Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

Summary of Kosovo Stories
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

(1) Kosovo Liberation Army are the major drug-lords in Europe, trafficking in
narcotics from S.W. China, "China White", high purity heroin flooding Italy,
rest of Europe, Germany (where KLA reportedly originally from) and New York
and Chicago. Herr Clinton, no stranger himself to druglords, is protecting
KLA druglords!

(2) Oil discovered offshore in Adriatic, claimed separately and/or jointly by
Rockefeller family, British Petroleum Co., the Vatican, Italy, Croatia, and
Serbia, among others.  Rockefellers and British Pete want to delay drilling
to keep this large pool of oil, bigger than under Saudi, off the market to
keep up oil prices.

(3) Serbia reportedly has long-range missiles, left to them by their former
patrons (the Soviets) -- now get this -- capable of reaching Washington, D.C.
 Fair is fair, right?  If, without a declaration of war we can bomb Belgrade
near a hospital, surely they have the "right" to missile attack the U.S.
Capitol.  I take no delight or satisfaction as an American knowing this.  I
am not the only American appalled at our slide toward the dogs of war.

(4) Federal agents, acting like the Nazi Gestapo, are apparently grabbing and
detaining Serbs living quietly in the U.S. as resident aliens. That is, Serbs
with  "green cards".  So far, no witness is ready to testify how these people
are disappearing.  Note:  federal agencies transfer "prisoners" (legal or
otherwise) through the underground facilities at the airport at Oklahoma City
and several other locations including Denver. Are the green card Serbs being
deported?  Or sent to detention camps such as the one offshore Alaska,
confirmed to me when I was on an Anchorage radio talk show with some of the
construction workers who were high paid to build these camps offshore Alaska.
Activists with some of the Serb organizations in Chicago have confirmed to me
that something like this is happening. Of course, the monopoly press is
silent on such matters.

(5) Herr Clinton has numerous motives to divert attention with war or
war-scares.  He and the First Lady are facing federal criminal charges for
embezzling 47 million dollars from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan of Little
Rock, owned by Susan McDougal's ex-husband Jim who apparently was murdered in
prison the night before he was to testify about related matters.

(6) Clinton and the First Lady are implicated in laundering hundreds of
millions of dollars of dope funds disguised as currency and soybeans deals
through the Chicago markets:  The Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

Stay tuned.

The Chinese Secret Police in the UNITED STATES
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

This is a story about the Chinese Secret Police in the UNITED STATES.  When
the Korean War ended, 1953, the U.S. made a peace accord with North Korea.
There were no surrender terms, however, apparently with mainland China which
had intervened in that war.

The Chinese Secret Police had a score to settle with the U.S.  The Beijing
Government was disgruntled in that the U.S. Military, under Gen. Douglas
MacArthur had caused Red China to intervene in the war by the U.S. troops
going into North Korea up to the Yalu River, the North Korea/Red China
boundary line. Result: waves of Red Chinese troops attacked the U.S. troops
with huge casualties on both sides. Here is what happened, with a background.

The Chinese Secret Police have a long history, going back to 550 B.C. By the
20th Century they were called Te-Wu, and they use a clandestine dialect
almost impossible even for professionals to get into and understand. With
only one exception, there have been no defectors to the West----so the CIA
and FBI have been stymied on how to deal with them.

U.S. espionage experts left over from World War 2---then called OSS, and
supposedly out of service---quietly were used by the then-young CIA to track
Te-Wu here. By 1956, the Chinese Secret Service made a massive effort to
infiltrate the U.S.

What were the Chinese doing here? They were suspected of strange bombings and
murders---an on-going campaign to punish the U.S. for causing China to
intervene in the Korean War.  With the coming of Chairman Mao, a wave of
young, clever Chinese ran away to the U.S. from families that became wealthy
in the dope traffic in major cities like Shanghai. Even after coming to
America, they retained their financial ownership interest in the Hong Kong &
SHANGHAI Bank with offices in the U.S. such as in Chicago.  In America, they
studied at elite universities and became scientists, super-duper lab
technicians, and university professors.  They infiltrated U.S.
technology---about 350 or more with the Te-Wu.  Most are still around.  These
families, by the way, had already removed their illicit funds to U.S. Banks.

