-Caveat Lector-

The Secret "Third Party" Running America

Martin H. Smith, Jr.

Below is a column written by Joe Sobran.  Mr.  Sobran was formerly an
editor at National Review magazine.  National Review was founded by
William Buckley and for many years it was regarded at the preeminent
journal of conservative thought in America.  But William Buckley was a
coward.  He was afraid to take on the power of the Jewish Party in
America.  So when Joe Sobran started writing articles that were critical
of Israel, Mr.  Buckley fired Joe Sobran.

Mr. Sobran's columns have been published in almost every newspaper in
America.  Mr.  Sobran is an American treasure and a scholar of the
highest caliber.  This article by Joe Sobran is a MUST READ and you must
RESEND THIS EMAIL to everyone you know.


My Obsession with Jews - by Joe Sobran

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so
"obsessed" with Jews and Israel.  The question amuses me.  It would be
one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any
other nation or country most people remember only as a name from
geography class.

I should think it's obvious that I'm *responding* to an obsession - an
obsession of contemporary culture, politics, the media, the arts.  We
have been getting 24/7 coverage of Jews, the Holocaust, and Israel for
years now.  The front pages, the evening news, the magazine covers devote
so much attention to Israel -- a country the size of New Jersey on the
other side of the world --that you could get the impression that it spans
several time zones and includes much of the world's population (plus a
few gentiles).  Many columnists write about it more often than I do:
Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, Cal Thomas, Paul Greenberg, Mona
Charen, and George Will, to name a few.  Of course they write
uncritically about Israel, so they aren't considered obsessed; Eric
Alterman of THE NATON has compiled a list of more than 60 well-known
pundits who "reflexively" support Israel, while finding only 6 who are
frequently critical.

Every American president has to spend a disproportionate amount of his
time coddling Israel and denouncing or actively fighting Israel's
enemies.  It's become part of the job description, as much as if it were
written into the Constitution -- or more so, since constitutional
obligations have become optional and *this* obligation is definitely
not.  At the same time, no president or any other politician may suggest
that the American-Israeli alliance imposes undue risks, costs, or burdens
on the United States.

Journalism still devotes so much attention to the Holocaust that, as I
once quipped, "The NEW YORK TIMES should be renamed HOLOCAUST UPDATE."
Books and movies about it continue to pour forth; bookstores have whole
sections on the Holocaust, and universities consecrate entire departments
to "Holocaust studies." Holocaust memorials spring up everywhere.  Elie
Wiesel preaches that we *should* be obsessed with the Holocaust, as he
is.  Churches, accused of silent complicity in, and even ultimate
responsibility for, the Holocaust, do their best to repent and atone.

Current Jewish sufferings are treated as specially tragic facts,
extensions of the Holocaust itself.  When Arab terrorists seized an
Italian ship, the Achille Lauro, and threw a Jewish passenger overboard,
a leading American composer, John Adams, wrote an entire opera, THE DEATH
OF KLINGHOFFER, about the incident.

"Anti-Semitism" has become the chief of sins.  It's seldom helpfully
defined, but it seems to take a thousand forms, from outright genocide to
indiscreet bons mots about Israel.  Many gentiles live in dread of being
labeled anti-Semitic, a charge against which there is no real defense or
appeal: to be accused is to be guilty.  The burden of proof, as I've
often pointed out, is on the defendant -- and a difficult burden it is,
since he hardly knows what he's being accused of.  How can you prove your
innocence of an undefined crime?  By the same token, there is no penalty
for false charges of anti-Semitism, since a meaningless charge can't be
proved false anyway.

No gentile is quite safe from the charge.  The Gospels, Catholicism, and
the papacy have been indicted; so have Chaucer, Shakespeare, Voltaire,
Edmund Burke, Dickens, Henry James, Henry Adams, Dostoyevsky, Mark Twain,
Hilaire Belloc, G.K.  Chesterton, T.S.  Eliot, Ezra Pound, Hemingway.
(So far Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson seem to have escaped the
accusation.) Then there are whole anti-Semitic nations, among them
Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Germany, France, and Spain, lately
joined by most of the Arab nations (thereby proving it is possible to be
Semitic and anti-Semitic at the same time).

