New York Senator "wannabe", First Lady Hillary Clinton recently
urged an end to what she called "forced family planning".  Mrs.
Clinton's speech was seen as a thinly veiled critique of the
Chinese policy on forced abortion and sterilization.

In February, 1999, Hillary Rodham Clinton took the podium at a
U.N.  population conference in the Netherlands.  Mrs. Clinton
reportedly addressed 1,500 delegates in what was billed to be a
world conference to empower women.  Her comments overlook the
fact that female empowerment is of little use in a communist
state.  The First Lady's sudden awareness of the communist Chinese
policy is a propaganda ploy aimed at the remains of the tattered
feminist movement in the post "Monica" world.

Pregnant Chinese women who do not have the proper license are
arrested, forcibly aborted and are often sterilized, depending
on the charges made by the communist People's Armed Police
(PAP).  There are no Court proceedings and PAP warrants can be
issued on suspicion of illegal pregnancy.  Women who have
suffered this mutilation, torture and murder of their children
have testified before the U.S. Congress.

China has used the abort and sterilize policy in a genocidal war
against Tibet and muslim populations in western China.  Reports
of rape, and forced sterilization by Chinese Army and Police are
so commonplace in Tibet that the policy is seen as an official
act of the communist leadership in Beijing.

During the Nuremburg trials of Nazi leaders, forced abortions
and acts of forced sterilization were ruled to be "war crimes".
The U.N., various human rights activists, and even the Pope have
openly complained of Beijing's cruel policy.

Many Americans, liberal and conservative, view the Chinese
policy as brutal and inhuman.  It is certain that both
Republican and Democrat, pro-life and pro-abortion, would agree
that forced abortions and sterilization are crimes.

To the "feminist" Mrs. Clinton and her husband these acts are
a "family planning" issue.

It is certain that President Clinton can rightfully be accused
of his own "forced family planning" in the White House with
almost anyone but his wife.  Clinton, however, also has helped
the red Police carry out the policy of murder.

In July 1995, President Clinton authorized the sale of secure
Motorola radios and cellular phones to the People's Armed Police
(PAP).  PAP orders to arrest, abort and sterilize are given over
a secure Motorola radio system exported to the Chinese Gestapo
with the approval of Bill Clinton.  Motorola CEO Gary Tooker
personally thanked Ron Brown for his efforts in obtaining the
Clinton "Presidential waiver".

In 1995, "co-President" Mrs. Clinton did not oppose the Motorola
sale to the murdering red Gestapo agents.  The First Lady did
not raise human rights issues on her recent trip to China in
1998.  Human rights and "forced family planning" are only now
issues because a Senate seat from New York is within her grasp
in 2000.

Mrs. Clinton's desire to be Evita Peron is certainly more
believable than Madonna's portrayal of the Argentine fascist
dictatress.  The unbelievable part is that the state of New York
desires to continue Clinton scandals into the next century.

What did the rest of the nation do to New York to deserve this
impending torture?  Other states are nice to New York.  Virginia
has taken New York trash.  New Jersey is forced to share a
border and a football team with the empire state.  One would
think that New Yorkers would be grateful and spare the country.

The nation has endured the first couple since 1993.  Two full
terms as Co-Presidents should be more than enough to foul even
the hard-core constitution for scandal.  There is no good DNC
reason to extend Whitewater, Vince Foster and Ken Starr another
six years.

The First Lady of scandals has a list of skeletons that would
fatally burden even a Kennedy running for lifeguard.  Mrs.
Clinton's role in the scandal-a-day-in-the-U.S.A. theme has
included a secret attempt to nationalize the medical industry,
an alleged affair with Vince Foster (the ex-White House lawyer),
and her personal effort to pack the White House travel office
with a Riady family owned operation.

Mrs. Clinton saw the Foster suicide note long before President
Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno.  Mrs. Clinton is
reported to have hired DNC operative and Mr. Chicken, Craig
Livingstone.  Mrs. Clinton has abused U.S. military officers
assigned to the White House as if they were trash.  Rose office
billing records re-appeared through the mystery of time and
space in Mrs. Clinton's study.

