-Caveat Lector-

Responsibility by definition means answerable or accountable
for. And what is a person responsible for? Everything he
thinks, says or does. Why? Because no matter what or whom
one can blame for the circumstances of his life, he is still
stuck with the consequences of everything he thinks, says or
does. People can be terribly unreliable but never irresponsible.
Thus there is no way a person can be irresponsible because
everyone is answerable or accountable for everything he thinks,
say or does, does not do or neglects to do. Until people fully
realize that they are totally responsible for their lives, we
as a society collectively will be operating under a false and
distorted assumption of what responsibility means.
 -- Sidney Madwed

   You certainly missed it ... individual responsibility coupled
   with piss-poor parenting.

Thomas, Kenneth F. wrote:
    I know CTRL readers won't go for this simplistic ballyhoo.
    Here's a good place to start looking for real answers
    about the school shootings:

Your emotive efforts aside ...

Two gunmen shoot a group of 'innocents' ...

First we blame the guns ...

  While 'guns' do not kill ... we find a gun is used for the
  purpose of self-defense nearly 7,000 times daily (Florida
  State Criminologist Gary Kleck) They’re just not newsworthy
  because, in almost all of the self-defense incidents, the
  gun wasn’t even fired.

  "More Guns, Less Crime" by John Lott contains a comprehensive
  and scientific study of the effects of gun control on crime
  rates. Lott’s research found that violent crime rates are 81
  percent higher in states without nondiscretionary laws.
  Nondiscretionary concealed carry laws require the issuance of
  a concealed weapons permit if the applicant meets the standards.
  Just looking at murder rates --- States that ban carrying
  concealed weapons have murder rates 127 percent higher than
  states with laws that allow law-abiding citizens to carry
  gun for protection.

... then we incorporate the Militia and other groups which are
painted in a bad light -- whether or not there is truly a
connection ... certainly THEY are to blame ...

  certainly emotive non sequitur with ad hominem overtones, but
  then our educated electorate is no longer and it makes great

... we can then determine this a hate crime if the victim is in
a protected group. Then we we can blame bigotry, prejudice or
the misunderstood term; racism ...

   That is all the 'rage' these days isn't it?  Not only did
   Little Jimmy kill Bobby, but because of their group it is
   suddenly more egregious a crime.

... Of course the blame MUST then be in the television, the
radio, the rock music, lyrics, the latest popular rock act ...
and now we can even place blame with the internet ...

   What we never ask is WHY the authority figure responsible
   for the 'child' permitted access to these various
   (non-contributing) media OR why no core was instilled where
   this type of material is consumed for what it is -- entertainment.

... We need more laws, especially against guns ... their lack is
    to blame.

   Note the studies above ... these children broke numerous
   EXISTING laws which did NOTHING to deter them.

... the peers are to blame

   Parents have no say in how their children are raised or with
   whom they associate?

... oh well, it takes a village, the village failed ... SHIT happens

No matter how you try project blame from reality, it is those
two predators that made the CHOICES and bear the brunt of
the responsibility.  Their parents are secondarily to blame
for their 'failures' in raising autonomous, responsible

If you have interests other than fallacy and the desire to
absolve responsibility with this feel-good nonsense ...


Few skills are so well rewarded as the ability to convince
parasites that they are victims. -- Thomas Sowell

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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