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<A HREF="http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3636bca8533a.htm">10/28/98
Downside Legacy - THE GENERAL TIMELINE </A>
Thanks, Bard.
Topic: Clinton's Rogues Gallery
10/28/98 Downside Legacy - THE GENERAL TIMELINE TO 1996

Various FR Posters
10/28/98 Various FR Posters

Revised 10/28/98

The following list is a compilation from Free Republic posters, edited
by Free Republic posters. It is dynamic, subject to continuing
authentication, editing, correction and expansion. The list seeks to
exclude emotion, judgment and rhetoric by using minimal qualifiers and
gentler words - such as "contradiction" over the more inflammatory
alternative. Please help to keep the list up-to-date, draw your own
conclusions, and use it as you wish.

Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act (IIANA)
Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
Export Administration Act (EAR)
Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act (NPPA)
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
Nonproliferation Treaty (NT)
Export-Import Bank Act (EIBA)

General - Late 1970’s
•Chinese nationals Mochtar and James Riady whose base of operations was
in Indonesia joined with Jack Stephens to take control of Worthen Bank
in Little Rock, Arkansas. It has been determined that James and Mochtar
Riady have had a long term relationship with a Chinese intelligence

•Gov. Clinton got the Arkansas Teachers retirement fund to invest in
Norinco and Cosco.
•Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Vince Foster, James Riady, Jackson
Stephens, Webb Hubbell, David Watkins, William Kennedy, Mack McLarty,
Betta Carney and William Cravens all met at Worthen bank in Arkansas.
Riady and Stephens owned Worthen Bank.
•June China announced plans for a new commercial space program -
satellites, rockets and ground stations

•September 23 China and Western Union signed agreement for
communications satellite launch.

•October 22 In retaliation for China’s alleged sales of missiles to
Iran, Reagan administration announced it will curb plans to export
certain high-tech products.

•March 9 After assurances that China is not supplying anti-ship missiles
to Iran, high tech export barriers were lifted.
•September 9 Reagan administration approved plan to export a US made
communication satellite for launch on a Chinese rocket

•James Riady, Maria Hsia and John Huang formed the Pacific Leadership
Council, and invited Senator Al Gore to the Hsi Lai temple headquarters
in Taiwan. On behalf of the Chinese government, Maria Hsia promised Al
Gore that she would persuade all her colleagues "in the future to play a
leader role in your presidential race."
•February 26 President George Bush: "We will advance technology to China
as much as we possibly can under what is known as the COCOM
[Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Security Controls
-COCOM] arrangement. There are some highly sensitive, highly sophistic
ated military technologies that I'm not even sure China is interested
in, but that we are prohibited from exporting under the law. Having said
that, we have exported some highly sophisticated technology to China,
and as President, I want to continue to do that. And that will benefit
the life of the average Chinese citizen."
•June 5 President Bush freezes all military sales to China because of
the Tiananmen Square massacre.
•December 8 Loral Corp pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the US,
conversion of government property, and filing a false statement re: USAF
contract for radar warning receivers. Loral was put on a "watch list."
•December 19 George Bush approved the launch of three communications
satellites built in America for Australia: Statement by Fitzwater: "The
satellites are civilian communications satellites, to be controlled
after launch by companies based in Australia and Hong Kong. This action
is therefore consistent with the President's expressed determination, in
imposing sanctions last June, to maintain commercial relations with

General 1990’s:
•CITIC (China government leading business conglomerate) floated bond
issues in the US. PLA established an extensive presence in the U.S.
through private companies controlled by military trading groups such as
Norinco, which has set up a family of trading companies that act as
wholesalers for goods, rifles, and chemicals made in Chinese military
factories. Roger W. Robinson, Jr., a Reagan administration National
Security Council aide and an investment banker by trade, found 36
Chinese-government bond issues in the U.S. since 1989, which have raised
$6.725 billion for Chinese government-owned banks and trading companies.
All but four of the bonds, worth $420 million, have been issued since
Bill Clinton became president.
•China’s trade surplus with the US ($105 billion since 1989) - according
to military intelligence analysts - are being used by the PLA to buy
submarines, ships, plans, and anti-ship missiles targeted on the US 7th
fleet. The Clinton administration has allowed China to stuff its war
chest through MFN status and has allowed the sale of sensitive military
technology to China. A report, "Selected Military capabilities of the
People's Republic of China," concluded that China is focused on
developing "a capability to fight short-duration, high-intensity wars in
the region" and defeating the U.S. Navy.
•Since 1989, China has increased defense spending each year by double
digits, sold its advanced nuclear weapons technology to those hostile to
the United States, and refused to renounce the use of force in resolving
the dispute with Taiwan. Furthermore, in 1996 in the midst of Taiwan's
democratic elections, the mainland launched missiles near their borders.
•Since 1995 the U.S. intelligence community has been warning that
communist China was attempting to make significant improvements in its
ability to encrypt its telecommunications. Of particular concern to the
Pentagon and CIA are PRC military communications, satellite telemetry,
and signals to and among components of the People's Liberation Army
Strategic Rocket Forces, the very units that now have at least 13 ICBMs
trained on U.S. cities.