Since the Red Chinese seemed to pose no further military threat to the U.S.,
the American CIA simply did nothing but try to track them.  Also, the Chinese
were age-old enemies of Vietnam, a power play item in that war.

The CIA and FBI refused to take action.

Later in the 1980s, the dope trade was changing.  Columbian cocaine had
flooded into the southern states thanks to George Herbert Walker Bush with
close ties to China and thanks to Ollie North and the airport at Mena,
Arkansas.  Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was made a partner in the dope CIA
dope traffic.

By 1986, the First National Bank of Chicago, a Rockefeller entity, had loaned
billions of dollars to mainland China on the false promise they would pay
back in gold from their western provinces.  To help China pay, the CIA and
that Bank arranged for massive amounts of "China White", high purity heroin,
to be smuggled into the U.S. through small airports in the suburbs of Chicago
as a major intake point for the whole U.S. Supervising this reportedly was
Jim Thompson, a Bush and Rockefeller crony, who was Illinois Governor, for 14
years up to 1990. The "China White" deluge has been handled by a secretive
unit of the law firm of which he has since then been Chairman, Winston &
Strawn, Chicago-headquartered. (I produced and caused to be cablecast on the
public access channel in Chicago, in November, 1994, a one-hour Cable TV Show
about "China White" and Jim Thompson).

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration when confronted by me and a Cable TV
Program associate refused to consider our details, although we put it
directly to a top official of DEA in Chicago. The Red Chinese have one of the
largest diplomatic delegations in the U.S., many of them suspected of being
Te-Wu. The Beijing head of Te-Wu, reportedly Wang Jun, is a PRIVATE law
client of Kenneth W. Starr, the so-called Independent Counsel probing
Clinton.  Wang Jun, from time to time, meets with Clinton in the White House.
 AND, Clinton reportedly turned over to Wang Jun, U.S. financial, industrial,
and MILITARY SECRETS, which is treason against the U.S. Constitution and the
American people. Starr is also an UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red
Chinese government, an offense that Clinton could use to put Starr in prison
The North American head of the Red Chinese Secret Police lives in the Midwest
and has a direct communications link to the White House.  By the way, members
of Te-Wu, together with those of the infamous Woo family, in recent years
owned and operated the Chicago Sun-Times, one of the two major Chicago
papers. [For some background, see the book "The Soong Dynasty" by Sterling
Seagrave, Harper & Row, N.Y., 1985.]


By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

The Clinton White House has commanded the FBI and the American CIA to carry
out a series of dirty tricks against the Serbian community in the U.S.  The
largest concentration of Serbian-Americans, that is, U.S. citizens of Serb
descent, and Serbian resident aliens, that is, Serbians with green cards, are
in Chicago. Numbering some 400,000 Serbs, they are the mandated target of the
counter-intelligence operations of the two U.S. agencies jointly with other
federal agencies.

To strangle outspoken U.S. Serb criticism of the Clinton war policies, the
FBI and the CIA have revived [as if they ever stopped it] their covert
activities of the 1960s and 1970s.  During those years when the FBI was
either slow or somehow resistant to counter-attacking the Civil Rights and
Anti-Vietnam War movements, the CIA jumped into doing otherwise forbidden
DOMESTIC U.S. "black" operations.

In later years, some in CIA claimed they had no choice; that the FBI, they
say, was not sufficiently skilled in covert operations. But also later, some
FBI operatives disputed that, pointing to the bloody tricks the Bureau
successfully and secretly carried out against union organizers and other
labor movements over a period of many decades. Framing up labor activists on
false charges of bombing and violence was and is a long-time FBI specialty.

The FBI victimizing of U.S. Serbs including those with green cards has not
been sufficient to suit the Clinton White House.  Mysteriously, some such
Serbs have disappeared.  Has the FBI, jointly with the Immigrations and
Naturalization Service, INS, whisked them away--to deport them? Or, to send
them in a concealed manner, to detention camps, such as offshore Alaska?

