-Caveat Lector-

Robert Tatman wrote:

> This is an excellent and rather terrifying book. It appeals to both the
> science-fiction fan and the student of war, and it includes a lot of material
> on the personalities involved in the weapons game--including Thomas Alva
> Edison, "the Great Inventor," whose greatest invention was...himself, or
> rather his public image. It also does a lot to explain why Reagan bought into
> the "Strategic Defense Initiative" (High Frontier/Star Wars) scheme. *And* it
> is a damn good read into the bargain!
> Bob

I don't recall any of Edison's inventions as being anything like a super
weapon. He did work on batteries for subs during WW1 and was head of a
group of inventors that were to work for the war effort. Tesla was
certainly a more likely candidate for an inventor whose greatest
invention was himself. Every year he would meet with the press and tell
them of the great inventions he was working on. But after some
successful early work, nothing came out but hot air. Most relevant to
the above book was his (1935) defensive beam which he claimed would stop
all invaders whether by land, air or sea. Did he really have it? No one
knows. But it seems that if he had really had it he might have gotten it
into the hands of the Yugoslav government. He had relatives in the
government of Yugoslavia and so he had the connections. And, he was
revered there, so they would probably have spent the funds for
development. But when the Germans bombed Belgrade in 1941 there was no
Tesla death ray to stop them.

Howard Davis

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