A former Loral Space & Communications Ltd. security executive has said
that the jamming codes -- or the tests for the super-secret codes -- for
U.S. missile countermeasure systems that protect our high-flying
military jets (including Air Force One) disappeared under unexplained
circumstances in 1990. And even though those codes since have been
upgraded or replaced, the missing computer codes still could pose
serious threats if in the hands of a foreign power or terrorist

•The FBI knew that the Democrat Party was infiltrated by Chinese agents.
The FBI knew Maria Hsia and John Huang to be agents. Mainland China used
its archrival Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong, as conduits. China Resources
bought into Lippo Bank of Hong Kong and Indonesia and placed its
officers John Huang and James Riady in Arkansas. John Huang was born in
Mainland China, but had served in the Taiwanese air force. Ya Long
Economic Trading of the Chinese Hainan province sought influence and
legitimacy through the Hsi Lai temple of Taiwan, through its
representative Maria Hsia, born in Taiwan.
•April 30 The Chinese asked President Bush to waive export rules on a
project involving U.S. satellite components to China for a Chinese
domestic communications satellite, the Dong Fang Hong 3 (DFH-3). He did
not approve the request for that license. Fitzwater: "The President has
decided not to approve a request to license the export of U.S. satellite
components to China for a Chinese domestic communications satellite, the
Dong Fang Hong 3 (DFH-3). The President made this decision because
certain activities of Chinese companies raise serious proliferation
concerns. "
•June 16 President Bush refused another request by the Chinese for
missile technology and for supercomputers: Fitzwater "The President
decided that the significant risks to U.S. security interests posed by
these missile transfers require the imposition of limits on the sale of
high performance computers. In addition, the President will not waive
sanctions that prohibit the transfer of U.S. technology for satellites
launched on Chinese rockets. Finally, we are taking steps to impose
sanctions on certain firms in the P.R.C. that have contributed to
missile proliferation. "
•December 28 A Long March carrying a Chinese weather satellite
malfunctioned just as it was reaching space and stranded the satellite
in a uselessly low orbit.

•Major contributors to Clinton campaigns: Moctar Riady, Worthen Bank,
Jackson Stephens, World Wide Travel (Betta Carney) Worthen Bank loaned
the campaign several million.
•The Riadys were the largest contributor to the DNC.
•Ira Sockowitz was an "advance person" for the 92 Clinton/Gore campaign
•January 6 President Bush issued E.O. 12829 to protect classified
information disclosures to contractors, etc.
•February 21 Bush administration announced it would lift sanctions on
high tech to China in exchange for China’s agreement to abide by the
international agreement restricting sale of missiles or missile
•March 22 President Bush had signed a onetime export-control waiver for
Hughes Electronics to launch a telecommunications satellite aboard the
Long March. The live broadcast noted the crash.
•November China: M-11 missiles transferred to Pakistan. Violations:
MTCR, AECA, EAR. - sanctions imposed then waived.
•November Chinese Resources Bank, based in Hong Kong, the commercial arm
of China's ministry of foreign trade and economic co-operation is a
front for Chinese intelligence according to Defense Intelligence Agency
specialist, Nicolas Eftimiades. Days after Clinton was elected in 1992,
China Resources purchased 15% of Hong Kong Chinese Bank which is owned
by the Lippo Group (Riadys.)
•December 5 Bush administration blocked another sale of a vital
supercomputer to China and threatened further sanctions if intelligence
reports confirm China had broken its promise not to sell M11 missiles to
•December 21 After President Bush had signed waivers for five more
launches, a Long March rocket carrying another Hughes satellite was
shredded on its way into space.

•China could not target missiles to the US.
•It was illegal to export satellites to China.
•SCM Brooks Telecommunications entered into a joint venture with Galaxy
New Technology, a Chinese company controlled by the Commission of
Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND), an
agency of the Chinese military". In spite of the Chinese military
ownership, Galaxy still qualified as a "commercial" operation, according
to the Commerce Department. Therefore, no Government approval required
for export after executive changes in April, 1994.
•Presidential directive: "Should (U.S.) industry fail to fully assist
the government in meeting its requirements within a reasonable period of
time, the attorney general will recommend legislation which would compel
manufacturers to meet government requirements."
•April Motorola, Inc. bet hundreds of millions of dollars and its
corporate prestige on the assumption that the Chinese could develop a
new advanced version of the Long March rocket to launch a series of
Motorola satellites at a time when the existing models of the Long March
weren't reliable.
•May Secret encryption meeting NSA, Webster Hubbell, Navy cryptology
•May Bernard Schwartz (Loral CEO) made his first contribution to DNC,
eventually donated over $1,000,000.
•May White House national security aides urged Clinton to turn down
requests from Motorola and Martin-Marietta for licenses to launch
commercial communications satellites aboard Chinese rockets - but the
license was approved in July.
•May 2 Webb Hubbell attented a meeting at the NSA with Vince Foster and
Bernard Nussbaum concerning encryption. Hubbell met many timees with
George Tenet of the National Security Council as well
•June 3 Clinton signed an executive order giving China Most Favored
Nation status
•July China Resources increased its holdings to 50% of Hong Kong Chinese
Bank (Lippo/Riady.)
•August 2 Zhang Tong, the president of China's Great Wall Industrial
Corp., the producer of the Long March, announced that his company had
inked a huge deal with Motorola back in April. Great Wall is owned by
China's Communist government and produces the Chinese military's
intercontinental ballistic missiles, of which the Long March is just a
modified version. UPI reported that the Long March would launch some of
the satellites for the newly announced Iridium global cellular phone
network that was going to be erected by Motorola. "(T)he first launch is
scheduled for 1996 with two satellites to be hurled aboard a single
rocket carrier," said UPI. At the time, China had never launched two
satellites on a single rocket. The technology would be the same as
launching multiple nuclear warheads.
•August 9 Aviation Week announced that Motorola had signed up Great Wall
as an original partner in the consortium that would own the Iridium
network - thereby a major U.S. defense contractor became partners with
the Chinese-government company responsible for making China's
intercontinental ballistic missiles.
•August 25 After discovering that the Chinese had been selling missile
technology to Pakistan, President Clinton once again banned the export
of satellite launches to China.
•September Silicon Graphics chairman Edward McCracken (a big DNC donor)
met with Clinton. Three weeks later, Clinton announced sweeping
liberalization of computer export standards.
•September C. Michael Armstrong (Hughes) wrote Clinton explaining
sanctions against China hurt U.S. companies
•October While in Beijing, Secretary of Defense William Perry announced
that the People's Republic of China had agreed to cut back on
underground nuclear testing. Afterwards, Clinton lifted the ban on
exporting U.S.-made supercomputers to communist China.
•November 19 Chinese president Jiang Zemin and President Clinton met
informally, Clinton said: "I think anybody would be reluctant to isolate
a country as big as China."
•November Clinton loosened export policies allowing US satellites to be
launched in China while economic sanctions were in place on Beijing.
•November Clinton decided to permit the sale of a $8 million
supercomputer to China and lifted bans on components for China’s nuclear
power plants.
•November Ira Sockowitz appointed as Commerce’s special general counsel,
working under Ginger Lew a confidant of John Huang. Though he had no
international trade experience, he was put in charge of "vetting"
companies that wanted to go on international trade missions. (see
APPEARANCE OF QUID PRO QUO, Nolanda Hill affidavit)
Nov. 16, 1993
Hughes letter in which Armstrong notified senior Administration national
security officials that he had talked with China's vice premier, Qian
Quichen. The Chinese ''are committed not to proliferate missile
technology,'' if the U.S. dropped the sanctions, Armstrong wrote.

