-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:489205">Loose Ends</A>
Subject: Loose Ends
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 1999 12:45 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


         Have Clinton's Chinese Donors Escaped Justice?

By Marvin Lee

"I am under a gag order not to speak to the press," says  Matthew
King  of  the San Francisco office of the U.S. Bureau of Customs.
King was a participant in the "Dragon Fire" sting operation  that
netted  Chinese  gun  smugglers  in 1996. In 1997, before the gag
order was issued, King managed to explain to reporters for Vanity
Fair  that  the ultimate goal of the Dragon Fire operation was to
arrest top Chinese Communist officials such as Wang Jun, who were
engaged in massive weapons smuggling to the United States:

  "Can you imagine the reactions or  how  Congress  would  have
  voted  (on  MFN  for  China)  if  we had been allowed to keep
  going?  If we had arrested the Norinco officials who had come
  here  to sell Red Parakeet missiles?  If Dragon Fire had been
  able to nail the princelings?  This  country's  China  policy
  would be a hell of a lot different today."

But for some reason, the Dragon Fire sting operation  was  leaked
to  the  press  before  Matthew  King and his BATF colleague Dick
Stoltz managed to get to  the  top  of  the  military  industrial
complex of Communist China and nail Wang Jun and his lieutenants.

What King and Stoltz did not know at  the  time,  but  was  later
revealed  through  the  Chinagate investigation, is that Wang Jun
visited the White House just one month before the press leak that
aborted  the  Dragon  Fire  sting  operation.  The visit had been
arranged by Chinese agent and Clinton  friend  Charlie  Trie  and
Clinton  friend  Ernest  Green.  Trie  has  donated  hundreds  of
thousands of dollars to Bill Clinton and his legal  defense  fund
on  behalf  of the People's Republic of China, and Ernest Green's
wife, on the day of Wang Jun's White House visit, donated $50,000
to the Democratic National Committee [1].

King told the Washington Weekly that his colleague,  Dick  Stoltz
of the San Francisco BATF, had also been issued a "gag" order not
to speak to the press. Stoltz referred the Washington  Weekly  to
the BATF Public Relations office which did not return calls.

Ed Timperlake,  co-author  of  "Year  of  The  Rat:  How  Clinton
Compromised  U.S.  Security  for  Chinese Cash," was surprised to
hear that there was a gag order and told  the  Washington  Weekly
that he didn't understand it.

The gag order  could  reflect  that  an  investigation  is  still
ongoing.   The  Washington  Weekly placed calls to individuals at
the Justice Department and the prosecuting U.S. Attorney's office
in  San  Francisco who have been involved in the Dragon Fire case
in the past to inquire about this possibility. We  found  no  one
willing  or  able  to  speak  about  the  Dragon  Fire  case.  An
alternative explanation of the gag order is that there is  now  a
full-scale political cover-up.


1. Wang Jun's White House visit  is  described  in  Timperlake  &
Triplett's  "Year  of  the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S.
Security for Chinese Cash," available from Amazon.com at:

  Published in the Feb. 15, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly
  Copyright 1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com)
          Reposting permitted with this message intact


VRWC fronteer

Reply to mike1@@@winternet.com. ==================================

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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