-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/27/2004 12:25:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
So while I can't claim original authorship for the title, when my editor suggested it for this book, I could not deny that it describes perfectly what I have to say in more ways than I had anticipated. This book began as an admonition, an approach both "beware of Bush" and "Bush beware." Only ignorance or bliss, I figured at the time, could lead another president and White House to make the same kind of mistakes we made during Nixon's presidency.
Of course Nixon did not declare anyone who didn't share the faith (whatever it is) or disagreed in the slightest as unpatriotic, and if he had, the people weren't so placid and dumbed down that they would have believed him.  Look what happened to the Dixie Chicks for saying they weren't necessarily proud that Bush was from Texas.  Of course I'm very glad he is.  Now if he was from Pennsylvania, I would be holding vigils with our local Benedictines and contacting the Wiccan covens in the area asking them to cast circles or whatever else they do to protect us all.  Where are the super heroes now that we need them?  Prudy
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