•December 5 Los Angeles Times "The FBI arrested a Chinese national in
Charlotte, N.C., who is suspected of taking part in a spy ring that
unsuccessfully sought secrets on an advanced Navy torpedo and a jet
engine , a bureau announcement said Saturday. The arrest of Yen Men Kao
by FBI and immigration agents on Friday wrapped up a 6 1/2-year
investigation, according to the announcement….The attempted espionage
targeted the Navy's MK 48 Advanced Capability Torpedo and the F 404-400
General Electric jet engine .
Dec. 8, 1993
A White House memo to then-National Security Advisor Anthony Lake.
''Armstrong is now fairly directly threatening to wage a more public
campaign against the Administration's sanctions,'' the memo said. ''He
has secured key congressional support, e.g. [former Senate Armed
Services Committee Chairman Sam] Nunn, [the] California delegation, and
suggests he may prompt a Congressional inquiry, write op-eds, and/or
spur union opposition.''

•A computerized war game at the U.S. Naval War College conceptualized a
sea battle between U.S. and PLA navies off China's shores in the year
2010. The battle hypothesized that China continued to acquire military
technology at a rapid pace - a pace that has accelerated with Clinton's
approval. The game ended with a PLA victory, according to reports in the
military newspaper Navy Times.
•Marc Reardon, Commerce, was told how to go about investigating how
sensitive technology wound up in a Chinese missile factory "Somebody
really didn’t want the truth to come out." Gary Milhollin (University of
Wisconsin) linked the transfer with a China/McDonnell Douglas
•China Resources chairman Shen Jueren met with Vice President Al Gore at
a $300,000 California fundraiser,
•According to Carl Cameron of Fox News, John Huang "pressed the White
House" to get Bernard Schwartz (largest DNC Contributor and Loral head)
on the Commerce trade mission to China
•January 7 It "was decided that although communications satellites
licensed by the State Department are covered by the sanctions law,
export licenses for communications satellites licensed by the Department
of Commerce may be approved. Two such export licenses for communications
satellites were recently approved by the Department of Commerce."
•January 31 John Huang of Lippo was granted top secret security
clearance without the usual background checks.
•January-July NSA Clipper Chip discussions (re Hubbell.) were in
process. Commerce would have the keys.
•March Commerce requested a presidential waiver, the one signed in July,
stating the MTCR "does not list satellites per se" and went on to note
that the administration determined in January 1994 that satellites
controlled by Commerce were not subjection to MTCR sanctions law.
•April GAO: "…(4) the Chinese military is seeking to acquire
asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) and SDH equipment , which may benefit
its command and control networks by the end of the next decade ; (5) the
creation of the new general license category , GLX by the Commerce
Department in April 1994, allowed the export of ATM and SDH equipment to
civil end users without a validated license having to be issued by
Commerce ; (6) determining who is a civil end user under GLX is the
responsibility of the exporting companies …"
•April The Clinton administration announced a new license policy for
telecommunications exports. High Tech sales for commercial applications
would, according to a Commerce Department document, "use a General
License, GLX which does not require prior US Government approval for
export." Thus began project "Hua Mei" and the transfer of US encryption
technology to China.
•April 2 A Long March failed killing one and injuring 20.
•Summer Chinese Military Science, General Ding: "…we must study
defense-commercial dual-purpose technology and possible transfers from
commercial technology to defense use…. In the process of our opening to
the world, we should seize every favorable opportunity to import
advanced technology from abroad...." General Ding is COSTIND chairman.
•June 2 Clinton said he would no longer consider China's human rights
record in considering MFN status.
•June 11 DNC Finance Director Richard Sullivan memo to David Mercer
about a fundraising event listing James Riady and Mochtar Riady as new
member/contributors, about James Riady it said "FOB; Former president,
Wortham [sic] Bank in Little Rock; Clinton/DNC donor thru John Huang;
Huang requested his invitation and that we send it to Huang's address"
•June 25 James Riady and John Huang met privately with Clinton after his
radio address.
•June 26 Webster Hubbell was retained by Lippo Group for $100,000 and
John Huang was given a $900,000 severance check from Lippo.
•July Anthony Lake said in a classified memo that a presidential waiver
in July 1994 for the US made Echostar satellite "will implement the U.S.
decision made in November 1993 that Commerce-controlled satellites are
not covered by the missile sanctions law and can therefore be processed
for export to China." A White House memo at the same time said it would
"complete the U.S. commitment made in November 1993 to the PRC regarding
approval of three U.S. commercial satellites to be launched from China."
•July 13 Clinton signed the waiver
•July 18 Huang began working for Commerce.
•Before August Hubbell received money from Riadys for little or no work
•August, 1994 CSPP members Tandem, Digital, Compaq, Unisys, AT&T and
Cray Super computers were all invited to travel with Ron Brown on his
now infamous trade trip to Beijing in August 1994 by President Clinton.
Tandem computers (now part of Digital - Compaq) sold over $100 million
dollars of computers to China Aerospace for the Long March rocket
mission control. China Aerospace is also accused of passing illegal
donation money from the Chinese army to Clinton's 1996 campaign.
Starting in 1994 CSPP was represented by the brother of Clinton advisor,
John Podesta. CSPP executive Ken Kay was also an employee of Podesta
