-Caveat Lector-

>From another list

-----Original Message-----

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Scientist hid nukes in Iraq 20 years ago

Oakland Township man says he later lived in fear
By Jennifer Brooks / The Detroit News

OAKLAND TOWNSHIP -- Gazi George is certain that Iraq is hiding weapons
of mass destruction, because he used to be one of the people hiding

Two decades ago, while he was employed by the Iraqi Atomic Energy
Commission, George says he hid 39 rods of enriched uranium -- enough
to build two nuclear bombs -- in a hastily converted swimming pool
near the grounds of the Osirak nuclear power plants at Tuweitha.

Israeli fighter jets destroyed the plants in 1981. But to his
knowledge, no one ever discovered or destroyed the uranium.

Instead, when an international inspector came to visit the ruined
site, George said he was ordered to contaminate the grounds with alpha
emitters, materials that mimic a uranium spill. The inspector, he
said, went away satisfied that the plant's nuclear material had been

"We faked the whole thing," said George, who fled the country soon

Today, he runs a chemical and environmental consulting company and
lives comfortably in Oakland Township. But he has not forgotten the
five years he spent in the Iraqi nuclear program and has never stopped
looking over his shoulder, for fear Iraqi agents might appear to carry
out his sentence.

The former nuclear scientist, who was in charge of health and safety
programs at the Osirak plants, recalls harrowing years with his
country's fledgling nuclear plant. Perhaps the worst experience was a
secret bunker he visited -- hidden beneath a government agriculture
building -- where he was asked to test for radiation levels. He found
radioactive residue in syringes surrounded by bloody swabs and in
cages too small for a person to stand up.

He says political prisoners were locked up in those cages, injected
with radiation and exposed to an external bombardment of cobalt 60
radiation until their mouths bled, their skin blistered and they died.

------- End of forwarded message -------

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