sexuality of others, projecting outward their own innermost
feelings.  J. Edgar Hoover, for example, was certain everybody else in
Washington had sexual habits worthy of blackmail precisely because of his

Clinical studies confirm that homophobes are often reacting to unresolved
homoerotic feelings of their own (see, for example, "Ellen Is Out: What
Took Us So Long," The Scoop for March 20, 1997, currently archived at

So.  Is Jerry Falwell's interest in Tinky-Winky's sexuality really just
his way of trying to tell us something?  Is Jerry Falwell secretly gay?
Consider the following...

Jerry Falwell's books include

• Church Aflame
• Stepping Out On Faith
• When It Hurts Too Much To Cry

Jerry Falwell personally

• has been voted three times as one of the 10 Most Admired Men in America
-- by Good Housekeeping magazine
• tried to put Larry Flynt, one of the world's leading heterosexual
pornographers, out of business
• has never had sex with Jessica Hahn

And anagramming the names of Falwell's organizations, we find

Libertine days at rich YMCA

Pat... clench... bugger...  Still, boy!

I'm a sly pervert in a muni city bus

And according to his own website, Falwell is "regularly seen driving
around the {Liberty University} campus in his Suburban truck... he is
affectionately called "Jerry" by most of the students, many of whom he
knows by name."


Clearly (and taken just as misguidedly out of context), Jerry Falwell is
at [least] as great a danger to children as Tinky-Winky.

Parents Alert! indeed.


GOP Senator Arlen Specter made headlines this week by announcing in
advance that he intended to cross party lines and vote Not Guilty in the
Clinton impeachment proceedings.

Arlen Specter said he didn't think the prosecution theory concerning the
Obstruction of Justice charge was proven.

Excuse me?

[Arlen Specter] says the GOP theory is too implausible to believe?

Dudes, 35 years ago Arlen Specter was an attorney for the Warren
Commission.  Arlen Specter is the guy who invented the Magic Bullet Theory.

To this day, Arlen Specter still says with a straight face that on
November 22, 1963, one bullet, Commission Exhibit number 399:

a) swooped down on JFK's motorcade from the Texas School Book Depository,
launched by one of the worst shooters to ever serve in the U.S. military
from a notoriously inaccurate rifle -- which some of the finest marksmen
in the world could operate only poorly, even in rigged tests with practice
and major repairs -- on a mission from God...

b) attacked John Kennedy in the back -- punching perfectly-aligned holes
in the back of his coat and shirt, both of which are visible in photos of
the clothing, and matching the location of the entrance wound on the
original autopsy notes --  even though the official entrance wound is a
full six inches higher, in the back of JFK's neck -- so either there's two
gunmen or JFK was watching Beavis and Butthead and decided to play
Cornholio for an instant that wasn't recorded by the Zapruder film...

c) exited the front of Kennedy's throat, leaving a wound every single
doctor in Dallas characterized as an entrance wound, which would mean
another gunman firing from the front (although gee, it's not like doctors
in Dallas know anything about bullet wounds -- Texas is just the only
state in the country where you can win a semi-automatic rifle for 25 cents
in the crane game at Shoney's, just beneath the fuzzy dice and the big
silk heart that says I Wuv You)...

d) proceeded to smash into John Connally's back, although if we accept
Connally's own account, not until about 1.6 seconds later, during which
time the bullet apparently just... [hung out], maybe hovering in midair,
waiting for some sort of all clear-signal (during which time, come to
think of it, Jackie could have reached over and simply grabbed the bullet
out of the air and saved Governor Connally a lot of bother)...

e) suddenly remembered why it was there, slamming into Connally,
shattering his fifth rib...

f) proceeded out past the Governor's right nipple and attacked the right
wrist, blasting apart the radius bone, one of the hardest bones in the
human body...

g) wounded Governor Connally in the left thigh...

h) and remained in the thigh until finally wriggling out of its own
volition on arrival at the hospital, to be found not [on] a stretcher but
[between layers] of a stretcher -- and very possibly not even Connally's
stretcher -- managing to clean itself of any trace of blood, bone, tissue,
or fabric, and disguise itself sufficiently that the first three men to
handle the bullet declined under oath to confirm it was the same one
placed into evidence.

Y'know, it's a miracle this bullet isn't still in Dealey Plaza killing
people to this very day.

That, in short, is Arlen Specter's Single Bullshit -- er, sorry -- Bullet

Arlen Specter even says that's it's more than just a theory.  Arlen
Specter says it's a proven fact.

And even [Arlen freaking Specter] couldn't vote for the House Managers'

I wonder what he thinks about whether or not Tinky-Winky is gay...


Bob Harris is a radio commentator, political writer, and humorist who
has spoken at almost 300 colleges nationwide.  His email address is

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Bob's Big Plug-O-Rama™ (updated 2/15/98):

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