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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Beast of the Month - February 1999
Y2K, Millennium Bug Madness

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"Be Prepared."
Boy Scouts Motto

As people celebrated the New Year last month, there was a strange feeling in
the air that made the celebration a tad bittersweet.  The feeling was of
ambivalence, confusion and, yes, fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of the
future.  Fear that, one year from now, on January 1, 2000, the celebration
will not be so joyous.

Nothing unites people better than fear.  Maybe that is why stories involving
the alleged impending crisis thanks to the year 2000 have graced the covers of
diverse alternative news sources ranging from Patriot magazine The Free
American to Progressive political primer The Los Angeles Free Press.  Last
month, militia and patriot hero Bill Cooper's Harvest Trust Organization
warned of an attempt to declare martial law over the supposed Y2Khaos that is
developing, sometime between the middle of 1999 to the first quarter of 2000.
Meanwhile, the Biotic Baking Brigade, a group of leftist subversives who use
pies as their weapon, declared their next major target to be the computer and
chip manufacturers who have created the impending crisis by their negligence.

Perhaps now would be a good time to take a step back and describe precisely
what the Y2K bug is in the first place.  The official story goes something
like this: when the first computer codes were designed, space to store the
code was a real commodity.  That being the case, instead of entering the full
year in the code for storing date information, the last two digits were used
(for example, the year 1999 was listed as "99".)  The idea was that by the
time the year 2000 rolled around, this little problem would be solved.
Unfortunately, reality hasn't turned out that way, and now there are all these
date codes hidden everywhere, and not just in computers: electronic equipment,
power grids, and defense systems are all hooked into a system with this glitch
in it, which conceivably could wreak havoc over the coming months.

There are some that question this official story.  For one, Anthony J. Hilder,
the entertaining and showboating conservative conspiracy theorist, has
insisted that the Y2K bug problems are not an "accident", but rather by
design.  The Y2K bug, he insists (and claims to have inside sources who verify
this), is an Illuminati plot to create order out of chaos, to cause such a
social frenzy that people would practically be begging for a police state to
protect them from the violent anarchy that will erupt, using the year 2000 as
a symbolically significant date to initiate the ritual.  If that is true, the
Illuminati certainly appears to be partly there, as already, the coming of the
year 2000 is perhaps the most awaited moment in history, even surpassing the
anticipation for the next Star Wars film.

The anticipation is due to one major fact: no one really knows exactly what is
going to happen on January 1, 2000.  The nightmarish chaos and shutdown of
civilization that some predict is not an implausible scenario.  It is the
unknown X factor that seems to fuel the Y2K frenzy, and it certainly isn't
helped by insincere-sounding denials by authorities (Bill Klinton has insisted
that Social Security is Y2K compliant, but knowing his fidelity to the truth,
this shouldn't be believed), nor the fact that whenever there is a major test
for a computer system, systems tend to crash.

Of course, there are others who argue that the Y2K hysteria is a Phantom
Menace, a bogeyman to keep the masses occupied in a state of paranoia that
will not deliver the doom it promises.  There may be something to this, as the
Y2K madness has been heavily promoted by those associated with the Pentagon
and other organizations that profit handsomely off of exploiting panic.

Case in point is Gary North.  Mr. North, perhaps the most well-known "expert"
on the Y2K phenomenon, has become the chief doomsayer of the coming
millennium, his warnings appearing on his website as well as the popular radio
program of Art Bell.  Often times, it isn't wise to confuse the messenger for
the message, and there are some who insist that North is still an excellent
researcher.  However, the reality is that North's "expertise" is non-existent:
on his own site, he readily admits "I'm not a programmer. My Ph.D. is in
history." So technologically speaking, he is talking way over his head. As for
his "expertise" as a historian, what kind of historian is he? It turns out
that North is a "Christian" theocrat who wants to install a state that uses
Old Testament law enforcement such as stoning people to death for a wide range
of crimes (in addition to such contemporary capital crimes as rape,
kidnapping, and murder), including apostasy (abandonment of the faith),
heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, "sodomy or homosexuality,"
incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and, in the case
of women, "unchastity before marriage" and having abortions (as well as those
who advised them to abort their children.)

