-Caveat Lector-

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Meddling

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- President Hugo Chavez's government accused the
United States on Tuesday of meddling in its foreign relations and said it
will support Cuba, Iran and China in U.N. votes on human rights.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jose Vicente Rangel said that while relations
between the two countries generally are good, ``at times there have been
pressures'' by U.S. officials trying to influence Venezuela's foreign policy.

``Venezuela doesn't allow itself to be pressured by anyone,'' Rangel told

He said he was instructing Venezuela's delegates to the U.N. Human Rights
Commission in Geneva to vote in favor of Cuba, Iran and China. The group'a
annual six-week meeting started March 22.

Rangel criticized the nearly four-decade-old U.S. embargo against Cuba,
saying that the United States should not demand respect for human rights
``while there is an embargo against a small third country in violation of
international human rights.''

Chavez was barred from entering the U.S. after he led a failed coup attempt
in 1992, but the ban was lifted after his landslide victory last December.
Venezuela is one of the top foreign suppliers of oil to the United States.

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