Heaven's Gate UFO Cult
     Suspicious Discrepancies and a Link to Theosophy

     Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 14:10:41 -0500 (EST)
     Subject: Fwd: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 2, Number 13
     Volume 2, Number 13
     March 30, 1997
     Editor: Joseph Trainor



     Heaven's Gate, the UFO group headed by Marshall Herff Applewhite,
     had links to 19th Century occultists, including Madame Blavatsky
     and novelist Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain.

     The house at 18241 Colina Norte is just down the street from the
     San Dieguito Reservoir, a favorite spot of Mrs. Katherine A.
     Tingley, a disciple of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky. Mrs. Tingley
     moved to San Diego in 1896 and founded an ashram of the
     Theosophical Society at Point Loma. The center opened February 25,
     1897, with a ceremony attended by several prominent people in San
     Diego, including the mayor. (See the San Diego Union for February
     26, 1897)

     Like Applewhite, Mrs. Tingley believed that a major cataclysm
     would sink most of California and end Western civilization. She
     predicted that San Diego would survive to become the capital of an
     island nation called "Nueva California."

     She also had an interesting vision of alabacore tuna swimming
     through the drowned halls of the Assembly building in Sacramento.

     Another one of Madame Blavatsky's disciples had a vision in India
     in 1907 of San Diego in the year 2100 as "a gleaming white city
     and capital of the New Age world."

     Interestingly enough, in 1907, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, aka Mark
     Twain, wrote a short story entitled "Extract from Captain
     Stormfield's Trip to Heaven," in which the hero leaves Earth for
     "an extended excursion among the heavenly bodies" on the tail of a

     In the story, the hero has his passport on him, plus five dollars
     and three 25-cent pieces for the fare.

     Many of the Heaven's Gate victims had their passports on their
     persons and $5.75 in their hands. (See New York Post, March 29,
     1997, page 6)

     In a strange twist, the comet Hale-Bopp has the same initials as
     Helena Blavatsky.

     Also, the acronym for Evolutionary Level Above Human (ELAH) spells
     HALE backwards. (See the Boston Herald for March 29, 1997, page 3)


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