The FBI and INS surely know how to deal with loudmouths. Based on evidence
heard in his court, a federal judge in California rightfully labeled them,
from the bench, as being "The American Gestapo". Shortly thereafter, the FBI
and INS made a strenuous effort to frame up the judge, a Latino. The Judge,
however, was lucky and beat the false criminal charges.  Other members of
targeted minorities have not been so lucky.

>From harassing and grabbing Serbs with green cards, the FBI has stepped up to
demonizing Serbian-Americans in general.  The Bureau planted details making
it seem that certain major Serb church officials, such as in the Chicago
area, and in the U.S., urged their parishioners to murder U.S. soldiers in
the U.S. as a reprisal for the U.S. murder of Serb civilians in Serbia by
missile and bomb attacks on schools, hospitals, and private apartment

Some owned and operated local TV stations of ABC, the "Mickey Mouse" network,
ran the FBI item implying it was true.  Media watchers point to the situation
wherein 1988-1989, the spy agencies, such as CIA. switched their secret
subsidy from CBS News to ABC News.  The clandestine funding over the years he
financed the news networks to have sizable staffs in world capitols not
otherwise justified by the amount of news per day sent back from such places.
 As a result, CBS closed a number of their overseas bureaus laying off highly
skilled operatives, posing as reporters, who were in the business of sucking
up intelligence data to funnel to the American CIA as well as to FBI's little
known Division Five, domestic and foreign based counter-intelligence.

For years since 1988, leading the ABC News parade of "spooks" with CIA
disinformation and CIA operatives falsely described in talk show segments as
"think tank" consultants, has been Ted Koppel and his "Nightline" Program.
Koppel, a Canadian, has a heavy intelligence agency background.

So, what is the next dirty trick by the spy-riddled monopoly press?  Stay

By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

A large number of Serbians, citizens and resident aliens, live in the Chicago
area. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS, has joined with the
FBI and CIA to do dirty tricks against them, just like the bad old days of
the Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements.  Are the FBI and INS grabbing and
detaining, or deporting some of them?  Are Serbian-Americans being required
to quickly show their proof of citizenship?  Albania and ethnic Albanians in
Kosovo have become major drug traffickers for Red China. The Clinton White
House, soft on drugs, is protecting the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, the
biggest druglords in Europe. Why?

The Geneva Convention provides for humane treatment of PRISONERS OF WAR.
With no declaration of war by either side, does this International Law apply?
Are the United Nations and NATO signatories and part of the Geneva
Convention?  If our pilots and ground troops are captured, are THEY covered
by the Geneva Convention?  Some day an international tribunal may declare the
U.S. as war criminals and required to pay damages to Serbia.  Great
grandchildren of present Americans may have to pay the bill to reconstruct
Serbia.  Is this all a scheme to wreck the U.S. Dollar in favor of the new
Europe currency, the Euro Dollar?

Kosovo has one of the most lucrative mining operations in Europe---lead,
zinc, cadmium, silver, and gold.  Is the war designed so big dealers can
steal this?  And what about the huge offshore oil deposits in the Adriatic?
The Rockefellers, the British, the Pope, and the Italians as well as Croatia
and Serbia all claim ownership.  Do the Rockefellers and their cronies,
British Petroleum Co., want to keep this off the market to support the
worldwide price of oil?

The monopoly press as war-mongers and oil pirates do not give us the details.
If they could get away with it, they would shut down or censor Internet,
currently the only free press around.  Is the following order by President
Clinton unconstitutional?

Office of the Press Secretary
For immediate release
April 13, 1999

WATERS AS A COMBAT ZONE   Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President
by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including
section 112 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986{26 U.S.C.112} I designate,
for the purposes of that section, the following locations, including the
airspace  above such locations, as an area in which Armed Forces of the
United States are and have been engaged in combat:

--The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia/Montenegro);
--the Adriatic Sea;
--the Ionian Sea north of the 39th parallel.

For the purposes of this order, I designate March 24,199, as the date of the
commencement of combatant activities in such zone.

THE WHITE HOUSE, April 13, 1999   ###


WOW!  Really? Stay tuned.

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