Billy Graham was recently roasted for anti-Semitism when it transpired
that he'd made a few disparaging comments about Jews in the media during
what he'd thought were private conversations with President Richard Nixon
*30 years ago!* Perish the thought that there might have been a grain of
truth in what he'd said; Graham dutifully groveled, then, when Jewish
groups indignantly complained that this was not enough, he groveled
again.  A few years back, even that Hollywood icon Marlon Brando had to
do a tearfully groveling retraction of some mildly critical comments
about Jews in Hollywood.

And they wonder why I'm obsessed.

Of course I have my own special reasons.  In 1986 I had my own run-in
with fanatical Zionists, earned the dreaded label, and refused to perform
the mandatory grovel.  I won't retell the whole story here, except to say
that my own ardent support for Israel had ended in 1982 when I realized
what Israel's cruel invasion of Lebanon, led by Ariel Sharon, meant for
America and for my family.

For America it meant that the Jewish lobby, including some of my
neoconservative friends (as I thought them), had gotten this country into
a sticky situation: an alliance that was morally dubious and very
dangerous.  We were being steered into a needless war with the Arabs,
hotly desired by Israel and its supporters but contrary to our own real

As for the Sobrans, two of them -- my sons Kent and Mike -- were in their
teens.  If, as seemed likely, the military draft was restored, they might
be sent to fight the war the Zionists were seeking.  I began arguing in
my syndicated column for American disengagement from Israel.

Shortly afterward I ran into Ben Wattenberg, one of my friends (I
thought), who said he'd heard I'd "gone off the reservation on Israel."
It was the first time I'd been informed that I was on a "reservation,"
but I soon learned what he meant.

Despite various warnings and pressures -- veiled threats, really - I
wasn't about to back down or retract anything.  As far as I was
concerned, I was fighting for my boys' lives.  But if I wanted to thrive
in journalism, I was expected to put Jewish interests ahead of
everything, or at least keep quiet.

As I told Bill Buckley at the time, the Jewish- Zionist interest amounted
to an unacknowledged third party in American politics.  Though it had
been traditionally liberal, it had sprouted a "neoconservative" wing
since 1967.  In truth, the neoconservatives were hardly conservative at
all.  For most of them, Israel was everything and overrode all other
issues.  You could agree with them on nine out of ten issues, but if the
tenth was Israel the other nine didn't matter to them.  You were the

You couldn't really feel the power of the Jewish Party until you ran up
against it.  With amazing speed it had thoroughly satellized the largely
Christian conservative movement, thanks in large part to Buckley.  He
wasn't about to let me imperil his position.  He tried to tell me so, in
his indirect and avuncular way, but I couldn't take a hint.  Luckily, I
was a fairly small fry in the movement, and the Jewish Party had far
bigger antagonists to target for destruction.  I didn't get the full
treatment Buckley would have gotten if he'd said what I had said, or the
treatment Pat Buchanan did get.

Still, when the blowup came I felt deserted -- and in some cases betrayed
-- by my fellow conservatives.  Much as I wished they would rush to my
defense, I also wished that if this was too much to ask, they would at
least see the *meaning* of what was being done to me.

Put simply, I was paying the price for *defending American interests*
(and conservative principles).  If, as the neocons insisted, American and
Israeli interests were more or less identical, they should have called me
anti-American, not (or not only) anti-Semitic.  But of course they never
did; they weren't that subtle, and in some ways they were deeply
confused.  Without realizing it, they were tacitly admitting that I was
right: that American and Israeli interests were very different -- even
conflicting -- things.  Why else would Israel need a lobby in America at
all, except to promote its interests to the detriment of our own?  This
should be obvious, but most people don't get it.

Of course there is no American lobby in Israel to look out for our
interests, regardless of the impact on Israeli interests.  This is only
one of the many unnoticed asymmetries of the situation.  Double standards
can succeed in their furtive purpose only when they pass unobserved.  But
to call attention to double standards favoring Jews is "anti-Semitism."
According to Zionist rhetoric, of course, only anti-Semites apply double
standards -- though in fact Zionism's first principle is that ordinary
standards of justice don't apply to Jews.  As one Israeli rabbi has put
it, "A million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail." That sounds
like a defiantly brutal denial that "all men are created equal." The
rabbi may have meant that it would be better to murder a million Arabs
than to tolerate the slightest Jewish loss.  But he might have meant
something much less bellicose, something even pacific: that the current
tradeoff of Jewish and Arab lives is a terrible thing for the Jews, even
if far more Arabs than Jews die.  Nobody really wins a war that
diminishes both sides.

