-Caveat Lector-

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The Times of London

March 22, 2003

Conscripts shoot their own officers rather than fight

>From Tom Newton Dunn with 40 Commando near al-Faw, southern Iraq

IRAQI conscripts shot their own officers in the chest yesterday to avoid
a fruitless fight over the oil terminals at al-Faw.  British soldiers
from 40 Commando’s Charlie Company found a bunker full of the dead
officers, with spent shells from an AK47 rifle around them.

Stuck between the US Seals and the Royal Marines, whom they did not want
to fight, and a regime that would kill them if they refused, it was the
conscripts’ only way out.

In total, 40 Commando had collected more than 100 prisoners of war
yesterday from the few square miles of the al-Faw peninsula that they
controlled.  Two of them were a general in the regular Iraqi Army and a
brigadier.  They came out from the command bunker where they had been
hiding after 40 Commando’s Bravo Company fired two anti-tank missiles
into it.  With them was a large sports holdall stuffed with money.  They
insisted that they had been about to pay their troops, to the disbelief
of their captors.

These were the men who had left their soldiers hungry, poorly armed and
almost destitute for weeks, judging by the state we had seen them in,
while appearing to keep the money for themselves.

It was only as dawn broke that the 900 Royal Marine commandos, who had
moved forward during the night, realised the pitiful shape of the
enemy.  The first white flag was hoisted by three soldiers in a trench
just outside the complex’s north gate, which had been surrounded by
heavy machinegunners from Command Company.

They were taken prisoner by Corporal Fergus Gask, 26, who may have
accepted the first surrender of the war.  “We started engaging their
positions with GPMGs (general purpose machineguns) when I noticed this
white flag go up,” he said.  “I didn’t know whether it was a trick or
not, but I approached the trench anyway, probably a pretty silly thing
to do if I think about it.

“But as soon as I saw their faces I knew they were genuine.  They
actually looked very relieved they didn’t have to fight any more.  And
they became very pleased to see us when they realised we weren’t going
to do them any harm.”

The dawn light appeared to have provoked an exodus.

Small groups of dishevelled Iraqis were standing up all around us with
their hands in the air, or with a dirty white T-shirt tied to a stick
waving above them.  Every time you turned around, a new trickle of
silhouettes emerged from the horizon walking slowly towards us.  One
Marine joked: “Oh no.  They’re surrendering at us from all sides.”

Each prisoner was thoroughly searched before he was accepted into
captivity in a procedure that the commandos had clearly practised many
times.  The injured were quickly treated and a handful received almost
immediate helicopter evacuation from the oil terminal to HMS Ocean,
where a temporary hospital for PoWs has been set up.

As a new day began, so did the Marines’ gradual expansion outwards into
the large expanse of waste ground that is still pockmarked with shell
craters from the Iran-Iraq War.To save them having to translate from
Arabic maps, 40 Commando named the clear paths they had established or
wanted to seize with London street names: Downing Street, Abbey Road or
Fulham Road.

Engineers, meanwhile, began the work of shutting down the many oil
pipeline valves.

This is a pooled dispatch for the British press

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