With these facts considered, it is apparent that North has a major
philosophical interest in promoting a panic: further, all his hysteria-
mongering has done wonders to promote his newsletter and financial
investments.  And, naturally, his paranoid blarings have also done wonders for
Art Bell, a man who's mission appears to be to air "War of the Worlds" on a
nightly basis.  Considering this is the leading trumpet for Y2K, much of it
needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Further, as both Libertarians and Marxists would argue, there is too much
money and power invested in the current social and economic system to abandon
it, which is what the Y2K doomsday scenarios seem to envision.  Without a real
profit motive, the Y2K conspiracy theory collapses, as a conspiracy only
happens if someone benefits from it.

Maybe so.  Then again, there long have been plans in design to declare martial
law in this country and to put dissidents in concentration camps, the most
notorious example being the Oliver North wet dream Rex-84 during the Reagan
years.  These plans never disappeared, and the current form is now called
"Klinton Koncentration Kamps" in Patriot circles.  While these plans have
never been enacted, there certainly is a significant sector of the military-
intelligence establishment that would enjoy to see that happen, and these
people may just have enough power to get what they wish.

In any case, authorities are already using the Y2K panic to justify
curtailment of civil liberties.  For one, attempts have been made to restrict
individuals rights to withdraw their own money from banks (a "Know Your
Customer" concept pushed by the FDIC), a gross violation of civil liberties
that the Libertarian Party has been battling.  Which leads to another
possibility: that the Y2Khaos will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, that by
being so concerned about it and trying to avoid a social meltdown it becomes a
reality.  Just as Oedipus Rex is the tale of people's attempt to avoid their
fate only leading to it, that may be what we have in store for us.

Whatever.  In the meantime, there are certain dates of note in preparation of
the year 2000 and its effects on computers.  If these warning dates, cause
major problems, we may very well be in trouble:

March 31, 1999: President's council on Y2K expects repair completion to
critical computers in all federal agencies.  Non-compliance reports are a bad

April 1, 1999: Fiscal Year rollover for Japan, Canada, UK, and New York.

April 9, 1999: Day 99 of the year, leaving a possible four number string of
nines (see September 9th.)

May 1, 1999 National Guard in all 50 states to train with FEMA for a
communications blackout simulation exercise.

July 1, 19999 All 104 US Nuclear Power Plants report to the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) as to Y2K compliance status.  This may be the point to shut
down non-compliant power plants, which could cause a rise in energy prices.
Also, California and most other states do fiscal year rollovers.

August 22, 1999: Global Positioning System (GPS) may no longer function.  The
GPS is used to synchronize powerplant on the power grid.

September 9, 1999: Date is 9-9-99.  The number 99 often represents "end-of-
run" in computer code, or to "dump data."  This date (and April 9th) may cause
timebomb codes to go off.

And then, of course, there is January 1, 2000 itself.

So what will happen over the coming year?  Good question.  We at The
Konformist don't pretend to know: to be fair, when as respected of a physicist
as Dr. Michio Kaku warns of possible problems with nuclear power plants, our
ears perk up.  Still, one can't help think of the last major alleged sign of
an impending apocalyptic doom: Hale-Bopp, the last major comet  of the
millennium.  When it came, reports were made of an alleged "companion" object
to the comet (the "companion" turned out to be non-existent.)  Nonetheless,
soon after these reports, Art Bell (in his most Orson Welles-ian of moments)
had Major Ed "Head Games" Dames of Psi-Tech on his show, making "predictions"
using "remote viewing", warning of mass deaths caused by the alien UFO
traveling with the comet releasing deadly toxins.  Or something like that.
Needless to say, none of this happened, but there was an important event
linked to Hale-Bopp in any case: the 39 deaths of members of the Heaven's Gate
cult in Rancho Santa Fe.  Oedipus Rex lives.

So, whether Y2K is a mere hype and hysteria, a deliverer of Ragnarok, or
something in between, it will be causing a lot of psychic damage over the
coming months, which makes it a nasty behemoth to look out for as we party
like it's 1999.

In any case, we salute Y2K, and all those behind it, as Beast of the Month.
Congratulations, and keep up the great work!!!

The Konformist
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825
(310) 737-1081

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