-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.luxefaire.com/newpage1.htm">Mind Control</A>


The "Colorable" money of the Federal Reserve Banking System was made
"Colorable" with the intent of drawing the populace under one vast
umbrella of "Benefit". The "Benefit" of course is that the currency of
the United States is spendable throughout the fifty states, and in many
places throughout the world. "Colorable" money is currency without hard
assets to back it, just "Benefits", which of course are DEFINED, or
colored, by the printers, read Banks, for We the users. It has become
coldly calculated maneuverings and machinations with pennies as the
goal. Just as many pennies as you can get. And when you get all the
pennies, go for souls.

This system of currency could not exist under the strictures of the
Constitution of the United Sates, as it WAS written. The total
usurpation of that document had to take place before any "Colorable"
money could be used against Americas population. The law as it was
written here in these United States of America was once called Public
Law. After 1938 Public Law became "Public Policy", and as far as
legalese is concerned, the difference is vast. Because as it WAS
written, there are stark laws concerning contracts, and the effort to
coerce someone into an unrevealed contract is considered fraud, and a
violation of law. The whole point is that the bankers and lawyers have
gotten together so well in the last 100 years or so that by just
spending a dollar bill, a currency furnished by the Federal Reserve
Banking System, by partaking of that BENEFIT, you are, by lawwledgeable about.
Law and equity have been affectively

The fight to survive today has been created by animals who run the
currency by which the fight is accomplished...and its all done like this
just to keep The People from paying attention to the things that
actually concern them most. Which should be their livelihoods, and the
future lives of their offspring. Once the invention of television came
into the picture, especially from the forties through the sixties, where
alternative programming was nil, the lock snicked shut loudly and
clearly. All television programming of that time period was aimed at
inducing fear, which became much more possible after America absconded
with the lions share of the records from the prison camps of Nazi
Germany. Mob control and manipulation. Thats how the CIA was born too.
Everything became spun to create a particular group mind set. Through
this puppeteering we as a financially coherent group were led past
bankruptcy, into utter and inextricable insolvency. No honor in that,
nothing but spite and malice. The Federal Reserve Banking System has
become an instrument of Destruction so gargantuan and powerful that it
is a parasite whose removal will result in both its death, and the death
of its host. One must ask oneself if this is just the way humans get?
Does complete debauchery result from excess? That is a really negative
outlook, and not one I adhere to. Many many hours of soul searching and
Earth searching brought about the outlook I do adhere to, and I will try
to share it. It may seem convoluted in places, and maybe incomplete.
That appears to be a byproduct of investigation. There are not enough
hours in a LIFETIME to study even one facet of any given branch of a
science, and trying to makes heads or tails of known and archaeological
history means having an almost supernatural grasp of your Milieu. I can
tell you that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this mileu is
nothing like it seems, and that there is Much Much more to it than can
be experienced with senses developed strictly for this Earthly

Religion has always been HuMankinds bridge across the gap of the unknown
into its past, attempting to explain from whence we have come, and to
where we head. Religion is the one intellectual force that has been with
mankind since the beginning, uncannily similar across a large diversity
of culture, with some variance, granted, but all fairly well based on
explaining the unexplainable, and rejoicing in it. Religion layed down
the laws of human interaction, which really are pretty basic when it
comes right down to it, and it was not uncommon for a tribe to have well
less than the 10 laws that most modern people believe they should At
Least try to observe. Then, about 2000 years ago, there came a uniting
force, and that force was so awesomely horrible in its scope, and with
the power of an empire behind it, that its vibrations are to this day
felt with resounding amplitude. Unfortunately the adherers to this creed
have found reason to idolatrize the very instrument of torture that
epitomizes that violent and horrible event, and it can only be stated
that their Devoutness is at fault here. You see, most of the people to
have become ultimately affected by that hanging in the desert were of a
northern European grouping, a "Gentile" persuasion. To the Desert
Religion that this incident erupted from, this was just a form of
television, entertainment, and you can bet that during the spectacle
there were hawkers, and trinket sellers, because this was a meeting of
sorts, with the added benefit of some human torture thrown in to spice
things up. The idea of suffering turned those people on so much that
they made a day of it, where the prisoners were made to carry their own
torture devices a long long way, through a crowd of jeering and spitting