•August Schwartz, went to China with Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary,
former chair of DNC) with personal approval of Clinton on a
"Presidential Business Development Mission" - items on the list were
high tech weapons and a special request to remove "technology transfer
restrictions where unnecessary" and "permit occasional Russian or
Chinese launch."
•August Schwartz met in Beijing: Bao Peide, 5th Vice Minister of the PRC
and head of CAAC (Civil Aviation of China,) Zou Jia Hua, Vice Minister
National Technology Planning, Zhu Roug-ji, Vice Premier of National
Finance, .Liu Ju-Yuan, Minister of China Aerospace Corporation (makes
both satellite orbiter version of Long March and the nuclear tippled
missile version for the PLA) - and boss of Chung’s contact who provided
contributions for the DNC and Clinton/Gore, and Shen Rong-Jun, Vice
Minister of COSTIND, boss of Wang Jun ("Chinese Arms Dealer" who met
Clinton through Trie.)
•August Ron Brown wrote a briefing document for Bernard Schwartz titled
"Background Information." The document states among other things "Last
August (1993), the U.S. imposed sanctions on China for an M-11
missile-related transfer to Pakistan. On January 7, 1994 it was decided
that although communications satellites licensed by the State Department
are covered by the sanctions law, export licenses for communications
satellites licensed by the Department of Commerce may be approved. Two
such export licenses for communications satellites were recently
approved by the Department of Commerce."
•August While on the China trade mission, Secretary Brown praised Loral.
Shortly after, Loral secured a $250 million deal, beating out Motorola
Corp., which had no one traveling with Secretary Brown.
•August 14-20 EAR export expired, President invoked the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act (E.O. 12924)
•September Export license was approved for McDonnell to sell dozens of
planes to China subject to a provision that they be sent exclusively to
a facility in Beijing where they could be monitored. U.S. did not
inspect before shipment. No such factory existed. Six of the machines
were sent to a major center for Chinese missile programs, Nanchang.
Also, McDonnell-Douglas "was getting Commerce Department approval to
supply special manufacturing equipment to China" over objections from
JCS and DIA. It was supposed to be for commercial aircraft but some went
to a Chinese plant that makes jet fighters and cruise missiles for the
•September Over the objections of State, CIA, and DOD, Secretary of
Commerce Ron Brown approved an export license for very sophisticated
"five axis tools" that are used for, among other things, the manufacture
of aircraft components. Beijing promised that these previously embargoed
tools would be used in commercial aircraft production.
•September 20 An Ickes memo urges Clinton to personally tap Schwartz,
Vernon Jordan, and Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller regarding a $3
million DNC financial need: "Mr. Schwartz is prepared to do anything he
can for the Administration."
•Sept 20 A memo from Ickes to the President to raise money for campaign
blitz, says to invite Mr. Schwartz to a breakfast to impress him with
the need to raise $3,000,000 in 2 weeks
•October Defense Secretary William Perry signed an agreement with
COSTIND chairman Lieutenant General Ding Henggao to provide for
technology transfers from the U.S. to Beijing under the "U.S.-China
Defense Conversion Commission."
•October 4 Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced that he had
cut a deal with Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen. The Chinese said
they would stop proliferating missile technology and adhere to the
dictates of the 1973 Missile Technology Control Regime, and the Clinton
administration agreed to ease controls on high-tech exports to China,
including satellites. There was no guarantee the Long March would work.
•November 1994 APEC Conference in Jakarta: Hosted by President Suharto,
included Pauline Kanchanalak, Charlie Trie, Gene and Nora Lum (all
related to Moctar Riady, Indonesian billionaire.) Per Charles Smith
Softwar: "… The number one priority for Ron Brown was the sale of U.S.
weapons such as F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighters to Indonesia. The
Commerce Department documentation states "F-16 Fighter Aircraft Program
... Sale of 11 (ex-Pakistani) aircraft completed. Indonesia may purchase
the remaining 17 Pakistani aircraft". Brown convinced the Indonesian
defense ministry to purchase U.S. built F-16 Fighting Falcons which were
originally sold to Pakistan in 1992. The Falcon sale to Pakistan was
canceled during the last days of the Bush administration because
Pakistan had openly purchased nuclear weapons technology from China. The
Chinese nuclear technology forced an embargo of U.S. arms sales to
Pakistan, including the previously ordered F-16s…Ron Brown was directly
involved in arms transfers to Asia. The documents show that big buck
foreign donors with a vested interest in buying U.S. weapons were also
involved. At APEC 1994 the international arms trade was
business-as-usual. The tasking of U.S. Commerce officials to push a
massive arms build up in Asia says volumes about the Clinton
administration. Ron Brown wasn't just secretary of Commerce -- he was
secretary of war…"
•November 30A Long March launched a Chinese-made telecommunications
satellite dubbed "East is Red." The satellite was deployed incorrectly
or damaged.
•Late Bernard Schwartz requested that the Clinton Administration set up
a meeting between himself and Shen Rong-Jun, vice minister of COSTIND.
Schwartz cut a deal with COSTIND involving "the use of
computer-generated secret codes to control satellites in space," thereby
transferring key encryption technologies to China.
•December 9 C. Michael Armstrong (Hughes) was chosen as head of
Clinton’s export counsel
•December 24 Johnnie Chung brought Chen Shizeng, president of Chinese
beer company, Haoman, to meet Clinton. After the meeting he took him to

