-Caveat Lector-


Backpack full of Molotov cocktails found in S.F.
Discovery near planter box at 11th and Howard streets
Peter Fimrite, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, March 22, 2003

San Francisco -- A backpack full of Molotov cocktails was found
Friday where anti-war demonstrators had earlier been dodging San
Francisco police, and authorities said they suspected a protester of
stashing the explosive devices.

About a dozen bottles filled with gasoline and equipped with
makeshift fuses were discovered at 10 a.m. by a developmentally
disabled man who was tending a planter box on the corner of 11th
and Howard streets, near an outreach center.

The weapons, which are designed to explode when the gasoline
fumes hit the lit fuse after the bottle is broken, were probably hidden
in the bushes by a demonstrator Thursday night, police said. No
one, however, was immediately arrested in connection with the find.

The man who found the explosives brought them to a friend who
works around the corner at a printing plant. The man, Carl Hester,
43, immediately realized the danger and called police.

"Peace protesting with Molotov cocktails?" Hester said angrily after
police had cordoned off the area and sent in hazardous materials
specialists. "What . . . is that?"

Lt. Larry Minasian said most of the weapons were fashioned out of
beer bottles, but one quart-size bottle may have been an olive oil
container. They were wrapped in newspaper and rags and stuffed
with a wrench in a black backpack.

Minasian said they were probably stashed when riot police swept
through to break up roving groups of protesters in the area.

"Molotov cocktails are extremely dangerous," Minasian said.
"Flammable gasoline is almost like napalm. These are created to
hurt people or cause significant damage."

Hester, who works in shipping and receiving at Biss Printing Inc. on
Natoma Street, said stashing explosives where developmentally
disabled people are likely to find them is worse than shameful.

"My friend has Down's syndrome and he doesn't talk very well, so he
brought it to me because I understand him," Hester said. "He's so
innocent. He has a smile every day. To jeopardize his life like that is

Investigators interviewed the witnesses, photographed the evidence
and processed the bottles for fingerprints before handing them over
to the Fire Department for disposal.

"This is a big find," Minasian said. "It raises the level of caution for
the demonstrations."

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