NYC Seizes Cars in DWI Crackdown

NEW YORK (AP) -- A city crackdown on drunken drivers began with the seizure of
at least two cars.

New York is the first municipality in the nation to seize the vehicles of
motorists arrested on drunken driving charges as a way to reduce the number of
deaths on roadways.

Motorists with a blood alcohol level of 0.10 percent -- the state's legal
limit for driving -- or higher will have their vehicles seized on the spot.
While the motorist faces prosecution in criminal court, the vehicle seizure
will be part of a separate proceeding in civil court under state forfeiture

And because civil proceedings require only a preponderance of evidence for a
verdict -- rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt -- motorists acquitted
of drunken driving in criminal court may still lose their cars in civil court.

Civil libertarians have attacked the new policy as excessive and vowed to
challenge it in court. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said he is confident the plan
will hold up in court.

One car was seized Sunday and one today. Officer Theresa Farello, a police
department spokeswoman, could not immediately explain why a car was seized
Sunday evening, 1 1/2 hours before the program was to start at midnight.

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