•1994-1995 China: Dozens and possibly hundreds of missile guidance
systems and computerized machine tools transferred by China to Iran.
Violations MTCR, IIANA, AECA, EAR - no sanctions.
•Hughes CEO (head of Clinton’s export council) urged satellites not be
treated as military goods. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, with
the backing of the Pentagon, argued that there were technological
secrets embedded in commercial satellites that could jeopardize
"significant military and intelligence interests." Rules in State
Department for such export required 30 day notice to Congress.
•Ron Brown (previous chairman of DNC) was heading Commerce.
•Huang was working at Commerce with top secret clearance. Meissner
sought to have Huang’s security clearance upgraded, which would require
more extensive checking, Huang declined. Meissner said one reason he
wanted Huang to continue as a consultant after going to the DNC (end of
95) was to retain his existing security clearance
•Clinton/Gore campaign shut down DNC vetting procedures. A media blitz
(Clinton-Gore/DNC) was planned which required large funding
•In a special briefing, Intelligence warned about Chinese plans to
influence elections.
•Huang received 37 briefings on Asia from a CIA officer and attended 109
classified meetings. Huang called Lippo 70 times and called a Riady
affiliated attorney 49 times. Hoyt Zia, an ex-Motorola employee and a
close friend of Democratic fund-raiser John Huang, was in charge of
Commerce exports to China.
•While working at Commerce with a security clearance, John Huang spent
an inordinate amount of time across the street from the Commerce
Department at Stephens Inc.'s Washington office, receiving packages,
faxes and phone calls. He also made lots of phone calls and sent out
lots of faxes from a private office. He made at least 232 phone calls to
the Lippo Bank, his former employer, during the 18 months he spent with
•Clinton vetoed a defense spending bill that directed the deployment of
a missile-defense system early in the next decade. The Clinton
administration puts much faith in the '95 National Intelligence Estimate
that found that ''no country, other than the declared nuclear powers,
will develop or otherwise acquire a ballistic missile in the next 15
years that could threaten the contiguous 48 states.''
•President Clinton personally approved the sale, over the objections of
the State Department, of over a hundred million dollars of encrypted
radios and cellular phones to the People’s Armed Police of China. The
People’s Armed Police of China arrests and executes criminals and
dissidents and is known to execute prisoners to harvest body parts for
transplants. The president’s approval was sought by Richard Barth,
Motorola executive and former Clinton administrator - not to avoid
technical review but to avoid notice to Congress. Motorola is a big
contributor to incumbents and sent its CEO to have dinner with Clinton
and Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
•January Schwartz sent a letter to the President advocating the shift
from State to Commerce.
•January 26 A Hughes satellite was going to give CNN the ability to
broadcast all over Asia and Australia and in parts of Africa and Eastern
Europe - but it crashed. China launch - Long March 2E
•January 26 Launch date. The Pentagon and the Justice Department, in
1998 are investigating the transfer of a report from Hughes Space and
Communications in 1995 to China, on the failure of the Apstar 2
satellite shortly after launch on a Chinese rocket. The State department
should have licensed the report but Commerce authorized its release.
•March Article by Kenneth R. Timmerman "China Shops" TAS - chronicles
high tech transfers from Clinton Administration to China
•March Chung brought Jichun Huang, CITIC vice president to White House
•March Richard Sullivan voiced suspicions to Fowler, DNC, that Chung was
acting as a conduit for illegal contributions from the Chinese.
•April Richard Sullivan personally asked Chung for $125,000 donation
•After April Ira Sockowitz transferred from Commerce to SBA, taking with
him 2800 pages of classified documents, including satellite encryption.
CIA launched investigation.
•December 1994 to mid 1995 China: 5,000 ring magnets to be used for
nuclear enrichment programs for nuclear weapons in Pakistan. Violated
NT, EIBA, NPPA, AECA - considered sanctions but never imposed them.
•Spring The U.S. Commerce Department allowed Loral competitor, Martin
Marietta, to perform coupled load analysis on kick motors for the
Chinese Long March satellite rocket. Kick motors are designed to place
satellites into their final orbit. The Chinese kick motor had a previous
history of failure, resulting in the defective launch of a Pakistani
•May The Chinese kick motor performed perfectly and put AsiaSat II into
•May Joint letter to President Clinton from chairmen of Loral
(Schwartz,) Hughes Electronics Corp. and Lockheed Martin urged satellite
export approval be transferred from State Department to Commerce
•May 5 Former assistant secretary of Commerce, Lauri Fitz-Pegado, a
long-time friend of Brown and special adviser to the chairman of the
DNC, became vice president of the Iridium division called Global Gateway
Management. Her responsibilities at Iridium include coordinating
meetings and trips with international investors. She was joined there by
her former Commerce assistants Pilar Martinez, Charlotte Kea and Andrew
Balfour, who was a director under the executive secretary for Commerce.
•April-June China: Parts for the M-11 missile to Pakistan. Violations:
MTCR, AECA, EAR -no sanctions.
•June 6, 1995CSPP had a secret meeting in the White House on
supercomputer and encryption export policy. After this meeting, Silicon
Graphics sold 5 supercomputers to Russian Ministry of Atomics.
•June 8 The Chinese announced that they had developed two new rockets,
the Long March 3B and the Long March 3C. The rockets were designed to
carry heavier payloads and "more than two satellites," the UPI reported.
•July Huang's California friend, Commerce aide Melinda Yee, was a senior
adviser to Ron Brown.
•July China: More than 30 M-11 missiles stored in Sargodha Air Force
Base in Pakistan. Violation: MTCR, AECA, EAR -no sanctions.
•August Hubbell entered federal prison.
•August 15 E.O. 12924 Continued
•September The American Spectator article suggested that Clinton was a
political hostage to Asian financial interests (Riady and Stephens.)
•September Huang, James Riady and Joseph Giroir, former Rose Law Firm
managing partner, met with Clinton and Lindsey in the White House. All
agreed that Huang can better serve the president as a fund-raiser.
•September Huang got another briefing from Commerce Department's CIA
intelligence liaison officer; phoned Lippo Bank of California. Riady met
again with Clinton and stressed the importance of renewing China's MFN
•September Clinton met with Long Beach, Calif., officials in support of
leasing an old Navy base to Beijing-controlled China Ocean Shipping Co.
•September China: Calutron electromagnetic isotope separation system for
uranium enrichment to Iran - for a nuclear weapons program. Violation:
NT, NPPA, EIBA, AECA - no sanctions.
•September 22 In a memorandum, Secretary of State Warren Christopher
said the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies strongly opposed the
policy change (approval of satellite exports moving from State to
Commerce) because Hughes "recently" had exported two satellites with
sensitive cryptographic technology without first getting a State
Department munitions license (not to China, to another Western
Hemisphere country.)
•Fall 1995 Undersecretary of Commerce William Reinsch and Commerce legal
counsel Betty Baca exchanged a series of highly classified memos on
granting a "National Interest Waiver" for a U.S. satellite company. The
Reinsch memos were removed from the Commerce Department by former DNC
fundraiser, and close friend of John Huang, Ira Sockowitz. Those files
were found in 1996, along with over 2,000 pages of classified documents,
hidden in the personal safe of Mr. Sockowitz at the Small Business
•October Ron Brown led trade mission to China with Trie, Antonio Pan.
•October Motorola announced plans to build a $720-million semiconductor
plant in Tianjin, China.
•October 9 Secretary of State Warren Christopher ended a lengthy debate
within the Clinton administration by initialing a classified order
preserving the State Department’s sharp limits on China’s ability to
launch American made satellites aboard Chinese rockets.
•October 13 Clinton met with James Riady of the Lippo Group, who is
Mochtar's son, and John Huang, a deputy assistant secretary of Commerce
who worked for the Lippo Group before joining the Commerce Department.
Riady discussed U.S. trade policy toward China, where the Lippo Group
has a major financial stake, and John Huang asked to be transferred from
the Commerce Department to the fundraising arm of the DNC.
•October 17 Sent by Richard Sullivan, DNC Finance Director, a Letter to
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin from Fowler, DNC regarding an enclosed
request by Chung for a meeting "Mr. Chung, one of the top supporters of
the Democratic National Committee, has asked me to assist him with this
request …I would appreciate your strong consideration of this
invitation." Chung was seeking a meeting at Treasury for a delegation
headed by Huaren Sheng president of China Petrochemical Corp. who was
looking for low interest loans.
•October Chung gives $50,000 check to DNC
•October 12 Deputy Secretary Lawrence Summers met with Sheng and Chung
in Treasury’s Diplomatic Reception Room.
•October 31 Motorola announced that it had formed a joint venture with
China's Panda Electronics Group to produce personal computers in China.
•December 6 E.O. 12981 Administration of Export Controls - re: 12924 The
Executive Order allowed Commerce to license some satellite exports if
they heard no response from other reviewing agencies after 30 days and
set a rigid 90 day limit on license review. A senior nonproliferation
official in the Pentagon , said that he had not been informed of several
sensitive export - license applications . A senior State Department
official said he " could not guarantee" that "a few" applications had
not been vetted by all the agencies that should have reviewed them . "
•December 6 Executive Order: Pentagon officials, and the CIA said it was
used as justification by Loral's aerospace executives to transmit
sensitive military data to the Chinese government without obtaining a
license before making the transfer.
•December Bruce Lindsey arranged Huang, a former Commerce Department
official, to transfer to the Democratic committee as its chief
fund-raiser soliciting Asian-Americans. Huang took unpaid leave from
Commerce on the 4th; on the 19th, he gave $1,000 to the DNC and listed
(on his FEC report) his employer as "Lippo Bank- Lippo Group."
•Late 1995 The admiral commanding U.S. Naval Forces in the Persian Gulf
transmitted a classified report warning that the People's Republic of
China had delivered to Iran a considerable number of C-801/802/803
sophisticated anti-shipping missiles. He noted that these missiles posed
a significant threat to the surface combatants of the 5th Fleet.