Mrs. Clinton has left us with a wide selection of photo
evidence.  Mrs. Clinton has had her photo taken with drug dealer
Jorge Cabrera.  Jorge donated a load of drug money to the DNC in
order to get close to the First Lady.  Jorge is currently
serving Federal time for smuggling 3 tons of cocaine into the
United States.

Ironically, Jorge and Hillary were photographed in front of the
White House Christmas tree.

We can excuse Jorge, however, because he is reported to be
somewhat of a collector of celebrity photographs.  Jorge was
arrested with 3 tons of coke, cuban cigars and a photo of Cuban
Dictator Fidel Castro.

Mrs. Clinton also has a virtual personal photo gallery of modern
crime.  It is almost as if she wanted to collect snap-shots of
herself and major crime figures.

For example, the co-Presidents were photographed together with
Macau criminal boss Ng Lapseng.  Ng makes most of his money
through the female empowering career of prostitution.  Ng also,
on occasion, dabbles in heroin, murder for hire and gun
smuggling.  Ng also donated thousands of dollars to the DNC
through the Clintons.

No one can accuse the First Lady of being techno-phobic in her
selection of scandals.  The role of Webster Hubbell, the Chinese
Army and the First Lady at the Rose office law firm goes much
deeper than Whitewater land fraud and into the high-tech world
of spies and computer information warfare.

During the 1980s, Mrs. Clinton and Webster Hubbell worked on a
secret NSA project for a Rose office law firm client.  This is
clearly documented by FOIA request.  Mrs. Clinton, Hubbell and
Vince Foster worked on a classified NSA contract for Systematics
of Arkansas, a firm then owned by Jackson Stephens, the
billionaire partner of Moctar Riady.

A newly de-classified document from the FBI confirms that
Attorney General Reno appointed Webster Hubbell to a secret NSA
computer chip project intended to bug America.  That project was
called CLIPPER.  The document, a 1993 letter from FBI Director
William Sessions to Janet Reno, was obtained from the Department
of Justice using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The FBI letter to Reno states "During the June 30, 1993 meeting
with the National Security Council staff to discuss the status
of the Presidential Decision and Review Directives concerning
key-escrow encryption technology and telecommunications trends,
which was attended by Associate Attorney General Webster
Hubbell, the issue of a recommended solution to the law
enforcement access problem, or the digital telephony issue, was

A major part of the Clipper chip project was to install the
chips into your Hillary Clinton national ID card and national
health care card.  The intent would be for the Dept. of Justice
to monitor your health care providers for fraud and abuse.  The
result would be to monitor you wherever you presented your card.

According to a 1993 letter to the Commerce Dept. by Microcard, a
U.S. smart card manufacturer, the Clipper chip simply cost too
much.  Clipper, according to Mircocard, was far "too expensive"
at $25 per chip to be included into Mrs. Clinton's planned
nationalization of U.S. health care.

The First Lady and Hubbell were inside the top secret world of
Clipper.  The selection of former Rose office associates Webster
Hubbell and Vince Foster clearly points at Mrs. Clinton like a
sign to digital dictatorship on the information highway.

Hillary Clinton's close relationship with the Chinese Army is
all too well documented.  The First Lady was clearly involved
with Chinese agent Johnny Chung and the penetration of Col. Lui
of COSTIND or the Chinese Commission of Science, Technology, and
Industry for National Defense, or COSTIND.

According to the GAO, COSTIND "oversees development of China's
weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring
telecommunications technology applicable for military use."

Johnny Chung also had several photo sessions with both Clintons.
Many of the photos appear in Mr. Chung's beer advertisements.
Johnny Chung passed Chinese Army money to the DNC through Mrs.

In return, a very young and attractive female PLA Colonel (and
COSTIND computer information warfare specialist) was allowed to
meet Bill Clinton.  How long Col. Lui and Bill Clinton were
alone together is not known but I doubt she was there to inspect
the President's hard drive.

There are many reasons why Hillary Clinton should not be the
next Senator from New York.  The items above are just a
suggestion for the 2000 New York Senate campaign and a start for
any reporters interested in asking the First Lady of scandal
real questions about her politics.

However, be warned, Mrs. Clinton is reported to be able to hurl
an ashtray with the accuracy of a laser-guided smart bomb.


Hillary Clinton reference page:

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            02/16/99
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