-Caveat Lector-

[priory-of-sion] Digest Number 452

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Message: 16
   Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 16:37:32 -0800
   From: Barry Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Nightmare on Orme Street

Dear Friends,

At 04:09 PM 2/24/99 -0500, Exxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> From: "guy" <xxxxxxxx>
>> de lys, Arthur, the Grail, the Cathars etc complete with wild word
>> associations and yes, you guessed it... monatomic gold. Apparently the
>> ancient royal offspring were nourished on 'starfire' - royal menstrual
>> blood. In time, however, this 'was replaced by the eating of a white
>> monoatomic gold, to heighten consciousness'. I shall certainly be popping
>> into Watkins to peruse the index and sources for Mr Gardner's offering.
>  OK, I have to admit I've never been nourished by royal menstrual blood.
>But I just can't see the relationship between monoatomic gold and royal
>menstrual blood.  Was the blood reported to have gold in it?  Iron? Sure!
>But gold?

The ORMUS (or ORME) elements have been identified in body fluids. David
Hudson claims that ORMUS rhodium is excreted in the urine:

"Over 80% of the rhodium passes directly into the urine and out each day.
The iridium doesn't, the iridium seems to be absorbed into what they call
the meridian system, for what that's worth."

(Source: Hudson's Dallas Lecture:
http://www.triax.com/bmnfa/science/ORMUS/Presentations/Dallas1.htm )

Other sources claim that iridium is excreted in perspiration.

Some of my colleagues have tested urine for the ORMUS elements and have
determined that they are there though they have not identified the specific
elements which are in urine.

Drinking urine is a fairly common medicinal practice in some traditional
cultures. Urine is also commonly used in alchemical processes. Here is the
excerpt (from
http://www.hps-online.com/hurine2.htm) which relates to a modern theory
about the efficacy of urine therapy:

"Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the
body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by
re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way which
helps restoring a disturbed balance. The medical doctor and urine therapist
Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as
holographic feedback: "The question rises as to whether urine could
possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid-hologram. Once the body has
been made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being
reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection) the whole organism
evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at
least in specific cases)."

Since the ORMUS elements appear to be essential to life, it is reasonable
to assume that they would also be particularly abundant in fluids
associated with reproduction such as menstrual fluid and semen. Hudson
claims that the ancient Egyptians called these elements the semen of Father
in Heaven:

"Okay, now we come back to the Hebrews who exited Egypt.  All of the
Egyptians that had this knowledge were slaughtered, and no one was there to
bring them back to life.  But the Hebrews had this knowledge, and Bezaleel,
the goldsmith, was commanded by Moses to prepare the "What is it?", the
manna, or the "bread of the presence of God", which was another name, they
knew it in old kingdom Egypt.  In old kingdom Egypt they had three other
names for it, it was called "the golden tear from the eye of Horus", it was
called "that which issues from the mouth of the Creator", the spittle, or
it was called "the semen of the Father in Heaven".  And if you take the
white powder gold and you mix it with water, it forms a gelatinous white
suspension, that, as a farmer I can attest, it does look just like semen,
which we use to, for the cattle and all.  Ah, that would be a good
description of it, if I was trying to convey to someone what it looks like."

It is likely that, if menstrual blood was a source for the ORMUS elements,
it was processed in some way to concentrate them. I would guess that these
concentration processes were then used to concentrate these elements from
mineral sources.

There are several types of ORMUS gold. The most common is a white powder.
Less common is a purple/red gold. The white powder of gold is generally
considered to be a spiritual dead end. Ingesting it leaves one somewhat
lackadaisical and forgetfull. The purple/red gold seems to have a much more
beneficial effect, both physically and spiritually. The alchemists called
this product the "Red Lion".

I would guess that menstrual fluid contains a mixture of ORMUS rhodium and
iridium. These two elements are most closely related to physical healing
and regeneration. It may contain the red gold but I doubt it. It is my
personal theory that the "iron" in hemoglobin is sometimes (or always)
ORMUS rhodium.

None of the ORMUS elements can be identified using conventional
spectroscopic or chemical assay methods. The all must be converted to metal

There are numerous methods for extracting and manipulating the ORMUS
elements which do not require high technology. I am sure that the ancients
could have use these methods to work with these materials.

With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance
WEB Page: http://www.triax.com/bmnfa/index.htm
Voice: 541-523-3357
Fax:   541-523-9438

 Help Protect America's Heritage Forests at http://www.ourforests.org
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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