-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/7/2004 4:31:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Senator John Kerry has been defining himself as a Presidential candidate who would, if elected, continue the Bush foreign policy in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If you listen to what he is currently saying, you get a feeling that he wants voters (especially Jewish voters) to believe that a Kerry presidency would be even more supportive of the Sharon government, and actually less even-handed in its dealings with the Palestinians than the current administration. This is his present position despite some previous statements Kerry made fairly recently which indicate that he may have supported a more open-minded US policy toward the region.
Oh thank heavens.  I had this hideous vision of the Israeli required to take down the fence, share the water, all sorts of dastardly things.  I was so afraid that Kerry might not realize that Palestinians don't require humane treatment.  So pleased to see that it will be business as usual even if Bush can't get those machines to work the way he wants them to.  Prudy
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