combined with Ohmlaw98’s timeline for 1996
General 1996
•Bernard Schwartz, CEO of Loral, became the largest individual donor to
•Chung visited the White House 49 times
•Clinton/Gore repeatedly attended fund-raisers with wealthy foreign
•Loral's military business was sold to Lockheed Martin.
•Unprecedented pressure from the White House on COSCO, "We’d never had a
phone call like that in this office before" Lee Keatinge of the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation.
•Lt. General Mi Zhenyu, Vice Commander of the Academy of Military
Sciences in Beijing: "[As for the United States], for a relatively long
time it will be absolutely necessary that we quietly nurse our sense of
vengeance ... We must conceal our abilities and bide our time."
•An Air Force intelligence analysis prepared by Maj. Gen. John Cosciano
- concluded that the report given to Beijing by satellite builders,
including Loral, provided rocket guidance improvements under the guise
of questions. The questions spelled out directions on how to overcome
guidance and control failures.
•A CIA report said China concluded an agreement to sell gyroscopes,
accelerometers and test equipment to an arm of Iran's Defense Industries
Organization. The equipment is used for building and testing missile
guidance components. The CIA said the China Precision Engineering
Institute had been discussing the transfer for two years.
January, 1996
Reports of China's export of nuclear technology to Pakistan and missiles
to Iran caused considerable concern in Congress and the Pentagon

January 22, 1996
John Huang spent his last day on the Commerce payroll, turned in his
Commerce ID, keys, and passcard. Huang kept top secret security
clearance for 1 year after leaving Commerce. (John Huang had been
working at the DNC since December 5, 1995)

January 24, 1996
Lisa Caputo of Mrs. Clinton's office transmitted to Carville
questions-and-answers about Whitewater.