It may be said that all this amounts to a caricature of the Jews.  In
fact, I'll say it myself.  It's really a self-caricature of the Jews,
drawn by the prevalent part of the Jewish community.  It reflects neither
the older tradition of the Orthodox, which is rooted in the hard
objectivity of Mosaic law rather than modern sentimental victimology; nor
the immense variety of Jewish intellectuals, who are as the sands of the
sea but who don't usually subscribe fully to the oversimplified myths of
the Holocaust and Zionism.

The Orthodox Jew, faithful to an ancient and rigorous tradition, commands
respect.  So, in a different way, does the nonobservant intellectual Jew,
who greatly enriches the life of the mind in the modern West; he remains
unobsessed by the Holocaust and skeptical of, even embarrassed by,
Zionism.  In some cases, both the Orthodox Jew and the unaffiliated
intellectual Jew may be downright anti-Zionist.

The plague-carriers, so to speak, are the secularized, liberal,
middlebrow Jews whose vulgarity sets the tone for American politics,
public discourse, and popular culture.  Some of them, like Steven
Spielberg and Barbra Streisand, have real talent, of sorts; most of them
are good at making money and aggressive in using it for their pet
causes.  Above all, they have a low genius for propaganda -- for shaping
the popular mind and its characteristic platitudes.

This is the prevalent body of Jews, our unacknowledged third party - the
party of Zionism, Holocaust promotion, secularism, sexual license
(including "gay rights" and legal abortion), and an aggressive U.S.
foreign policy (in the interests of Israel, not the United States
itself).  The Jewish Party, only a small fraction of the U.S.
population, donates more than half the money received by the presidential
candidates of the two major parties.  It also dominates the major news
and entertainment media.  The Jewish Party's inordinate power, though
unmentionable in the major media, explains why gentiles, especially the
ambitious, dread the label of "anti-Semitism." Some of the most
perceptive, sensitive, and effective critiques of Jewish power -- that
is, of the Jewish Party -- have been made by Orthodox and intellectual
Jews.  One danger of the present situation is that the Jewish Party will
become synonymous with "the Jews."

And this is exactly what the Party wants: to be recognized as the only
authoritative Jewish voice, with all dissenting Jews marginalized.  Under
the brutal rule of Ariel Sharon, Israel's image in the West is worse than
ever before.  Today it's startling to remember the radiant aura it
enjoyed in the days when its chief international spokesman was the urbane
and eloquent Abba Eban.  Those days are gone forever.  The old image of a
humane, democratic Israel was largely myth -- a myth Sharon himself still
exploits -- but at least the Israelis made some effort to maintain its
plausibility.  Now, as Israeli soldiers shoot Arab women in labor without
official rebuke or regret, the ugliness of Zionism has become visible to
anyone with eyes to see.

Shouting "Holocaust" and "anti-Semitism" can no longer disguise the
facts.  Despite all the rhetoric, Israel is a "democracy" only in a
Pickwickian sense.  It began by expelling most of its Arab majority,
seizing its homes, and refusing it reentry.  That created a Jewish
majority, which has been maintained and increased by extending to every
Jew on earth the "right of return" to a land where few of those Jews (or
for that matter, of their ancestors) had ever lived in the first place.
Yet the fiction of Israeli democracy is still honored by the United

The Great Obsession has become a huge embarrassment for the Bush
administration.  It can't repudiate the U.S.  alliance with Israel, even
as it needs international -- especially Arab -- support for the "war on
terrorism." Of course that war itself is a result of the Obsession, which
has shaped American foreign policy for decades.

The embarrassment is also a Laocoon-like entanglement.  Polite diplomacy
flounders in the vain quest for a peaceful settlement; Rome and Carthage
are trying to destroy each other, and both sides are invited to a tea

As suicide bombings alternate with disproportionate yet unavailing
retaliations, the daily news from Israel is so painful that we all yearn
for a solution.  But it's probably too late.  It has been wisely said
that even the greatest chess player can't take over a misplayed game
after 40 moves.  This game is clearly destined to end -- or to continue
indefinitely -- in tragedy.  The only question is how many millions of
people will be engulfed in its flames.

--Joe Sobran

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