-Caveat Lector-

On 28 Mar 2003 at 9:13, DOC wrote:

 Unfortunately, this will not change anyone's mind.

As we all know, radlibs conveniently ignore facts
that are contrary to their agenda.


British Link Iraq to al-Qaeda

NewsMax.com Wires Friday, March 28, 2003

British intelligence officials said they now had evidence of a direct
link between the Iraqis and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network.

British intelligence officers have learned that up to a dozen al-Qaeda
volunteers were fighting alongside the pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces in As
Zubaya, a town outside Basra.

After a British raid on the Baath Party headquarters in As Zubaya
Wednesday to capture paramilitary leaders, Arabic-speaking intelligence
officers interrogated the captured defenders. They were told that
volunteers from al-Qaeda were taking part in the town's defense and
helping to organize the pro-Baghdad resistance.

Transcripts of the interrogations have been shared with U.S. military


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You will recall that head UN weapons inspector Hans Blix
nattered on that he expected Saddam Hussein would not deploy
chemical weapons out of fear of international public
disapproval.  We doubt the Iraqi regime's fear of public
disapproval. What such fear causes them to kill Basra citizens
who are simply trying to escape the war zone? What fear kept
them from executing some of our POWs and displaying their
corps on Arab TV network, Al-Jazeera? More likely, Saddam has
yet to use chemical weapons because most of his chem-warfare
commanders were taken out in the first 48 hours of the war. -
Federalist Digest

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