January 25, 1996
China's official news agency, Xinhua, announced that "China would use
its improved Long March 3 carrier rocket to send 22 satellites into
orbit under an agreement between Great Wall Industrial Corporation and

February, 1996
•In Washington, Trie represented several U.S. companies in China, where
he was close to several government officials.
•China: Dual-use chemical precursors and equipment to aid Iran's
chemical weapons program. Violation: AECA, EAR. Result: - sanctions
imposed. The one time in 21.
•Trie arranged for Wang Jun, the chairman of the board of
Polytechnologies, China's most prominent arms company, to attend a White
House coffee.
•Zhan $12,500 contribution joint account.
•The Chinese kick motor appeared on the DF 15 warheads that dropped only
20 miles off Taiwan’s two largest cities. The DF-15 was upgraded with
MARV characteristics - the technology used to avoid anti-missiles such
as the Patriot.
•The very first launch of the "improved Long March 3" proved lethal. The
corporate victim was Rupert Murdoch, who was launching a Lockheed Martin
telecommunications satellite designed to broadcast to all of Central and
South America.
•China launched M-class missiles carrying dummy warheads into target
zones 30 miles off the shore of Taiwan. Tensions run high between China
and it's Asian neighbors.
February 2, 1996
The Clinton administration granted Wang Jun's Poly Technologies import
permits to flood America with over 100,000 semi-automatic weapons and
millions of rounds of ammunition. The Clinton administration had been
delaying other arms importers because the president was opposed. The
abrupt turnaround in U.S. import policy was "highly suspicious". The
destination for Wang's 100,000 guns was Detroit firm linked to the
Chinese Armed Police. The massive gun shipment would have gone through,
but the deal was suspended in the wake of the COSCO connected smuggling
operation - which was short-circuited by federal agents just weeks after
Wang Jun's import waivers were granted. Jun, the head of a Chinese
weapons trading company, was being investigated by the Justice Departme
nt and the FBI at the same time and was eventually charged with
smuggling at least $4 million worth of 2,000 illegal AK-47 assault
weapons into the U.S. from China, destined for gang members in

February 6, 1996
•Just four days after the assault weapon waivers were issued, Ron Brown
met with Wang Jun, chairman of the state-owned China International Trust
& Investment Corp, Wang attended a White House coffee with President
Clinton and Charlie Trie, a suspected conduit for political donations to
the Democratic Party from China. President Clinton approved the launch
of four U.S. satellites on China Aerospace- owned rockets. Nolanda Hill
said that Wang and Brown discussed lowering export controls. China
International Trade and Investment Corp. (Wang Ju chair) had
multibillion dollar stakes in getting access to American satellites.
•Ernie Green's wife donated $50,000 to the DNC. Charlie Trie had worked
with Ernest Green, a longtime friend of Bill Clinton's, to get Wang a
U.S. visa. Wang conveniently forgot to mention that he was a Communist
arms dealer on the visa application. Had he disclosed that fact, Wang
Jun would never have been let in the country, let alone the White House.
•Clinton signed waivers for four new American satellite launches in
China despite evidence that China was still exporting nuclear and
missile technology to Pakistan and Iran.
February 7, 1998
Hillary Rodham Clinton's former law partner Webster Hubbell testified
before the Senate Whitewater Committee, answering questions as to what
might have happened to the First Lady's legal billing records that had
mysteriously appeared the previous month. Under intense questioning,
Hubbell acknowledged that he and Vincent Foster had examined the billing
records during the 1992 presidential campaign, but that he did not
recall the content and had no knowledge of who handled them afterwards
or how they were lost.

February 8, 1996
Newly discovered, expletive-laden White House notes shocked the Senate
Whitewater committee and fueled new debate over the role of the White
House in Whitewater. The notes, written by former White House
communications director Mark Gearan, reveal that White House aides were
so concerned about what former Arkansas securities commissioner Beverly
Bassett Schaffer might tell the Senate committee that they considered
sending people to Arkansas to check up on her."Item by item, make sure
her story is okay," Gearan wrote. "If the effort is botched, we're
done." This particular note also contained references to three non-White
House staffers whom Gearan thought could handle the job. That note
referred to the committee and suggested: "Try to poke holes in their
story." The notes included the F word.

February 9, 1996
Keshi Zhan, Charlie Trie's office manager, made an illegal $12,500
contribution to the DNC.

February 14, 1996
Five days before Yue Chu and Xiping Wang made contributions to the DNC
totaling 25,000 (for which they were reimbursed), Ng Lap Seng wired
$150,000 from an account maintained in the name of San Kin Yip Holdings
Co. Ltd. at the Bank of China, Hong Kong branch, to the Riggs National
Bank account maintained jointly by Ng Lap Seng and Charlie Trie. The
balance in that account prior to the wire transfer was $10,459.55,
significantly less than the $25,000 in reimbursed contributions. Yue Chu
also testified to another reimbursed contribution, this one for $1,000
to the "Gephardt Congress Committee" on June 15, 1996

February 14, 1996
China launch (Great Wall Industrial Corp) Long March 3B Intelsat blew
up, a crash with a $200 million Loral satellite atop. It crashed 22
seconds after liftoff at the Xichang Satellite Launching Center in
southern China, an outside review commission, headed by Loral, was
assembled to help the Chinese study the accident. It included two
scientists from Hughes. The commission's report, which was promptly
shared with the Chinese, discussed other sensitive aspects of the
rocket's guidance and control systems, which is an area of weakness in
China's missile programs. Those exchanges, officials believed, may have
gone beyond the sharing of information that the companies had been
permitted, giving the Chinese crucial assistance in improving the
guidance systems of their rockets. The technology needed to put a
commercial satellite in orbit is similar to that which guides a
long-range nuclear missile to its target. The Loral satellite crashed
almost intact. Later, after being disassembled by US technicians, chips
were discovered missing

February 15, 1996
In a State Department memo regarding the transfer of technology exports
it was noted that the "administration wanted to wrap this up".

February 16, 1996
House Republicans probing the firing of the White House travel office
staff submitted 26 more questions for Hillary Rodham Clinton to answer.
Rep. William F. Clinger Jr. (R-Pa.), chair of the House Government
Reform and Oversight Committee, delivered the questions to White House
Counsel Jack Quinn.