Anyway. Yeshva ben Miriam, Jesus Christ to us gentile dogs, was one of
the prisoners, and his crime had been the most heinous act possible in
this desert religion, of which, by the way, he was a priest. You see,
one day, after a sojourn of preaching in the desert, Yeshva ben Miriam
had returned to the city, then gone plumb off'n his nut. Pale had
brought him from the desert that bright morning, and he had walked right
into the Temple, where the money lenders congregated, and had himself a
gay old time, overturning tables, hollering his derision amongst them,
making the penny counters scramble for their change. They of course
busted him, or, rather, had the centurions bust him, but to the Roman
Governor of that time, one Pontius Pilate, this infraction was not all
that bad of a deed; maybe some whipping, a little solitary, whatever.
His attitude toward the incident bespeaks the European race that he came
from. He was ignorant: he could not really perceive of this utter desert
blasphemy committed by the man who was to become Jesus Christ. To the
northern tribes, of which his was one, and particularly the
celts/druids, money was laughable, a toy. Now Remember that these were
the very same people who would one day be converted to that desert
religion, and in a big way. I mean. The most devout people that ever
lived, they were all ripe, after some really brutal work by missionarys,
for conversion to Christianity par excellence. It is way watered down,
when compared to real Judaism, but their fervor and rites carried over.

So Pilate had said let 'im go, but the people of the rabbi Yeshva ben
Miriams religion said "CRUCIFY HIM", and that was probably at the behest
of those primitive bankers of the temple who were promising hard times
if that dirty deed was not accomplished. So it was done.

The bottom line to me in this is that the people who were ultimately
converted to Christianity, and who became destined to carry it
throughout the world, were people who had no real concept of what really
went down there, and can't see it for what it is, even to this day. Duh.
But, again, because the Northern Europeans were such a DEVOUT people,
they carried that devoutness into their new religion, alongwith their
ability for zealotry too, and they have allowed themselves to be led
down a path that leads only to a slaying table. If a man of the northern
European culture was hung like that on scrap timber above a garbage dump
for the entertainment of some shitty little mob, I assure you, there is
not one of us would say "Father forgive them, for they know not what
they do". No....I don't think so.

Public displays of discipline accomplish the lesson of
crime=punishment. But that thing in the desert was excessive. The
lessons don't get learned as easily in the desert perhaps.

What we have fallen to here in this world is a public display of
discipline, where the whip is held by the hand of the banks, and no
matter how hard you try you will be foiled, and lose. Better to accept
what you are given, and hope they don't take anymore.

Fuck That.

When America was first born it needed precious metals desperately, to
begin its own coinage. Original Currency would speak for itself as far
as Americas Independence from England was concerned. There was a man who
saw to it that America was provided with the metal to coin their own
money. The man was a banker, and an adherent to that same desert
religion just spoken of, and he knew that money to these people could
only be a good thing. People with lots of resources at their disposal
should have money, so that they can Spend Their Resources. So the loan
of silver was made, back in the late 1700's. The coinage was successful,
which means self perpetuating. The only interest the man charged America
was that a symbol be included on the coins of America from The Beginning
On. Davids Star. An Ultimate Tribute to a Desert Prophet. Ritual Magic.
And America Reneged. America Broke the Spell. After the Barber Coinage.
Look it up.

Most people of Euro stock still don't get it. They do not understand the
consent they are implying by using money. It shows. And badly. Just as
soon as all the physical resources were glutted from the American Earth
and its People, The People then became property, along with their
Liberties, and their Dreams, and their Childrens Children. America is
such a lucrative money pot that a huge prison system had to be invented,
to spend the excess moneys. This helped cloud the legal issues that much
more, so that the courts have become a travesty. This all costs soooo
much to operate that those within the closed system have access to
humongous chunks of the public product while others starve, or are
jailed for debt of one form or another.

Put Davids Star back on the coinage.

Barter a LOT more.

Honor your debts.

Stop lying there with your belly up saying "Father forgive them for they
know not what they do". They know what they do all right.

The perpetrators are as much victims of their own hatred as anyone,
perhaps more. And they pay for it, and will continue to pay for it,
believe me.

Try to find something meaningful to Pray. A Forest Religion is as
different from a desert Religion, as honor is from deceit.

Its not a bad thing to look into.

Bill Gallagher

11802 Hwy 301 N

Thonotsassa FL 33592

813 982 0427



 Be The Earth:It Is You. Light Happens.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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