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 Moscow ready to resume Syrian - Israeli negotiations
Regional, Politics, 4/21/99

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov sent a communique to Arab League
Secretary General Esmat Abdul Meguid, in which he informed the latter that
there is no choice left for ratifying peace in Middle East, unless the
Palestinian independent state is established, confirming Russia's
recognition of this state since the Palestinian National Council in Algeria
announced it in 1988, adding that there is an embassy for Palestine in

The Russian ambassador in Cairo, Vladimir Godaeiv, delivered this communique
to Abdul Meguid yesterday.

Following the meeting, Godaeiv said the communique has included the
developments in the situation in the Middle East during the approach of the
date of May 4, when the interim stage is to end and the Palestinian state is
to be established.

The Russian ambassador added that Ivanov confirmed in his communique that
delaying declaration of the Palestinian state is a possibility being
discussed currently by the Palestinians. He said Russia views it is better
that this step can be taken within the framework of Madrid formula, adding
that Russia is ready to implement any suggested ideas on the Syrian -
Israeli track to resume negotiations, confirming that Russia exerts its
utmost efforts to enhance the peace process in the Middle East.

Godaeiv also said in press statements yesterday, "We do not support the
arbitrary procedures currently taken against Kosovo's inhabitants and we see
it as necessary to stop such operations immediately."

He emphasized the importance of stopping the "brutal" military operations
made by countries of NATO against Yugoslavia, clarifying that the size of
human disaster became much wider after March 24, when the Western air
shelling started against Yugoslavia.

He said, "Continuing the air raids led to the tragedy in which people of
Kosovo currently live."

Regarding the Serbs' non-acceptance of conditions presented N.A.T.O for
stopping these attacks, the ambassador said, "All parties must agree on
these conditions -- Yugoslavia and the Western countries -- and all existing
issues must be peacefully solved, not by air raids."

He added, "The Kosovoans' legitimate rights must be respected, and people of
Kosovo must be granted the self-rule in one state which is Yugoslavia, and
refugees must return home."

 Israel build fortifications in Arnoun, aggression continues
Lebanon, Military, 4/21/99

Israeli occupation forces and the pro-Israeli Lahd militia have continued
building fortifications inside the town of Arnoun. News reports from south
Lebanon said the citizens of Arnoun are moving to the liberated area in

Moreover, Israeli forces on Tuesday morning and later Monday night bombarded
several towns adjacent to the occupied part of south Lebanon.

Lebanese security sources said the Israeli bombardment targeted al-Zahrani
river course and the outskirts of Arab Salim and the surrounding areas. In
retaliation, the Lebanese national resistance attacked Israeli positions.
Lebanese resistance sources said that one of its groups attacked the
occupation position in All al-Taher and that another resistance group
attacked the occupation position in al-Sweida. The sources said direct hits
were achieved in the two Israeli occupation positions. Further reports from
South Lebanon said the Lebanese national resistance at dawn Tuesday attacked
Israel's moves inside Beaufort castle position, which overlooks the village
of Arnoun. Lebanese resistance sources added it destroyed the western
fortifications of the occupation position in al-Sweida.

The sources added that resistance groups attacked on Monday night the
Israeli moves in the occupation position of Barachit and attacked Sujoud and
Balat positions. Direct hits were achieved.

In another development Israeli occupation forces and the Lahd militias
opened fire on a group of journalists who were covering the news of
occupying the village of Arnoun outside the barbed wires surrounding the
town. The Lebanese resistance sources said that the Lahd Militia men
insulted those journalists, withdrew the films from their cameras and warned
them and warned them of re-photographing the new Israeli positions
established in Arnoun.

Britain, France condemn Israel's reoccupation of Arnoun
Lebanon, Politics, 4/21/99

Britain has condemned Israeli forces' reoccupation of Arnoun. British
ambassador David Ross McLennan expressed his country's regret for the
Israeli occupation of Arnoun following his meeting with the Lebanese Foreign
Ministry's secretary general, Zafer al-Hassan, on Tuesday in Beirut.

Meanwhile, France has called for returning to the situation prior to April
15 in Arnoun The spokeswoman for the French Foreign Ministry said the April
Understanding committee called in its Tuesday meeting on all sides concerned
to take concrete steps to return the conditions in Arnoun to what had been
prior to April 15.

The spokeswoman expressed her country's support for the result attained by
the committee. She added that France will be always in close contact with
all sides concerned to help in finding a solution. The spokeswoman called on
all sides concerned to maintain self-control to ease the tension.

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