-Caveat Lector-

from alt.government.abuse
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.government.abuse:37693">Venus is Virtually
Littered With Artifacts?</A>
Subject: Venus is Virtually Littered With Artifacts?
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 6:58 PM
Message-id: <7b2e9e$qfh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm assuming this might be news. On the heels of Liz Edward's discovery of
the Martian south polar city, the surface of Venus seems to be virtually
littered with artifacts, many of them are landforms that feature Egyptian
designs and symbols, if the Magellan images are not fakes. I have now found a
total of seven or eight occurances of the balance, an astronomical/
astrological symbol, in the ancient Egyptian style, with less than 200 of the
Magellan images surveyed thus far.

Links to Liz Edward's page are on one of my webpages:


and I have to my own satisfaction assured myself that what she put on her page
can be found in the original NASA image.

I have two webpages of Venus image enlargements, the originals are specified,
and links are provided so you can look into this for yourself. Don't take my
word for it. You don't have to.


I could be mistaken, but finding monuments on Venus seems to be like shooting
fish in a barrel, I'm not kidding. Please have a look.

In the spirit of this newsgroup, maybe its too easy, and I'd love to know if
someone at NASA or MIT faked possibly every one of the images from Magellan,
and I'd don't know how much of the Martian imaging- and in the event that that
is what has happened, I'd love to see them hang- slowly- by their own petards
for this. I'd be appauled by the audacity, I'm sure. What's odd is that the
Magellan Image Server puts often puts out images where the constrast is set to
make them less obvious. Perhaps one way or another, they know, and I'm
obviously not sure another imaging satellite or manned mission to Venus is the
right way to the bottom of this if their integrity has already come into


Chronos Apollonios [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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