-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:488884">WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE</A>
From: "The Survivalist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Feb 15, 1999 9:56 AM
Message-id: <7a9mqt$9o5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Great article by Joe Farah


 Where do we go from here?


Why did the impeachment trial fail? It's simple.
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, charged with investigating and reporting
to Congress on a series of serious, republic-threatening charges against the
president, chose to focus his efforts -- for whatever reason -- on the
Monica Lewinsky affair.

I'll be charitable, for a moment, and assume he was merely an incompetent
prosecutor and investigator -- the wrong man for the job. After all, he had
no experience in this area before being named to the post by Attorney
General Janet Reno. He was a judge, not a prosecutor. Everyone who knows
Starr says he is a decent man, but many of his friends concede he does not
have the stomach for a fight. He wants to be liked. And he is deeply plugged
into the Washington political establishment -- not the type of guy you would
expect to light the fuse of a potential political revolution, certainly not
one that threatened Democrats and Republicans.

So, Starr contained the damage. His first order of business was whitewashing
the mysterious and still-unexplained death of Vincent Foster. That's right:
I said still unexplained.

Starr's investigators were never able to answer the most fundamental
questions raised by his death: What happened to the bullet? What happened to
the autopsy x-rays? Why were Foster's fingerprints not found on the gun? Why
do eyewitnesses insist Foster's car was not in the Fort Marcy parking lot
after he was already supposed to be dead in the park? Why are there
conflicting accounts of the wound or wounds in the autopsy report?

Starr had the power to get the answers. He could have exhumed the body. He
could have allowed his prosecutor on the case, Miquel Rodriguez, to pursue a
proper grand jury investigation. Instead, Starr chose to accept the
unacceptable conclusions of prior politically-controlled probes by the U.S.
Park Police and Special Counsel Robert Fiske. He passed on the autopsy, and
he fired Rodriguez.

Any hopes that Starr would be the man to bring justice to a corrupt White
House should have been dashed way back then. But there was so much more
scandal brewing, many observers believed Starr was merely looking for the
easiest and safest approach to nail President Clinton. After all, there were
more smoking guns -- Travelgate, Filegate, the political abuse of federal
agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, the Chinese military and
intelligence connections, campaign fund-raising illegalities, hush money,
intimidation of witnesses, etc.

Starr took a pass on all of them. Instead, late in his probe, he shifted
virtually all his resources to investigating the Lewinsky matter.

But there was still plenty there. After all, even some of the president's
staunchest defenders said publicly when the scandal first broke that if the
charges proved true, Clinton would be forced to resign or be impeached.

Well, he didn't resign, he was impeached, and the rest is history. With the
political trial now concluded in the Senate, Clinton has been effectively
inoculated against prosecution or accountability on the far more serious
charges never brought forward by Starr.

Where does that leave us? In a most dangerous position.

The Senate vote had not even been recorded yet, when Clinton's inner circle
began spreading the word that there would be retribution. Sid "Vicious"
Blumenthal and James "the Hatchet" Carville would have their day. Anyone who
had crossed Clinton had better watch out.

It turns out Al Gore was right when he said there was "no controlling legal
authority." If you have enough power in America, you are above the law. That
is the legacy of the Clinton administration. Unless. ...

There are still two places the battle is raging: (1) The courts, where Larry
Klayman's Judicial Watch, Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation and a
handful of other freedom fighters press on; and, (2) the court of public
opinion, heretofore shaped largely by the establishment press, but now being
slowly awakened from its slumber by the "new media," with talk radio, the
DrudgeReport and WorldNetDaily very much in the vanguard.

Am I disappointed by the charade in the Senate? Yes. Am I frustrated with
Starr's malfeasance? Yes. Am I worried about what this chapter of history
portends for the future of America? Yes. Do I believe Clinton represents a
clear and present danger to our freedom? Yes. Am I going to give up? No.

It's time for all Americans who believe in the promises of America, the
Constitution, individual rights, self-government, the rule of law and
limited powers to pick themselves up and prepare for the next battle.
Without doubt, it is coming -- soon.


A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be
heard at http://www.ktkz.com/





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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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