February 18, 1996
Ng Lap Seng brings $19,000 into US from China.

February 19, 1996
Ng Lap Seng attends President Clinton's Asian Dinner at the Hay Adams
Hotel. Charlie Trie contributed $12,500 towards the event.

February 20, 1996
Ng Lap Seng has a meeting with Susan Levine at the White House.

February 29, 1996
Daihatsu corp. (Charlie Trie) contributes $12,500 to the DNC.

March, 1996
•Ron Brown was granted a delay in scheduled testimony in civil case
(Judicial Watch.)
•Charlie Trie presented Michael H. Cardozo, executive director of the
Presidential Legal Expense Trust (a defense fund that President and Mrs.
Clinton set up to help pay their legal bills) with two manila envelopes
containing checks and money orders for more than $450,000. The fund
returned about $70,000 of this immediately, but deposited $378,300.
March 4, 1996
Thee Whitewater trial of Susan McDougal, Jim McDougal and Gov. Jim Guy
Tucker began with the questioning of 56 potential jurors

March 12, 1996
Headlines were about China’s continued tensions with its Asian
neighbors, especially Taiwan - by China’s firing M-9 ballistic missiles,
carrying dummy warheads into target zones 30 miles off the shore of

March 14, 1998
•Clinton reversed Christopher’s decision, overruling both the State
Department and the Pentagon - which wanted to keep sharp limits on
China’s ability to launch American made satellites using Chinese rockets
- and turned oversight of granting permissions for such launches to
Commerce, which was in favor of permitting them.
•Commerce email said to put a low key spin on news to "not draw
attention to the decision"
•At a meeting in Peking one month after the crash of the Loral
Sattelite, the insurance companies threatened to withhold coverage from
future launches unless China submitted its findings on the cause of the
crash to an "Independent Review Committee."
March 15, 1996
•White House W.A.V.E. records indicate a meeting between John Huang and
Vice President Gore. March 18, 1996
•Undercover Customs and BATF agents accepted delivery of guns smuggled
aboard the COSCO ship Empress Phoenix, as part of an ongoing sting
operation dubbed "Dragon Fire." Besides the smuggled guns, which they
recommended for the California street gang market, the Chinese
operatives explained that they were ready to sell everything from
grenade launchers to shoulder fired Red Parakeet surface to air
missiles, which they boasted could "take out a 747". The COSCO crates
contained 2,000 Poly Technologies AK-47's, the largest seizure of fully
operational automatic weapons in the history of U. S. law enforcement.
March 19, 1996
Independent Counsel Pearson obtained subpoenas that showed his probe had
widened to include Ron Brown's ties to possibly illicit fund-raising
activities involving the Democratic National Committee and a
DNC-affiliated group called the Asian Pacific Advisory Council.

March 20, 1996
A federal judge ruled in favor of President Bill Clinton's request that
he be allowed to give testimony in the trial of Jim and Susan McDougal,
the president's former Whitewater partners, by videotape. The
president's supporters describe the decision as a major victory for the
president, who sought to avoid appearing in person. But the judge denied
Clinton's request that questions be provided in advance.

March 21, 1996
Little Rock businessman and friend of Bill Clinton, Charles "Charlie"
Yah Lin Trie, gives Michael Cardozo of Clinton's Presidential Legal
Expense Trust two manila envelopes containing $460,000 in questionable

March 23, 1996
Lee Teng-hui was the resounding victor in the Taiwan Presidential
election and would become, in the words of a buoyant newspaper
advertisement appearing earlier in the campaign, "Our First
Made-in-Taiwan President." An ebullient Lee announced: "At the time when
our country is under threat and intimidation, we are able to complete
this election successfully because we believe deeply that this is a
historic call of mission." That was the closest he got to a direct
reference to China, although the President-elect said he would "defend
forever the road of democracy."

March 25, 1996
•David Hale was sentenced to 28 months in jail and ordered to pay back
$2,000,000. for his guilty plea on charges of defrauding the Small
Business Administration.
•Whitewater special counsel Kenneth Starr extended his investigation to
include Travelgate testimony given by former presidential aide David
Watkins. Attorney General Janet Reno had asked the court that appointed
Starr approve the move, out of concern that her separate Justice
Department inquiry could "seriously interfere with the independent
counsel's ongoing investigation." In 1993, Watkins told the General
Accounting Office that an evaluation done by a private accounting firm
evaluation inspired the firings. However, in a memo that appeared in
January, Watkins claimed that it was Mrs. Clinton who demanded that the
travel office staff be dismissed. He writes, we ... knew that there
would be hell to pay if ... we failed" to remove the travel office
employees "in conformity with the first lady's wishes."
March 27, 1996
White House W.A.V.E. records indicate John Huang's attendance at a DNC
dinner with the President.

March 29, 1996
•White House W.A.V.E. records indicate a meeting between John Huang and
Harold Ickes.
•A federal appeals court denied a request by President Bill Clinton to
reconsider its January decision allowing the president to be tried on
the Paula Jones sexual harassment complaint during his presidency.
April, 1996
•Trie was officially appointed to the President's Commission on
U.S.-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy, just two weeks after dropping
off to Mr. Cardozo the two manila envelopes containing checks and money
•Wah Lim, Chinese-born American citizen and senior vice president and
engineer at Loral Space and Communications wrote a letter to China
Aerospace Corp. in April 1996: " Equally important, I believe, is the
task of using this failure as an opportunity to insure that the Long
March launch vehicles have the best reliable record in the future. Even
if that means your engineers and Cgwic takes a little more time to
implement several phases of improvements over time; I believe it is
worth it. We, at Space Systems/Loral would like China Great Wall to be a
strong supplier of launch services and we will do everything in our
power to help you. " A few weeks later, the technical information was
provided to China Aerospace.
•CIA discovered evidence that China sold 5,000 ring magnets to Pakistan
- used to develop nuclear weapons.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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