-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy.princess-diana
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy.princess-diana:22365">Next MI6 chief:
Richard Dearlove</A>
Subject: Next MI6 chief: Richard Dearlove
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (banana)
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 9:25 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When David Spedding's five-year term as MI6 chief ends in September 1999,
the man who takes over will be Richard Dearlove. Dearlove was named

Below is the AP report.

What is interesting is that AP mentions his postings to Nairobi, Kenya,
Geneva and Washington, but does not mention his postings to Prague
and...PARIS. (These are mentioned in today's Guardian).

I don't know when he was in Paris, it's possible it was a long time ago.

The Guardian also mentions that Dearlove's dispatches will be sent to the
Queen as well as the Foreign Office. This isn't a new revelation, but note
that the author of the Guardian piece was Richard Norton-Taylor, who
fancies himself as a bit of an 'openness and accountability' man.
Norton-Taylor no doubt has chums in the 'less reactionary' parts of MI6.

If there are some officers in MI6 who are thinking about a controlled
damage-limitation approach that involves junking the Windsors, as there
may well be, one guesses that the Windsors would want a 'safe pair of
hands' at the top after Spedding.




Britain Names New MI6 Spy Chief

LONDON (AP) -- Britain announced the appointment Thursday of a new spy
chief to head MI6, the once-secret intelligence agency.

Foreign Secretary Robin Cook announced the new chief would be Richard
Dearlove, who joined MI6 in 1966 during the Cold War.

Dearlove, 54, is the assistant chief and will take over in September
after the retirement of the present head of MI6, Sir David Spedding,
Cook said.

Dearlove received part of his secondary education in the United
States, at Kent School in Connecticut, before going on to Cambridge
University's Queen's College.

The Foreign Office would not give any further information about
Dearlove's years in the United States during his childhood.

Dearlove joined MI6 at 21. His overseas duties included postings in
Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva and Washington.

The government acknowledged the existence of its fabled Secret
Intelligence Service only seven years ago, though it became known to
readers through the characters of novelists such as John Le Carre and
Ian Fleming.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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